The Heart Changes

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Request: Legolas and Y/N are friends and then she is dating Thranduil but loves Legolas and confesses to Thranduil that she loves hs son and Legolas has the same feelings and marries her @Muffinkittens

The flames were dancing and crackling in the dimly lit room, creating a constant background noise that was calming. The bright orange they emanated reflected on the crystal glass sitting in both elves' hands. They were too busy speaking between themselves to even notice the serenity of the fire in front of them.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Thranduil asked.

"Of course, how could I forget," (Y/N) replied, smiling at the fond memory. "You were at the other end of the room and refused to ask a single elleth to dance. Legolas kept nagging you to pick a partner with the only intention of you enjoying yourself, but you refused. Should've known then you were a stubborn one," she joked. "You continually glanced over at me and finally plucked up the courage to ask me to dance."

"You don't know how much it took me to even walk over to you," Thranduil added.

"Well I'm glad you did and look where it has gotten us," (Y/N) smiled sweetly.

Thranduil stroked (Y/N)'s cheek with his free hand, enormously thankful for meeting her that day.

"I think your bravery that day has fed into a lot of your life since then." (Y/N) suggested.

Thranduil raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah, how?"

(Y/N) turned her attention to the fire to think. Thranduil noticed the flames dancing on her (E/C) eyes, fiery and confident, just like (Y/N) was. He could not help but notice her beauty. Her soft, milky skin, features that were placed perfectly on her face, and eyes that always conveyed enthusiasm and confidence. Then she turned her head back to Thranduil, "Well first of all, that was your first step towards opening yourself to the world. A good example is when Legolas challenged you to the archery contest."

Thranduil's eyes doubled in size and he bit his lip, "No need to remember that incident."

"Incident is the perfect word for it," (Y/N) laughed. "I know there were a lot of people gathered round and I'm sure you didn't want to embarrass yourself since Legolas is notorious for his archery skills, but you agreed to the competition anyway. I'm assuming you accepted mostly because Legolas asked you and I know how much you care for him."

Thranduil smiled softly at the thought of his son and how proud he was of the ellon he had become. He continued listening to (Y/N) as she spoke, "Let's just say you may not have won that day, but it was something I don't believe you would have done a few decades ago before you met me."

"I suppose you're right. Although I can't help thinking of that poor guard I shot that day," Thranduil covered his mouth trying to stifle his laugh.

(Y/N) giggled in response, "I don't think he has forgotten either. Have you noticed the wide berth he gives you whenever you pass each other?"

All Legolas could hear was laughter as he passed his father's room. He was so pleased that his father had found someone to make him that happy again after they lost his mother. He prayed that nothing would take her away from him, fearing his father would fade and become worse than after his mother died since that would be a total of two losses.

Legolas was always pleased to see (Y/N). She always carried herself with pride and was always so friendly, not to mention pretty. She was game for anything, an adventurous type, and Legolas adored that. He had always hoped to find a partner like her.

~~~ time skip ~~~

"Legolas, is your father here?" (Y/N) inquired.

Legolas initially had his back to her and turned towards (Y/N), "He is not, he got caught up in some unexpected business and apologizes for not being able to meet with you. Instead, he said that I keep you company until he is finished."

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