All I Want is You

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Legolas had a big secret. It was tearing him apart, but he did not know how to tell (Y/N) and he did not want to break her heart too. He paced for days on end trying to find his words and inform her of his news.

But someone beat him to it...

Noise was raging from the hall where many elves met their friends to chat and catch up with each other. (Y/N) could barely hear her friend who was standing right next to her. "I'm really sorry about Legolas!" she shouted.

(Y/N) thought for a moment and then screamed back, "What are you talking about?"

The noise surrounding them got unbearably louder. "The engagement!"

(Y/N) stared blankly at her friend for a moment. Did she mishear? "What engagement?" and what did it have to do with Legolas?

Her friend looked stunned, wishing she had not said anything. The noise began to die down and (Y/N) could fully hear her friend's words now. "I – I thought you knew of his engagement to the princess from the neighboring kingdom."

"I know of no such engagement; there must be a mistake. Legolas would have told me – it's not something he would keep from me."

Her friend gave a skeptical look. It was true, Legolas and (Y/N) did not keep secrets from one another, but the news was going through the grapevine suggesting it was not just gossip. "Legolas cares for you deeply, so maybe he is sparing your feelings, (Y/N). You don't know his reasoning for not telling you, but I'm sure he will any moment because I'm certain there is to be an announcement this afternoon."

(Y/N) did not know how to respond. She was upset and furious at the same time. She clenched her fists and walked off to find Legolas.

She found him sitting in the library reading a book. He looked so content that (Y/N) almost did not want to say anything to him. "Legolas."

He looked up at her, clearly joyous to see her, "(Y/N)!"

"We need to talk about something."

His smile immediately faded. He had an inkling as to what was coming. "What is it, meleth nin?" he asked shakily.

(Y/N) took a deep breath and looked to her hands in her lap which were currently being held by Legolas's firm yet soft grip. Then she looked up and directly into his crystal blue eyes that she constantly got lost in. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you're engaged to someone else?" she asked quietly.

He looked away, ashamed of his answer, "Yes."

(Y/N) instantly pulled her hands away and stood up, "How could you not tell me? Why would you keep this from me? I had to hear it from someone else when it should've been you I heard it from!" Her voice broke and her eyes filled with tears threatening to fall.

Legolas had a look of concern and deep regret in his face. He tried to pull her into him, but she moved away. "(Y/N), I was going to tell you, I really was, but I couldn't figure out how."

She began to raise her voice, "All you had to do was say you were engaged to someone else, it's not that hard!"

"Shhhh, (Y/N). We'll go somewhere more private." Legolas went to take her hand and lead her to another room, but (Y/N) pushed it away and started to walk off.

Legolas trailed after her, desperately trying to explain the situation. All he wanted to do was hold and comfort her, but she was not letting him.

She led them to her chambers where she turned abruptly to him for an explanation. Legolas closed the door gently behind him and began, "It was all my father. He said that ever since we were elflings there was a pact made between our parents that we were to eventually marry to unite the kingdoms. And that time has come. I had no say in this, you must believe me! I love you and only you. If I could have it any other way, you know I would be engaged to you."

(Y/N) finally looked at him with red, puffy eyes. She wanted to run into his arms where he could make everything okay as he always did, but this time was different.

"(Y/N)," Legolas said tenderly, "you are the light of my life, the brightest star in the night sky. I wouldn't leave you for anything." He slowly and cautiously moved towards her, fearful that she may push him away. To his surprise, (Y/N) let him pull her into a deep embrace. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Their heart beats synchronized as he held her tightly and stroked her hair. "I will find a way to get out of this arrangement, I promise," Legolas assured her.

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