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; S K U L L  R O C Kpaper rings by TAYLOR SWIFT

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; S K U L L R O C K
paper rings by TAYLOR SWIFT

"God, I really hope they'll bring a beer", Eddie groaned and shuffled, trying to make his leaning position more comfortable. The thing he was leaning against was a rock, so it didn't work. Matilda on the other hand was leaning against him, not intending to change her position anytime soon.

     "I'd rather have some food. Maybe one of those sandwiches from the Diner near Hawkins High, man, I'd love that."
     "I guess food would be nice too, yeah." 

     They'd been laying on the ground since the call with Dustin, feeling like if they even moved one inch, everything that had gone right within the last day would fall apart.
     They were still hungry, thirsty and terrified, but keeping together somehow made all of those feelings easier to deal with. Matilda wasn't sure when Eddie's presence had become such a comfort, but she wouldn't change it for anything.

     "What do you think Jason told the cops?", she asked quietly and felt Eddie shrug.
     "The truth, I guess. I think he actually believes in all that God-Devil-Bible crap this town has been feeding us since we were born." Matilda chuckled and nodded, thinking about the face the sheriff would make when Jason told him what he'd seen. Then she remembered it was reality and not just a weird story a teenager with an attention-seeking-problem made up and her smile faded.

     "But they will believe the part about us being there, as long as it fits their narrative", she stated quietly. Eddie looked at her and sighed.
     "Yeah. I suppose you're now officially my partner in crime. Imagine how your parents are going to react."

     "Don't think they won't make up a story about you manipulating or drugging me. It doesn't matter how bad the evidence is, if they want to keep up the lie, the lie will persevere. That's just how it goes in this miserable town." Eddie's body lost some of its tension, signaling Matilda that he'd found a comfortable position.

     "Well, I wouldn't be mad about either."
     "What do you mean?"
     "I think you'd be a great partner in crime. But also I wouldn't hate you getting out of all this with a black eye. Then I have someone to break me out of jail." Matilda grinned tiredly and sat up, shooting Eddie a disbelieving look.

     "So, that's how it is? I'm only here so you have someone to get you out of jail if it comes to it?" Eddie smiled too and shrugged as if that mindset had been self explanatory.

     "Pretty much. Pretty faces open doors, so it's wise to always have one by your side", he said with a wink and Matilda didn't hesitate to throw a small rock in his direction. He laughed as he warded his off with his arms before pinning Matilda to the ground in order to prevent her to keep throwing things.

     "You're really into throwing things at me, have you noticed that?", he asked, only inches away from her face.
     "I think that might just be your face", she responded, grinning viciously.

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