Love is Patient

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Request: Legolas falls in love with princess Y/N of Rivendell @Hoseoksbabygirl22

Legolas arrived in Rivendell, a place he was not particularly familiar with. All he knew was that it lacked the trees and the comforts of home. After gliding off his horse and handing him off to a Rivendell elf, he explored the grounds and began to see the beauty that Rivendell bestowed.

As Legolas was walking toward the secret council that Lord Elrond had organized, his attention was caught by a silky fabric and shiny, long (H/C) locks. As the elleth turned her face, he was completely captivated by her beauty. Legolas tried very hard to remember where he had seen her before. Ah, yes. In a portrait in the halls of Rivendell. It was Elrond's youngest daughter, but the portrait did not do her beauty justice for she was much prettier in person.

"Legolas, you cannot stop halfway up the steps, people are trying to pass," Aragorn remarked, confused as to why his friend was distracted.

"So- sorry," Legolas was flustered, trying to regain his composure.

Throughout the council, Legolas's mind kept floating to the elleth. Oh, what was her name? Legolas spent all of his attention on remembering her name and picturing her laugh with her friends and effortlessly glide along the paths of Rivendell. (Y/N)! That was her name and how smoothly it slid off the tongue. Legolas began to imagine their first meeting and how he would make sure not to mess it up. He would be a proper gentleman and try to win her affection.

"You have my sword," Aragorn proclaimed, causing Legolas to snap back to reality.

Nervous about what he missed, he joined it, "And you have my bow."

Legolas stood next to Aragorn as others from other races joined until there were nine of them standing together. Then Elrond said something about a quest to destroy the ring of power.... Oh boy what did Legolas just get himself into. Ada will not be happy, Legolas thought.

After writing a letter to his father about the quest, Legolas went in search for Aragorn. Aragorn was Legolas's way in to (Y/N) since he was dating Arwen, (Y/N)'s sister. "Aragorn!" Legolas beckoned.

"Legolas, are you okay? You seemed a little dazed earlier." Aragorn commented.

"Oh, yes I'm quite alright. Although I do have a request. Would it be possible for you to introduce me to Princess (Y/N)?" Legolas asked sheepishly.

Aragorn seemed shocked at this request, "Of course, if you wish. I'm surprised you two haven't been introduced yet since you are both royals. Anyhow, follow me, I believe she's in the library reading."

They walked in silence as Legolas tried desperately to calm his nerves and look relaxed when he finally met (Y/N). It was a much harder task than he expected. His heart was racing and felt that he could bolt at any second. He had never been nervous about fighting in battles or being outnumbered by spiders on a hunt, but this was a whole different kind of battle.

Aragorn cleared his throat to get the attention of (Y/N). "(Y/N), this is Prince Legolas of Mirkwood. Legolas, this is Princess (Y/N) of Rivendell. I believe you two have a lot in common and it's about time you met."

(Y/N) closed her book, stood up from her chair and walked over to greet Legolas. Hugging her book, she smiled sweetly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Legolas. I've heard a great deal about your fighting abilities, particularly those in archery."

Legolas could not believe he was finally talking to her. His words almost did not come out, "It's very nice to meet you too. And thank you, Princess (Y/N), but I'm sure the rumors grossly exaggerate my abilities."

Legolas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now