Best Friends Forever Part 2

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It was her first morning in Mirkwood since her absence and (Y/N) awoke to the summer sun streaming in through the balcony. The room she was staying in was just as beautiful as the one she had remembered staying in as a child. After taking in her surroundings, her thoughts immediately went to Legolas and what he was currently doing. He was probably busy with his duties, but (Y/N) decided to be hopeful anyway and see if he would be at breakfast.

(Y/N) got dressed as quickly as possible into her green tunic and mahogany leggings thinking if Legolas were to eat breakfast he would be there now or almost be finished.

To her dismay, Legolas was not present at breakfast. Despite him not being there, she still thoroughly enjoyed her meal, chatting with other elves and hearing their stories, some of which included the dashing prince. Whenever (Y/N) would hear his name mentioned, a subtle smile played on her face.

Soon after leaving the dining room (Y/N) found herself wandering the massive halls admiring the paintings hanging on the walls. She stumbled upon some of the royal family; individual portraits of them all, including the queen. A sudden sadness fell upon (Y/N) as she recalled that Legolas does not remember his mother and wished that he did.

Scanning her eyes along the row of portraits, she found one of a young blonde with familiar, piercing blue eyes. Legolas. It was an inconsequential painting next to the much larger one of him which illustrated his current appearance and age. It was a perfect portrayal of him as if (Y/N) could reach out and touch the painting and it would come to life. She was almost tempted to try if it weren't for the tap she felt on her left shoulder. (Y/N) snapped back to reality and glanced in the direction of the tap, but no one was there. Then she checked her right and there was her prince.

"See anything you like?" Legolas asked with a smirk on his face. He proudly stood next to (Y/N) with his hands held behind his back pretending to study the painting of himself.

A knowing laugh escaped (Y/N)'s lips as the blood rushed to her cheeks, "In fact, I was admiring your family portraits. The painter did very good work."

"Yes, I think he was quite accurate with my sharp features, strong jawline and lean body. Do you agree?" Legolas inquired.

(Y/N) could not dare to even sneak a peek at Legolas for he would see right through to her heart. After thinking of a reply for what seemed like several minutes to her, (Y/N) managed, "It is certainly a portrait fit for a prince."

Legolas's eyes smiled and his grin widened at her attempt to escape what he wanted her to say. "Come, I have something to show you." He strode off with (Y/N) following at his heels. His strides were much longer than hers and it took (Y/N) a great deal of effort to keep up with him. They walked through most of the palace and out the front gates into the forest. They made it to an empty clearing surrounded by targets and old dummies slightly resembling soldiers.

"There's no one here," (Y/N) remarked.

"That's the point. We can train 'til our heats' content." Legolas said while walking toward a target. He stopped about thirty feet away, loaded his bow and shot his arrow hitting the center perfectly.

"Your archery skills have improved since I last saw them, mellon." (Y/N) teased.

"I should hope so or it would be appalling that I lead hunts regularly." Legolas retorted with a small chuckle. "Your turn." Legolas was eager to see (Y/N)'s skill in person since word had reached Mirkwood that she was very talented with weapons.

(Y/N) stepped forward directly in line with the target and loaded her bow. In the small second between loading and firing the arrow, Legolas managed to lightly nudge the bottom of her bow ever so slightly. The arrow just missed the center of the target. (Y/N) dropped her arms to her sides and stared for a moment in disbelief. She relaxed her furrowed brows and turned to the ellon next to her, "Afraid I might show the famed Mirkwood archer up?"

Legolas laughed quietly, "Shoot again and I promise not to interfere." He took a step back with his hands up in a surrender.

(Y/N) nodded her head in gratitude and this time her arrow hit its mark splicing through Legolas's arrow that was already halfway through the bull's eye.

Legolas's eyes widened in amazement but he could not admit that he was completely surprised. (Y/N) had always been a headstrong elleth since they were children, determined to do her best at everything she tried. He knew she was different from the other elleths and that training and fighting were her passion. Luckily, they were his too.

Rustling could be heard in the distance. Both elves stopped what they were doing and turned toward the noise to focus on it. It was a blunt sound rushing along the leafy forested floor, a sound the wood elves knew all too well. Legolas turned to (Y/N) with a look of concern plastered on his face.

She raised her left eyebrow and the right side of her lips turned up into a smile, "The one who kills the most spiders gets crowned the best archer."

"You're on!" Legolas cheered.

As soon as the first spider came charging into the clearing, Legolas had his arrow in it. "One! You better keep up!" he taunted.

"Don't you worry about me. I'd be more concerned about how you're fairing, prince." (Y/N) retorted as she stuck the head of a spider with her dagger killing it instantly.

The competition continued for several minutes while the spider pack attempted to defeat their opponents. Killing spiders for competition was fun, but (Y/N) wanted to spice it up a bit. She climbed up a tree, jumping from branch to branch to reach the spiders in the trees. Legolas was mesmerized by her agility and swift movements, leaving him a little distracted from winning. After finishing those off, (Y/N) leapt down onto one fighting Legolas on the ground, slashing its neck in the process.

"Hey, that one was mine!" Legolas yelled.

"You snooze, you lose," (Y/N) remarked and jumped off the spider, pulling her bow out and killing a spider in the distance.

Legolas rolled his eyes and turned to a spider charging towards him. Wanting to join in on the fun, he pushed himself up against a tree, flipping over the spider and turning to kill it without it knowing what just happened. Then he saw another one behind him not paying attention. He ran, flipped, and sliced the spider's back to its head but landed on something he did not expect to be there.

When Legolas was back on his feet he turned to examine what he landed on. He gasped, "Feren, I am so sorry!" After he helped Feren get up, Legolas could hear laughter from behind and knew exactly who it was coming from. He felt heat rise to his face in embarrassment.

"That was a beautiful landing, your grace," (Y/N) teased with tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. She held her sides to exaggerate how funny she thought the situation was.

Legolas returned his attention to Feren to apologize again when Feren started first, "I am not hurt, my lord, just in shock." Feren, the trusty righthand of the king, assured. Once he was composed, he added, "I have come to gather you and the princess for the ball tonight." After a brief pause, Feren's eyes doubled in size when he saw the clutter of spider bodies on the ground.

After collecting herself, (Y/N) said sarcastically, "No worries, Legolas and I took care of the very threatening spiders. If we hadn't been so brave who knows who could've gotten hurt. It could've been you, Feren!"

Feren jumped back.

Legolas shook his head, "Lead the way, we'll follow behind you."

After a few moments of silence, (Y/N) stated, "I reckon I won,"

"Oh is that so? You don't even know my kill count," Legolas said.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's an honorable number," (Y/N) teased.

Legolas scoffed, "If you're so set on you winning, what's your number?"


Legolas's jaw dropped, "What?! I only got seven!"

"Well it's clear who the better archer is. Maybe next time, mellon," (Y/N) winked and walked ahead of Legolas, leaving him to gawk. She turned back to him, "If you don't hurry up, I'll beat you to the palace too."

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