Part 6

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When the girls get back Jenny is completely wasted and as soon as kim got her in the door she falls asleep on the couch. Kim only had two Smirnoff after I left she started drinking water to kill off her buzz. We tried moving Jenny to the bed, but she was not having it. She was passed out, so we all just slept on the couch downstairs. I was so glad kim did not mention anything about Mason. I truly needed time to think and answering all her question was going to be too much. I don't doubt that she will ask me tomorrow.

I woke up at 11 am and decided the best thing to do is make breakfast and a hangover cure for Jenny.

"Oh my god my head!.. what the hell did I do?" Jenny who looks horrible said while trying to grab a sit in the kitchen. Jenny really did look like a mess. She had mascara smeared under her eyes, her hair was everywhere and she smelled like the liquor store.

"You look like crap and you let Derek into your pants." Kim replies nonchalantly stuffing her face with eggs. Jenny face is filed with horror and disgust.

"What the actual fuck. Are your serious? Oh my gosh noooooo! I don't remember. I probably have an STI or pregnant." She yells about to burst out into tears when I joined in to make sure my best friend doesn't die from a heart attack.

"You do look like crap. I told you, you can't handle liquor, but nobody got into your pants. You are not pregrant or have an STI. Eat something and drink your coffee before you pass out." I said laughing, at this point Kim is drowning in laughter.

"Oh my God, that's not funny Kim." She says flipping kim off.

"Oh, it was payback. Bitch, I spent half the night chasing your ass than having funny." Kim replies still laughing.

"Was I that drunk? I don't remember much."

"Yes you were! You puked in the bathroom at Bonnie house, grind on Derek and pulled at Amira face when she was about to leave." Kim reminds her.

"I puked? Derek? Just Derek? And Amira you left when? Why? I am never drinking agian."she rushes while trying not to upset her hangover.

"Bitch please, you will be drinking at the next party, don't lie to yourself!" I said, laughing along with kim.

"Why did you leave tho?"

"Yah, why did you leave? And when did you and Mason become friends that he is dropping you home?" kim joined in with her.

"Wait, what? Mason? Like Mason Troy? What?? When did this happen?" Jenny voice is filed with surprise.

"I was surprise too." kim fueling the fire.

I knew I could not avoid the subject and I really didn't want to lie to my friends, so I only told them parts of the truth.

"Jenny calm down it is not really a big deal. I wanted to leave because Bonnie tried to set me up with Brad. The asshole had his hands on my thigh reaching for my panties. I pushed his hands away and he called me a tease, saying that he likes a challenge." I said, hoping that was enough to get them of the Mason topic.

"What is wrong with Bonnie? I understand Brad is cute, but he is the man slut of all man slut. Why would she ever try to set your guys up. You should have broke his hand for even laying it on your thigh." Kim who is Clearly irritated by Bonnie and Brad actions add in.

"That's all true, but how did Mason Troy get in the picture?" Jenny asked, her hangover disappearing all together.

"Well he heard me taking to kim about leaving and he was leaving, so he offered me a ride home. He was just being nice since we sit together in political science. It was really nothing."

"What? When were you going to tell me you sit with Mason Troy in political science? Mason Troy gave you a ride home! It is not just nothing." Jenny said acting like I just went on a date with a famous celebrity. "I am surprise Lauren didn't try to kill you." Lauren is the blonde from yesterday.

"Jenny shut up please. It was nothing and please stop calling him Mason Troy. It makes him seem like an A list celebrity that is out of our reach. He is a boy from our school."

"He is out of our reach. He is at the top is the pyramid" She quickly added.

"Jenny eat your breakfast and shut up please. I assure you girls, he just gave me a ride home. That's it." I do my best to reassure them Mason and I are just classmate. Nothing more which is the truth.

I don't tell them that he thinks I am beautiful or wants to get to know me sincerely and more than a friend. I don't tell them that he calls me Mira and it makes my heart flutter and my stomach quiver. I don't tell them that I want to get to know him too. I keep this information from them now, because I don't want to know what they think. I don't want them to talk me out of it or rush me into it. I want to take my time and when the time is right I will let them know.

"It just seemed weird that he wanted to drop you off that's all. I am glad he did. I didn't want to see you stuck at a party you wanted to leave." Kim said eating her last part of her breakfast.

"Me too. "I said smiling.

Jenny, Kim and I spend the rest of the afternoon painting our nails and watching movies. They head home at about 4pm. I had about 3hr hours to myself, then my family arrives home at 6:30pm.

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Lots of love,
Rachel king

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