Part 20

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"Here babe"

"I will be right out. Five mintue." I texted back, sluggish leaving my bed.

"Take your time babe" I can't help, but smile at this!

I quickly put on my black yoga pants, a black cardigan over a fitted black top, my hair is packed up in a bun and my comfy uggs. I look like a mess, but I don't care.

"Dad, mom, I am going to kim. I will be back at 10:00ish."

"Ahh, kim is a lovely girl. Tell her I said hi" My mom said in her nigerian accent smiling. "Yah right" I murmured low under my breath. "Will do!" I say out loud.

I walk to Mason Car fast. I am excited to cuddle with him. His hands on my back felt amazing this morning. I enter his car and he has the seat warmer on, which feels so nice on my back. He is so thoughtful. I give him a quick kiss and fold myself into the chair before he start driving.

"You are still cramping?" He asked, looking over at me folded in his chair.

"Yes, it is a bit worst now, but the sit warmer is helping. Thanks" I smile at him

"Is it always like this for you?" I can hear the curiosity in his voice. Is he really curious about my period?

"Yes, some girls have no cramp, some girls have it okay and some have it bad. I have it horrible. Isn't it just my luck?"

"Why is that?" He is a curious one.

"I am on birth control pills and it just hurts. The bad cramping is something that I have always had with my period."

"You are on the pills?" I can hear the confusing in his voice and I look up to him.

"Mason, it for my girl health stuff." I said, before he starts getting ideas in his head. I hear him let out a breath he probably didn't know he was holding.

"Okay, we will be at my place soon. It will just be me and you at home. The whole family is out till about 10." He said, as he turned the radio on. I quickly set my alarm for 9:30pm. If I am late getting home my dad might lose it.

"Okay, that's nice" I said and start listening to the music playing, nodding and humming to every song. I am really excited to cuddle. I haven't cuddle with the opposite sex before.

We park in their six car garage and enter the house through that door. He hold my hands as he leads me down a hallway that is very different from the other side of the house.

"We aren't going to your room?" I ask him as he leads me.

"No, we are going down to the basement" oh, that's disappointing, I really wanted to cuddle.

"I thought we were going to cuddle?" I whined at him.

"We are, the couch in the tv room is big enough." We continue down some stairs and we are in the basement. Growing up in this house must have been fun! The basement has a kitchen and dinning space, a wet bar facing a huge tv, connected to a large sound system. There are other rooms, but I am too lazy to go snooping and see what they are for.

"Where is your family?"

"Dad is at work and mom took to Oliva to soccer practice and they have dinner after."

I walk over to the couch and Mason has vanilla ice-cream, chips, strawberries, chocolate covered pretzels and lots of delicious treats displayed on the table.

"Mason, I am in heaven! Are these for me?" I said going over to take a sit on the very comfortable couch.

"Yes, all for you! I read about what girls like on their period and it said sweet and or salty, So I bought you both." He has a smile on his face that say's I am proud of myself.

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