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"Merry Christmas." Olivia screams at the top of her lungs. "Mason, Santa came. Santa came!" She screamed, hoping on my bed followed by Mickey. I swipe my hand towards her feet and she falls landing on her back in a giggle.

Mira has been gone two long miserable days and I don't know how I am going to do without her for two weeks. She hasn't called me to say she got there safe or how she is doing. I checked Google to make sure there wasn't any plane crashes, God forbid or war in Nigeria that she couldn't call and there isn't any.
I have had my phone by my side all these two days and no calls.

I can't believe we had a pregnancy scare, Fuck it was scary. I can't imagine bringing a child into our world. Pregnancy shows and that's not the way I want her father to find out about us. He would kill me and send her away, if he found out I knock up his eighteen year old daugther. I wouldn't blame him either, I would do the same with my daughter.

To be honest I pictured her with a belly. She would wear it well. I would hope she would want to get fat and enjoy being pregant. Damn, her carrying my child, a part of me inside her. The idea thrilled me which caused me to fear because we are too young and I am mad in love with her. When I went to the airport it was to tell her I love her and that whatever the results may be it wouldn't change anything. Whatever her decision from the results may be, I would respect it and it wouldn't change us or how I viewed her any less. I prayed for the best and I was prepared for the worse. When she told me she wasn't Pregant, I could see the relief in her tired eyes and I respected it.

In the two days she has been gone I have gotten myself into a bit of mess. I had a fist fight with Brad, it wasn't even much of a fight, I took a swing at him hard enough to break his nose. Fuck. There is a rumour swriling that he has an audio or video of Mira and I fucking. Apparently he taped it at Dustin party when Mira and I fucked in the car. Mitch told me Brad played an audio to them where Mira and I can be heard. He doesn't know if it's real, but it sounded real. When I asked the fucker he threathed me and try to play coy. He then went on to make sounds of what Mira moans like; it boiled my blood so much I knocked him out. To take my mind off her and that fuck of a mess I have Been working out like crazy and I am on edge.

"Wake up unless I am opening all your present first." Oliva giggle. "Stop being a poop and come downstairs."

"I don't want to." I try looking for my phone on my bed. I have kept it beside me, waiting for her call.

"But we love Christmas." She hit me with the pillow. "You miss your girlfriend?"

"Yes." I frown. I miss Amira more than anything. I miss her eyes, her smile, her body and most especially her voice.

"Stop being a baby she will be back soon enough. Come downstairs, everybody is up and waiting for you. Please come downstairs." I find the phone under mickey, but no miss call from Amria or any international number. How am I suppose to know she is okay?

"Okay, but I won't be happy about it!"

"That's okay." She smile and hop off the bed. I follow suite behind her and Mickey. "We got lots of present. Big boxes, small boxes, huge boxes and even boxes for Mickey! I hope I got that skates I want, a cellphone, my own laptop, lots and lots of clothes."

"Oh there he is." My mother grin placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of my dad.

"Morning mom."

"Merry Christmas sweetie. Are still in a bad mood?" I am not in a bad mood.

Bradley sit up and look past my father who is beside him to me. "Like a girl after her first heart break." He laughed and my father does too.

"Or like Anglia everyday of her life." My father poke fun of his Secretary of the past fifteen years, a take no shit woman. They have been making these jokes for the past two days and I am fed up.

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