Best Friends Forever Part 4

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Request: Best Friends Forever Part 4 @KashMachine

The day had finally arrived for the yearly gathering that the Mirkwood palace hosted. King Thranduil relished in delighting his guests and showing off his kingdom to the onlookers. Every year he focused on every little detail to make sure everything was perfect. This meant he neglected his son... more than usual.... to attend to the party planning. Everything had to be in place to make the king happy, otherwise someone would get the brunt of his fury.

Luckily for Legolas, he had a friend with him this year, and he knew she would stay by his side the entire night. He was especially happy about this due to not knowing anyone else, but he was also aware of how close their friendship was growing. At the previous gatherings, Legolas would steer clear of everyone by either hiding in the shadows or by seeking refuge in his chambers while everyone gushed over the party and the kingdom. He could not stand the fake smiles and laughs while pretending to agree with every decision his father has made about the kingdom.

Once the festivities had begun, Legolas led (Y/N) to an emptier spot in the great hall where they would actually be able to hear one another. They began with small talk as (Y/N) got her bearings with her surroundings and how the night would turn out. Legolas tried his best to make her comfortable, knowing she hated similar events. He did subtle things like have her face away from everyone not to be overwhelmed by all the elves or stay by the edges of the hall to maintain a conversation without being interrupted.

"My prince, you look well this evening!" a lord yelled as he approached the pair, interrupting their content conversation.

"It's a pleasure to see you again. How is your family?" Legolas asked, trying to be as deceiving as possible and hide his disinterest.

"They are all well thanks to your father's new protection policies. I am delighted to hear he has implemented them and so quickly!" the lord bragged.

Legolas was not fooled; he was in those meetings and knew that it was this lord who suggested these ridiculous policies. Legolas gave a fake smile, wanting to continue his attention on (Y/N). "Yes, it is good to see he is keeping the kingdom safe."

"Very true!" the lord paused and turned his gaze to (Y/N). He smirked at her, taking her full form in. Legolas could feel a twinge of jealousy rise in his body. "And who is this pretty young elleth you have with you this evening?"

"This is (Y/N). She is-"

He was interrupted by the lord, "Ah! Lady Galadriel's daughter! My, my, the rumors of your beauty are very true. I dare say, seeing you in person is an honor." He bowed with an unfaltering smile. "Please give Lady Galadriel my best wishes," he mused as he sauntered off to go tell others of who he just met.

Legolas turned back to (Y/N) and sighed, "I'm sorry about that. This is how most interactions will occur tonight."

"Don't worry. I thought he was charming. He clearly believes in the king and wants the best for the kingdom." (Y/N) responded.

Legolas smiled at her ability to see the good in everyone. He raised an eyebrow and remarked, "I suppose you're right, but I still don't like him."

(Y/N) giggled, "I don't like him either. He seemed genuine, but you could still see right through him."

Their conversation continued in a similar manner over the next half hour while they sipped their wine. They discussed the types of high-ranking elves there are and what kind of antics they have, how they are blatantly obvious at times, and desperately desired the attention of their ruler. Both elves were very pleased to finally have someone to share these opinions with. It could be a lonely world holding such opinions with no one agreeing or even listening to them.

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