Not All Mistakes Can Be Forgiven

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Request: Legolas leaves (Y/N) for Tauriel when they are dating and Tauriel friendzones him, but (Y/N) won't take him back. (Y/N) is expecting their kid when Legolas leaves.

It was one of the most beautiful and peaceful mornings (Y/N) had ever seen. The leaves were turning yellow and orange, glistening in the morning sun. The birds were chirping, singing an autumn song for the wood elves to wake up with. The sunlight shone in through the balcony in (Y/N)'s room illuminating the majority of it. Everything seemed perfect except for the fact that (Y/N) was puking her guts out.

She sat up against the wall and wiped her mouth. "Well we know what this means," she said with a growing smile. (Y/N) placed her hand on her stomach and bit her lip, still smiling. Even though she and Legolas were not married let alone engaged, she knew they could raise a baby together. The thought of their future life together made (Y/N) giggle with excitement.

(Y/N)'s euphoria ended when she heard a letter get slipped under her door. When she hovered over it, she could see her name written on it in very familiar handwriting. A smirk formed on her face as she opened the letter from Legolas. The note read:

Meet me by the waterfall at dawn.

The only other time (Y/N) had received a letter like that was when Legolas asked her out. (Y/N)'s thoughts suggested another momentous moment could occur there. The next step in their relationship would be a proposal, and it seemed like the best time. They had not had any fights recently and they were always so happy to see each other.

All day (Y/N) could not stop thinking about the letter and how Legolas would propose. It was going to be the most romantic moment of her life, and on top of that Legolas will be even more elated when he finds out that (Y/N) is expecting.

Dawn was finally approaching and (Y/N) changed into a fancier dress. She made her way through the palace and out into the woods towards the waterfall.

The waterfall was most spectacular at this time of year, making it a great spot for a proposal. (Y/N) stopped in front of the running water, breathing deeply and taking it all in. The peacefulness was interrupted by the crunching of leaves behind her. She spun round to see Legolas approaching her.

His expression was more relaxed than usual with his lips turned up ever so slightly and his eyes resisting their usual shine.

Butterflies filled (Y/N)'s stomach as it twisted, unsure of whether she was anxious about a proposal or for what he was really going to say. (Y/N)'s smile faded as she braced herself for his confession.

Legolas cleared his throat and began slowly, "(Y/N)... I have greatly enjoyed our last few months together, having some of them possibly be my happiest." He continued like that for a few minutes until (Y/N) could not bear it any longer.

"Get to the point, Legolas. I am not a child, I can take it," (Y/N) said harshly.

He sighed and looked away. If it was in shame or embarrassment, (Y/N) could not tell. Whichever it was, it made him seem cowardly. "These last few months have been great, but I don't see this relationship going much further."

(Y/N) could feel a stabbing in her chest followed by her heart being ripped out. She could not fathom why he was saying this. She thought their relationship was blossoming from both sides. Had she been blind to his feelings? She swallowed hard as tears formed in her eyes, blurring her vision.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but you deserve to know. I didn't want to deceive you any further." He stated ruefully.

(Y/N) searched for the right words, but found none. The lump in her throat was too great and her heart too torn.

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