Part 32

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"There's an entrance fee of $20 if you are not a student." The dark girl at the door tells me, after she and the bouncer shared a look of 'Are you sure you are at the right place?' I pull a twenty from my wallet and hand it to him.

"I also need to see an ID." Fuck, I just want to get in and suprise Mira. I know she said I shouldn't come, but I don't care. I miss her today and I am super horny. I show the guy my ID and he let's me through hesitantly. Great! Get to see my girl now.

What did she mean by it isn't what she expected, the place is packed with black people at every corner and I suddenly realize why the bouncers gave me that look. I stand at the door and look around the room, trying to find Mira. My eye catch a side view of a girl that looks like Mira grinding on a guy, but I move pass. Mira wouldn't. I look closer and what the fuck? It's Mira. Her hair is straighten and she is wearing a red dress that hit mid thigh. And who the fuck is the guy. I want to move towards them, but I am in fucking shock.

What the fuck did I just walk into. I stood there and watch her grind on some guy, laughing. She fucking uninvited me for this. So she can dance with who she wants? She makes eye contact with me and push away from the guy. He tries to pull her back in, but she come towards me and I start heading out. I am over the shit. I get to the parking lot and I realize I need to get my girl first.

"Mase, please wait." There she is. "What are you doing here?" Fuck, what is she wearing? This dress on her is fucking sexy. It hugs her curve and stop at her mid thigh in a V cut. It cut in a low V on her chest, showing enough of her breast. Her legs looks a mile long in those heels. I have never seen her hair straight, she wears it well. She could make anything look good. Fuck, she looks amazing. How doesn't she expect guys to fucking chase her.

"What the fuck were you doing griding with that guy? Huh? Is he the reason you uninvited me?" I barked at her letting my anger pour.

"Babe, it's not a big deal. CJ is just a friend and he not the reason why I didn't invite you."

"CJ, Are you kidding me Mira?" She moves closer to me. CJ? Her old flame?

"We were just dancing." She hold my forearm.

"You were grinding on him and laughing like he's your boyfriend. What am I suppose to think huh? Do you want him? Is that why I was uninvited? Because you can have him and I am done. You won't fucking cheat on me twice." The words come spilling out my mouth, but I don't mean them. It doesn't hit me the impact they made until I heard her sobs.

"I am sorry." She cries out. Fuck I hate when she cries. I try trying to pull her to me but she pulls away, stepping back. "I wasn't cheating on you. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings." I am feeling too many things right now. Anger, saddness, horny and confused. She doesn't want to hurt my feelings?

"What do you mean you didn't want to hurt my feelings?"

"It's just." She cries. "I didn't invite you because you are white." She said through sobs, making it hard to understand but I got that straight.

"Excuse me?"

"Okay there it is. You are white and I didn't want you to feel out of place. It was a party full of black people and when I told my friends about you in the car, it wasn't the reaction I expected. I just didn't want you to feel out of place."

"I don't get it Mira. You uninvited me because I am white so you can look all perfect with that black guy right?"

"I didn't say that. Don't twist my words."

"You must be kidding me Mira. I am your boyfriend, who cares? Race has never been a problem in this relationship, at least we have never let that get between us. Some of my teammate said racist things and I put them in their place, I didn't hide you."

"A lot of people Mase. A lot of people and don't just think it's only black people. White People are more racist to me and our relationship everyday."

"Oh come on. You are the only person that is being racist here. You are the only person standing in your own way."

"Are you fucking kidding me Mason?" She yells. "You call me a racist? Really?" She is fuming with anger and I am surprise she hasn't slapped me yet.

"Oh shit that didn't come out right. I didn't mean it that way."

"Tell me you don't see the stares at school?" Her voice cracks. "Their dirty remarks of 'can't believe he's dating the black girl.' How they sexualized my black features 'oh, he's in it for the blow jobs or she must ride him good. Don't you see how they treat me? I go through that everyday and that shit hurts, but I turn a blind eye because I love you. I didn't invite you because I didn't want you to experience that from people I am close to. I want to give them time to accept the idea. If that makes me racist then so it is, but it makes you a fucking ignorant white boy and it proves my point." Her valgular words hit me like a ton of brick. I never realized all this shit that was going on.

"Amira what's going on?" A black guy who is a little shorter and slimmer in stature than me ask her. He steps closer to her and I do the same.

"CJ it's fine. Just go back in." She dry her tears stained cheeks.

"No. Why are you crying? Who is he?" He ask her moving too close for my liking and hold her arms. I just want to knock him out for even laying his hands on her.
"I am her boyfriend and you can fucking leave." I said, stepping closer to Amira and pulling her towards me. My anger fuming.

"Amira are you okay?" He ask her looking only at her and ignoring my request. This pissed me off more.

"She's fine." I quickly answer for her. We aren't done our conversation and I won't end it, with her thinking I think she's a racist.

"Let her speak." He raised his voice at me and yah I am going to knock him out. I move in front of her and take a step towards him.

"Don't you dare touch him Mase." She moves to our middle. "You can leave. I am not going with you." She pull his arm and turn away from me. My blood is boiling, what the fuck does she think she is doing leaving with him.


"No Mason. I am done." She cried. He wrap his arms around her as they walk away.

"So, you choose him? You want to breakup with me, is that it?" She turn around. Why the fuck did I say that?

"Maybe that's what best." What the fuck, did she just say. Her words make me freeze on the spot. I watch her walk away with him and I couldn't even move. It wasn't suppose to go like this. I was suppose to meet her friends, We were suppose to dance, and make love after. I was finally able to move when she was out of site. I want to go after her, but I have made a fool of myself and I insulted her.

I enter the car and her words keep replying in my head "Maybe that's what best." Shit. What the fuck did I just do? I was being an insensitive piece of shit. I guess I haven't had her back as much as I thought. She didn't let me see her struggles. I hit the wheel hard.


Mira POV

"So you want to break up? Is that it?" He ask, as I walk away with CJ. He called me a racist. How can I be with someone who thinks I am a racist. His words hurt me deep and it cause more tears to spill out my eyes.

"Maybe that what's best." I reply with the emotions I was feeling.

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