Never Leave

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Unfolding the letter from her brother, Haldir of Lorien, (Y/N) sat down at her desk. Her eyes absorbed every word on the page assuming the letter was of significance since her brother wrote her monthly, but this was only a week after receiving his last letter. Haldir requested that she come home for their mother, Lady Galadriel, had ordered her to do so. The orc packs surrounding Mirkwood were rumored to be growing stronger and Galadriel wanted to make sure her daughter was safe, which meant she had to return home.

(Y/N) stared at the piece of stationary for a few moments after reading it, feeling her heart drop a little. She did not want to leave Legolas not knowing when she would return. She hated being separated from him.

A knock came at her door, startling the princess. "Come in," she said hurriedly.

Legolas appeared in the doorway looking as handsome as ever. "I was hoping you might come train wi -" he started, "What is it, meleth?" He looked deeply into her (E/C) attempting to discover what the cause of her hurt was.

(Y/N) drew her attention back to the letter that was still sitting in her hands. "I have to return to Lorien. Unfortunately, my mother does not believe I am safe here."

Legolas was good at hiding his emotions, but after knowing him since they were elflings, (Y/N) could see right past his mask to his true feelings.

"This news disappoints me too, Legolas, but I cannot disobey my mother. In any case, I will be far from danger there, which I thought you would be particularly happy about," (Y/N) tried to comfort him.

"Yes, knowing you are safe does put my heart at ease, but I also do not wish to be parted from you. I understand that Mirkwood has been facing greater numbers of spiders and orcs recently, but the guard is dealing with it as we speak. It will not be long until the forest is cleared," he paused hesitating to ask a question he was nervous to hear the answer to, "When will you return?"

Her eyes left his face for a moment becoming entranced by the flames in the fireplace. "I do not know. I hope it is soon but I cannot say for certain. I suppose it depends on how quickly rumors of Mirkwood's safety reach Lorien's borders. Only then do I fear that my mother will let me return." Her gaze fell to the floor. It was obvious how difficult it was for her to say this to Legolas.

He quickly dropped to his knees in front of her and lifted her chin, crystal blue eyes meeting (E/C). "It is your choice whether you stay or go." Hope glistened in his blue orbs for her to stay by his side.

(Y/N) had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. If she stayed, she would remain with her best friend and beloved or she would return to Lorien and not strain her relationship with her mother any further. "I must go. I'm sorry Legolas, but I promise to come back to you as soon as possible."

He nodded in understanding and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Whatever you think is best, meleth nin."

Half an hour later they met at the stables. (Y/N)'s belongings were all packed on her horse. The hardest part was left – the goodbye.

They slowly closed the distance between them, sadness filling both their eyes. They stood silently for a few minutes wrapped in each other's arms. Legolas took deep breaths inhaling her smell, his favorite, as he buried his head in her hair. (Y/N) gripped onto him tightly wishing with all her heart that she didn't have to let go.

As if against her will she tore herself away from him and gave him a passionate kiss which he returned immediately, both savoring every second as if it were their last. Their lips parted and they stood there staring into each other's eyes which they had grown so accustomed to over the years of secret sharing, confiding, and adoration.

(Y/N) unhooked her hands from behind Legolas's head, turned and took a few steps to mount the horse before stopping dead in her tracks. She swiveled back round to Legolas and jumped into his arms again, "I love you so much and I promise to come back to you soon."

He kissed her cheek and responded, "I love you too." He gradually released her form and she finally mounted her horse. "Ride hard and be safe," he said while looking up at her now firmly on the horse.

She gave him a wink and with that she was off before she had a chance to change her mind. She looked back when Legolas was almost no longer in sight. He bowed his head and reached is arm out; the elven way of saying goodbye.

Months had passed and the only thought that kept coming to (Y/N) was Legolas. She was bored; she rarely trained because her mother thought it was vile of a lady to fight, but mostly she missed her prince dearly; his kisses and cuddles, the advice, being in his presence. She missed her best friend. (Y/N) frequently stood on her balcony at nights and stared at the stars. Legolas loved the stars and she hoped he would also be looking at them awaiting her return.

"(Y/N)." Haldir inquired.

(Y/N) raised her eyebrows waiting for his request of her. "I am taking a group of elves to Rivendell. Lord Elrond wishes to speak to them about potential positions in his army. I am aware that you are not completely happy here, and I know you love travelling." He chuckled at his rambling and inability to ask such a simple question. "Would you like to join us?"

(Y/N) jumped at the invitation, clasping her hands together, "Of course! Oh thank you, Haldir! I don't know what I would've done if I didn't leave here soon. At least now I will get the opportunity to see Arwen and Aragorn."

Haldir smiled in response to his sister's sudden break from her recent despondent mood. "Good, we leave at dawn."

(Y/N) immediately turned and packed her things. She was ready at dawn and they set out as planned.

When they arrived in Rivendell they were greeted by Lord Elrond and were then allowed to wander the grounds as they pleased. (Y/N) headed straight for Arwen's chambers but she wasn't there. Then she tried the library; not there either. Then she spotted the only human in Rivendell, "Aragorn!" (Y/N) beckoned cheerfully.

Aragorn turned and smiled ear-to-ear. "(Y/N)! What a surprise. We weren't expecting you."

"We?" (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion.

Like out of nowhere an all-too-familiar blonde elf steps out from behind Aragorn. (Y/N) gasped, "Legolas!" She threw herself into his arms and a giant smile spread across his face.

"I missed you far too much, "(Y/N). Please do not leave me again," Legolas pleaded.


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