Part 37*

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It is only one week until Christmas! Calgary is covered in snow, Christmas music is playing in the malls, people are buying gifts, Mason and I have been smooth sailing. I found out my man loves winter and Christmas. Everything that had to do with winter he wants to participate in. We went sledding, skating, chariot ride, snow ball fight and my Africaness is not having it. I hate winter, but I love being with him so I do it. He also loves Christmas. He loves the lights, trees, decoration, music and eggnog. Which I love too, well not eggnog just a little too white for me; gross. All is well, well apart from the part where I leave in two days to Lagos for christmas. The thought alone breaks my heart. I have had enough off winter, but I want to spend Christmas with Mason especially since I have been buried deep in school work. School is whopping my ass, so many things due that need to be hand in before christmas break.

I jolt up from bed and run to the bathroom immediately emptying the content of my stomach. fuck, I shouldn't have eaten that Sushi yesterday. I did tell Kim and Jenny that it smelt and taste weird to me, but they couldn't tell the difference. I felt gross and can't believe I kept it down this long. Never again. I throw up some more, then wash my mouth. I quickly take a shower and got ready for school. It is the last place I want to be but have to be. I stand in front of my mirror and put my bra on. I look closer at myself. I look bloated and tired. I haven't been paying attention to myself lately. For the past two weeks I have had projects over homework and assignment to complete before winter break. I am so tie up that I end up doing all my homework and eating at Mason place. I haven't let him touch me in two weeks. He tries and I want to have him so bad, but my grades dropped what he calls "a little" for him but a lot for me from our relationship. I tottaly understand though he hasn't met my parents. I need to focus on school. I don't know how he studies without studying. I put on a knee length casual dress, with my black and ivory oversize sweater. It is cold outside and I am crazy for wearing it, but I can't stand putting jeans or anything that requires my two legs clothed. Mason picks me up and I speed walk to his car dreadfully. Only two more days before Christmas vacation.


"Shit babe. I'm going to throw up." I hold my mouth pushing my books into his hands. I quickly bolt across the empty hall to the bathroom. I empty my already empty stomach down the school washroom toilet. It is only the ending of period one and I look like I have been up for a week, which I basically have.

I step out of the bathroom and mason is waiting in front of the door with a frown on his face.

"Are you okay?" His eyes follow mine. "That's the second time today."

"I don't feel too well.. It must be what I ate yesterday." I hold my stomach and look down to the floor. I am leaning forward on his chest and could fall from how dizzy I feel.

"Lets go to my place." He holds my waist, as he lightly push me to the wall. "You can sleep for the rest of the day."

"Mase that can't happen. I can't miss any class. I have assignments and other stuff to do." I grab my books from his hands and try to move from him.

"Mira, why do you have to be so stubborn. You can barely stand on your own. The rest of the day sleeping will not take your grade down anymore." He keeps insisting I am stubborn and I am not. My political science, and biology went down ten percent. Mr Link is very unimpressed with my sudden disappearances and lack of concentration.

"Mase. Yes it will. It is already down now. I know you don't really have to study to pass. I do. I am not a child I can handle myself." I don't understand why I am so pissed right now. He frown his brows and his eyes pierce together. This I have come to know is one of his annoyed face.

"You are leaving right now; be it my place or yours."

"Just go on with your day. I won't be coming over now or later." I move from him and try walking away to show I am okay, but I have to hold the school lockers to refrain from falling. Up to this point in my life I have only fainted once and I am afraid today might be the second. I hear his footsteps towards me.

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