Part 5

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The front and upper part of Bonnie house is quiet and locked, but I have been here enough to know how to get out using it. She made sure that people only had access to the basement and the backyard.

"Mira...Mira..where are.." before he could finish speaking I cut him off

"Stop calling me Mira and Stop following me too." I yelled still walking forward. He stretch his hand and grab my arm turning me to face him. I look at his grip and push my hand out of his hold.

"Ok. Amira. You can't leave."

"Why not? You don't dictate what I do or don't not do." I said with anger and irritation in my voice.

"Mi..Amira. you are still wearing nothing, but your bikini. You have an amazing body, but I am sure your parents would not want you showing up at your door in that plus you are bound to get sick walking home in just that." He said looking at me from head to toe.

It was not till that point that I realize that I hadn't even gotten any of my things or said goodbye to Bonnie and that I was still in bikini about to walk home.

He is right. I could not walk home from Bonnie's place at this time of the night, especially in nothing, but a bikini.

I stay quiet for a minute defeat overcoming me

"Wait for me outside. I am going to go say goodbye to Bonnie and get my things." I said sounding defeated.

"I will come with you." He said turning on his heels and walking with me.

I stop walking and face him."No, no, no you won't. Wait for me in the car."

"You don't even know what car I drive or where I parked." He said with a smirk on his face.

I turn on my heels and start walking to the backyard. Defeat becoming the only thing I can feel. I get to the hottub and find bonnie still sitting in the tub and playing a game of truth or dare. Brad hands are grabbing a girls boobs and whisper something probably disgusting in her ears.

"Hey Amira! Where have you been? I missed you!! Come in." Bonnie slurred out.

"Yah we missed you. Come sit on my lap you tease and join the game." Brad slurred moving from the girl.

Mason steps a little closer to me and I look back at him and see a bit of irritation in his eyes. I wanted to make him jealous. I wanted to get in the hottub and sit on Brady lap and stay in until Kim is ready to leave, but that seem like a bad idea and before I could, the same blonde pulls him away to the pool to say something to him.

"I need to get going Bonnie. My mom needs me home for something. I am so sorry. I will make it up to you." I lied about my mom needing me home.

"Reallyyy? You are missing out. I want my make up." She said

Mason walks back to where he was standing and this is my chance. I walk over to Brad and wishper loudly so Mason can hear.

"I will make it up to you some other time!" I said with a wink and both him and Bonnie are shocked by this. I don't know why I said this because my experience with a boyfriend or boy intimately doesn't exist. I don't even know where to begin . My understand of dating in high school has come from movies and using common sense.

I turn around grab my bag and start walking towards the front door. Mason is only a couple steps behind me and he catches up.

"Did that make you feel better about the blonde?" Mason said

"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently knowing full well what he was talking about. That was my own not quiet successful way of getting under his skin I guess.

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