Cannot Forgive and Forget Part 2

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Request: Cannot Forgive and Forget Part 2 @Mpandagirl5 

(Y/N) was so pleased that she told Legolas about the baby instead of keeping it a secret. It would have been so much easier to keep that little bit of news to herself and runaway without anyone's notice. But now knew she had made the right choice.

Legolas was always by her side, offering any assistance he could think of. There was rarely a moment they were apart because Legolas was trying to repent for going off with Tauriel and ultimately hurting the elleth he cared most about. Lucky for (Y/N), he was willing to do anything in his power to make it up to her. (Y/N) missed being in his presence and sharing everything with him, and now she was getting this opportunity back.

(Y/N) loved the attention, but sometimes Legolas could be a little overattentive and overprotective. It was plainly obvious that he was about to be a first-time father. He always made sure her food was not too hot, made sure she was constantly hydrated, held her hand walking down stairs, and walked her everywhere. It was a little overboard considering (Y/N) was not even showing, but it was a change from a few weeks ago and that was all that mattered to (Y/N). She wanted his full attention to be on this child even if that meant he no longer had feelings for her.

Just like old times, Legolas and (Y/N) had a bunch of fun together. They shared jokes, made puns, and teased each other. It was easygoing most times as they eased back into their friendship and soon to be parentship. Anytime an argument could have started, they prevented it like when they were considering some baby names.

"How about Elora, if we have an elleth," (Y/N) suggested.

"Hmmm, that's nice. But what about if we have an ellon, we should name him Elbereth. It has a very kingly ring to it." Legolas commented.

"Yes, I suppose it does. You want an ellon, don't you?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

Legolas raised an eyebrow. "So, what if I do? I can teach him how to hunt and talk to elleths."

"Excuse me!" she threw her book at Legolas and it hit him in the shoulder causing him to grimace at her and rub the sore spot. "Elleths can fight too! I began training, so I'm proof."

"Yeah, you trained for two days and then quit because you were terrible," Legolas mused.

(Y/N) looked offended.

"If we have an elleth like you, then I will definitely not be teaching her how to shoot in case it were to hit a guard again." Legolas stated.

"Alright, fair enough. I bet you were trash when you started out." (Y/N) assumed.

"Absolutely not. I was naturally good," Legolas joked.

"You're ridiculous, you know that. If we have an ellon with your big head, and I don't just mean physically, then so help me," as (Y/N) got up Legolas shifted his feet to follow her but she approached him instead. She continued to stare at him as she lifted up the book that lay at his feet. "It's Elora if we have a girl."

Legolas watched her return the book to its spot on the shelf. He missed their quips and any interaction they used to have. He smiled as he watched her walk off, or rather hobble off. Her belly was growing which meant it was closer to Legolas having a little elfling to hold and call his, and he could not wait.

That night Thranduil interrupted their peaceful evening in each other's company by bringing an armful of gifts.

"These have mistakenly been dropped at my door but seeing as I am not the one with an elfling on the way, I thought I best pass them on to the to-be parents." Thranduil set the presents on the table in front of Legolas and (Y/N). Their eyes went wide at how generous the kingdom had been with the numerous gifts in front of them. (Y/N)'s mouth and eyes were wider at the abundance than Legolas's since he was used to a multitude of gifts for occasions revolving around him since he is the prince.

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