Choose Me Part 2

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Why does it have to be today already? (Y/N) thought. She wiped her groggy eyes and sat up in bed. Would Legolas even notice if she was not there for training this morning? She considered it, but then decided it was best just to go. If she did not show, he might think something was wrong with her and she could not risk the embarrassment of having her feelings revealed to him at this point.

As she was making her way to the training field, (Y/N) thought, Don't mention last night and maybe he won't bring it up.

"(Y/N)!" Legolas beamed, "Today is beautiful, is it not? The birds are singing and the flowers are blooming."

(Y/N) almost puked. He was overkill already. "You are in a chipper mood this morning." She turned to gather some weapons while Legolas continued on. She feared her emotion on the subject would show.

"There is no reason not to be. I had a wonderful time last night watching the sunset with Tauriel. Are you two well acquainted?" Legolas inquired.

"No, not particularly. She does not float in my circles," (Y/N) was trying to discretely point attention to the fact that Tauriel is not of either of their ranks. Attempting to change the subject, (Y/N) suggested, "You owe me a duel from yesterday, prince."

Legolas, clearly wishing to continue speaking about Tauriel, gave in and agreed to a duel. But, he could not restrain himself for long. "Maybe we should invite her to train with us. She is very skilled and as captain of the guard she should be trained by the best. I am willing to put the time in to help her."

(Y/N) increased the aggressiveness of the slashes of her daggers in rebuttal. But this is our time, she thought. "If you so wish it, but three will be an odd number for dueling."

"We'll make it work. Besides, then you won't have to fight me all the time. You'll get more experience fighting another elf who has different technique and mannerisms." Legolas explained.

"Ha!" (Y/N) had Legolas pinned on the ground with her knife at his throat and knee pressed against his chest.

"Nicely done, mellon." Legolas praised. Usually it was Legolas that won but considering his mind was otherwise engaged, even a hobbit could have easily taken him down. He sat up and looked around at the nature surrounding them. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them he looked towards the palace, and a childlike expression as if he had just received a gift covered his face. "Perfect," Legolas whispered, "I'll be right back."

(Y/N) watched him walk away, leaving his daggers on the ground. She rolled her eyes when she realized where he was walking to. As soon as Legolas reached Tauriel, they began to talk, but it was a curious sort of interaction in which he seemed sheepish and she hid her face barely glancing at him. Legolas's ear-to-ear smile soon faded halfway through the conversation when Tauriel shook her head. (Y/N) squinted her eyes to try and see why his expression went through such a sudden change, but to no avail. To (Y/N)'s surprise, after listening in on the conversation yesterday, Tauriel seemed determined to end the conversation.

When the conversation ended Tauriel was the first to leave with Legolas staring after her. With hunched shoulders and his feet dragging along the ground, he made his way back to where (Y/N) was standing next to his daggers. "She declined the offer to train with us," he stated without looking at (Y/N), his eyes not losing their spot on the ground.

Karma,(Y/N) thought, but she truly did not wish that kind of pain upon him. (Y/N) sighed and reached out to Legolas's arm, "She simply does not understand how much fun we have. She'll regret that decision later, just wait and see."

Legolas looked up at (Y/N) and his blue orbs that expressed great pain relaxed a little at her words of comfort. (Y/N) wished so badly she could take that pain away because she knew how it felt.

"I... After last night I had the notion that she would enjoy my company outside of the guard." Legolas stammered. "We had a lovely time and we chatted like old friends do; as you and I do on starry nights... How did I read her so wrong?" His eyes began to shine and his lip pouted.

"You took a chance just like every brave soul does when they're in love," (Y/N) advised.

Legolas's features sharpened and his eyes hardened as he looked at (Y/N).

Seeing as how Legolas was upset, she decided to take him to where they felt most comfortable—deep into the forest.

They both climbed onto a tree branch and sat side-by-side. (Y/N) put one arm around Legolas with the other rubbing his arm. In return, he rested his head on her shoulder.

Legolas mumbled, "Out of all the stories I heard as I was growing up, I never heard one like this—they all had happy endings."

"Perhaps yours is not over yet. We are still young with the rest of our lives ahead of us! I know it's hard, but maybe you were not meant to be with Tauriel" (Y/N) soothed.

Legolas straightened up, distancing himself from her on the branch, and looked hurt by her words.

"I am not articulating this as well as I would've liked," (Y/N) admitted. "I will always support you, Legolas, you are my best friend and I would never wish anything ill upon you. I look up to you as a mentor and friend. But this is how I, as an outsider, see the situation."

Legolas broke their stare and looked off into the distance. (Y/N) followed his gaze unsure of what to say next or how this whole situation would affect their relationship.

Her trance was broken by a warm feeling encapsulating her hand. She looked down at her lap to seeing one of Legolas's hands holding hers tightly, "I will forever be indebted to you for your kindness, wisdom, and friendship."

Their stare deepened and it was as if he was looking at her for the first time, seeing her beauty and wisdom, and truly seeing the experiences she carried in the features of her face and pureness of her heart.

(Y/N) broke the gaze and, along with it, tension between them, afraid of what could happen next. She slipped down off the branch and craned her neck up to him, "Please think about what I said. I only want what's best for you, Legolas. You may not see it clearly tonight, but give it time. I expect to see you bright and early for training tomorrow morning."

She left him swinging his legs on the branch, missing the warmth of her petite hand in his.  

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