Choose Me

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Request: (Y/N) gets friend zoned because Legolas likes Tauriel

Just like every other morning, Legolas and (Y/N) were training to prepare for the increasingly imminent spider problem. They practiced archery, dueled together, and chatted freely about their similar interests like all best friends would.

Every so often during a duel their eyes would meet and (Y/N) would get a warm feeling in her stomach. She had not told anyone of her feelings for the prince. She was afraid he would eventually find out and not return her feelings, especially since he had his eye on another elleth, Tauriel, the captain of the guard. Although there was no way Thranduil would let them be together due to Tauriel's measly rank, (Y/N) still felt threatened. This and the fact that she was a daughter of a lord, one that was very friendly with the king, gave (Y/N) hope.

"Your footwork is getting sloppy, mellon," Legolas stated.

(Y/N) cringed at the word "mellon" because she longed to be so much more than that. Truth be told, she was distracted by Legolas's perfectly silky blonde locks, mesmerizing blue eyes, strong and defined jaw, the list could go on... "I guess today just isn't my day, Legolas."

"Don't be silly, you are an amazing fighter which means something must be on your mind. What's troubling you?" Legolas asked. He was as caring as ever, something that (Y/N) treasured about him.

I assure you that nothing is troub—" (Y/N) was interrupted as she could see Legolas's eyes wander from hers to something beside her head. His eyes filled with a different light than normal and certainly not one normal for training. The shapes of his eyes softened and lines in his face faded. All his troubles seemed to disappear from his shoulders. He seemed at peace and completely taken with the object of his gaze.

(Y/N) should have known that it was going to be a someone rather than a something. She turned her head and only saw who she expected. Tauriel. Of course she had drawn his attention; she always does.

Legolas snapped back to reality and noticed that (Y/N) was also looking in the direction of Tauriel and did not want Tauriel to notice them staring. "Forgive me," he paused, clearly a little embarrassed that he had been caught by (Y/N), "I have something I need to attend to." And with that he walked off back into the palace.

(Y/N) soon followed Legolas's lead. She headed straight for the enormous library for she knew it was a quiet place to think where she would not be disturbed. She paced for about an hour thinking about what he could possibly see in Tauriel. Sure, she was beautiful with her strong facial structure, green eyes, and red hair. She was also a skilled fighter, but not as skilled as (Y/N). She was amicable and fair but was not (Y/N) also? Legolas had always called (Y/N) his best friend. Did that not have any merit? She loved him with all her heart but she has never received a look from him like he gave Tauriel earlier that day. Was there any hope? These were the kinds of thoughts and questions that kept circling in (Y/N)'s head in a loop, and they were starting to drive her crazy.

A flash of light caught her attention, and (Y/N) looked up from the ground that she had been staring so deeply at in search of some answers. She ran after the elf thinking it was Legolas. Instead, it was some elf she had never seen before, but as she made her way closer to him she spotted Tauriel and another elleth. (Y/N) knew better but decided to eavesdrop on their conversation since she had not been seen yet by either of them.

"Come on, you've got as good a chance as any," the other elleth encouraged Tauriel.

"But I am simply a lowly Sylvan elf and I'm sure Legolas has never looked at me that way. I simply help him on hunts and owe my services to his kingdom," Tauriel explained.

(Y/N) gasped inaudibly from behind the pillar she was hiding behind shocked that they were aware of the situation.

"I've heard some elves whispering about him staring at you. I've even heard that he is beginning to pay more attention to you than that (Y/N) that is always with him. Now what do you have to say?" the elleth giggled.

Tauriel did not know how to respond. All of this was new information. "I will admit that he is very charming and always so kind and considerate when he accompanies the guard on hunts and helps us with our duties," she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "I will also admit that I do enjoy his company."

The other elleth grabbed Tauriel's arm and squealed. In response, Tauriel covered the elleth's mouth and reprimanded her, "Shhhh! This does not mean anything."

"So if Legolas were to begin courting you, would you resist?" the elleth pried.

Tauriel was silent for a moment, unable to answer the question. "That is an answer for another day."

(Y/N) could not hear anymore conversation, and assuming they left, she took the opportunity to emerge from her hiding spot. Maybe I should just tell him before it's too late. If he finds out that Tauriel has the slightest possibility of returning his feelings, then my chances are gone forever.

(Y/N) went searching the palace for Legolas and when she finally found him, she beckoned for him.

"(Y/N). I, uh, I feel the need to apologize for my behavior earlier. It was unwarranted and I should have been fully focused on our duel. I promise it will not happen again, mellon." Legolas assured as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Ah, that word again. (Y/N) would feel her mouth twitch and her sides ache. She did not want to accept his apology because, in her eyes, what he did was not acceptable and, frankly, it hurt her feelings. "All is forgiven, Legolas," she lied straight through her teeth with reluctance screaming from every bone in her body. "Listen, I was wondering if you were free tonight. I was thinking we could go for a swim or shoot around in the forest. Oooo, or we can go to Laketown and—"

"I actually have plans," Legolas mumbled.

(Y/N)'s heart dropped, "Something more important than spending time with your best friend?" She tried her best to lighten the mood with her tone for the air seemed dense around them.

"I am actually going to watch the sunset tonight," Legolas revealed.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as the shock as defeat set in. That is a romantic gesture, which means Tauriel must be going with him. Even with her suspicion, (Y/N) thought it best to clarify, "I'm assuming you are not going alone."

Legolas's cheeks grew red and he looked to the ground, "I am going to ask Tauriel."

So he had not asked her yet. He was turning down his best friend for the off-chance that someone who may not return his feelings will go watch the sunset with him. The elleth standing right in front of him would be thrilled to accompany him. The worst part was that she was afraid to lose her best friend; all of his attention would go to the elleth he is courting. His significant other will matter more to him than his best friend.

"I hope it is a lovely sunset," (Y/N) uttered slowly and unconvincingly. She was losing the willpower to try and convince herself that he felt the same way after years of hiding her feelings. Each time Tauriel's name was spoken or Legolas was caught staring at her (Y/N)'s hope withered away. With that last statement, she walked away not wanting Tauriel to say yes and not wanting to hear about it the next day, if it was a success, as they dueled. 

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