Part 11

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"Oh my god!Where is my phone!?" I yell throwing my pillow and blanket off my Bed. Where the hell is it? I am going crazy. I slept in my clothes and makeup from last night. I must look a mess. I spot my phone under my night stand and jump to go get it.

No text from Mason. Fuck

He is truly pissed. He is overreacting. He doesn't have the full picture.

I check the time and it is 11am. I need to go get ready. I pick a simple and cute outfit: A dark wash skinny jeans, a grey and white stripe blouse, and ankle boot. I wear my hair in big bouncy curl, which is something I normally do.

"Where is my glasses?" I ask myself searching my nightstand and under my bed. I would wear my contacts, but my eyes are feeling irritated from sleeping in them. Just great!

I find my glasses in my bookcase and I shove it in my bag.

I head downstairs and join Crystal at the dining table.

"You sounded like things weren't going all smoothly. Where are you going to? " She said eating the last part of her small breakfast.

"I really could not find anything today and nothing is working for me. Nothing." I said, throwing my hand in the air.

"You will survive."

"Yah, I don't think so." I said rolling my eyes, this is just the beginning of what could be a very shitty day. "I have to go finish a project at a classmate house. It is due Monday......Do you mind please dropping me off? You are heading out anyways." I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, no problem. They better not live in the N.E. I am not driving there. Nope, they don't. They live in the S.W." I quickly microwave a cream cheese stuffed bagel and pack my bag.

We pulled into a side of a big modern style mansion with perfectly green yard and a large driveway.
You have reached your destination. The lady on google map says. "Wow, Mason lives here?" I said to myself and my sister echoed my thought.

"Wow, your friend lives here?"

"I guess....I guess so." I stuttered unintentional. My hands got cold and sweaty. I am nervous.

"Shit, this is niceee! Like they have moneyyy. It's like the nicer house in the community and they are all nice."

"Yah I guess. I didn't know... well thanks Crystal." I said, opening the door.

"No problem. I can't give you a lift back. Chidi and I are hanging out till late." She said fixing her short hair."

"No problem, bye."

When I get to the door, I take a breath and press the bell.

Ding.. dong

A tall woman with very black hair and bright blue eyes opens the door with the biggest smile ever. She looks like a Greek goddess.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hi! My name is Amira, Ummh does Mason lives here?" I ask crossing my fingers that I am not at the wrong house.

This has to be the right one. She looks so much like him.

"I am his mom, It's my house, but I let him stay here occasionally."she laughs out.

I give here a big smile that turns into a laugh an she lets me through the door.

I have lost my speech.

A small girl with the same features as Mason, except with blonde hair comes running down the hall laughing with two dogs behind.

"Kennedy, stop letting the dog's chase you around the house! You are going to break something." She haulers at her daughter, who continues anyways.

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