Chapter 7

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As we're running the circle there was nothing else, we could do so I tried to start a conversation. since Violet was ahead, I decided to talk to Klaus who was only a bit ahead.

"You're being too obvious Klaus." I say as I realize how out of the blue that was.

"What am I being too obvious about Summer?" Klaus asked confused as he looked back at me slowing his pace.

"That you like Isadora." I say as if it where obvious and rolled my eyes.

"Well yeah like Isadora as a friend nothing else." Klaus says blushing and scratching his head.

"You sure about that Klaus?" Violet chimed in as she came up next to me.

"You can't talk either Violet, you like Duncan." I say as Violet blushes

"Wait, what?" Klaus says becoming protective then turns to Violet, Violet saw this and quickly said,

"I do not!"

"Whatever you say, it's not like I don't know how you are different in front of Duncan!" I say in kind of a sing-sing voice

"Same with you Klaus you act different in front of Isadora." I say and they both start blushing

"Well-"Violet starts but I cut her off

"Don't start I don't like Duncan... or Klaus!" I say

"Ok good." Klaus says exhaling with relief.

"Gross!" Sunny babbles

"Sorry Sunny but your siblings won't confess to having feelings for Duncan and Isadora." I say pitiful for Sunny since she has to hear this older kid conversation.

"Well Duncan likes you!" Violet says

"Uh uh no way!" I say shocked

"Why do you think that!?" I exclaimed not knowing why Violet thinks Duncan likes me, like no never, I mean he is nice and a good friend but Duncan liking me? I stay silent for awhile.

"I would rather fail, then have Duncan like me with his hair!" I tell Violet

"Ok never try to do a couplet again." Klaus says cringing at my couplet. It was a good one!

"Hey! That took me 2 minutes to come up with!" I act offended.

"His hair is nice!" Violet protests

"Nah it's too straight and neat." I say

"Why did you brings this up in the first place Summer?" Klaus asked try to prevent a fight between Violet and me, on whether Duncan's hair was too neat or not. (It is way to neat)

"I don't know just bored." I shrug

"I'm tired." Sunny says sleepily rubbing her eyes, she starts to slow down, we all do.

"I know me too." Violet says and we run for about 20 minutes when I say

"Anyways, the way you described Olaf and know that I can see him I realize that I have met him before."

"Really?" Klaus asked not sure if I was telling the truth

"Yeah he was following me for a bit then stopped I called him 'The Clowder Creeper''

"What should we do then?" Violet asked

"I don't know. He knows all of us." I say shrugging

"Do we have to keep running?" I whine like a toddler and stop running.

"HEY! YOU BRAT KEEP RUNNING!" Olaf yells across the field and I start to pick up the pace again.

"When did he start following you?" Klaus asked me. By now Klaus, Violet, Sunny and I were all in a line. Sunny was behind us a bit.

"A couple weeks before I saw the news about your house burning down." I say as I realize the weird yet perfect timing.

"He did know our parents." Violet says

"I did suspect he knew you guys since the timing was weird and a bit to close." I admit as I reach to my chest and feel my necklace.

"Do you guys have anything from your parents?" I asked after a bit of silence.

"We found a spyglass." Klaus commented

"Isadora had the other piece." Violet recalls from lunch that they informed me about before I came.

"I only have a locket but I only now realized it has the letters V.F.D on it." I say opening the locket.

"Really?" Klaus and Violet asked in unison

"Mhm. Here." I say showing them.

"I don't know what it means but I have an idea." I say closing the locket and putting it back under my shirt.

"That photo you have in the shack, my parents are there." I say as their eyes widen.

"Ours too. Along with the Quagmires." Violet says putting the pieces together.

"Our parents must have know each other!" I exclaimed

"But then why don't we know each other?" Klaus asked. That question quickly shut me up and I thought.

"Suspicious..." Sunny says slowly, which startled me at first since I almost forgot she was here!

"It is suspicious Sunny." Violet says as she steps away from us to slow Sunny to catch up and jog beside Klaus and Violet.

"It's like one big puzzle." I say remembering the huge puzzles I used to do and solve with ease.

"We need to find all the corner pieces first, which is the information that will help us find the side pieces, that will give us information to help find the inside pieces. Or the bigger information." I say as I replay the steps I always did when I solved a puzzle. First the corner pieces, then the rest of the border. Lastly the inside.

"Well maybe he sto-" She tried to say something, I assume was about the Clowder Creeper since she was saying something about following, but gets interrupted

"Hey, cut out the chit chat and keep running!" Olaf yells

"I'm good!" I yell back picking up my pace and starting to run, not just jog.

"You brat!" He yells


"Answer me!!!" He yells at me

"But you told me to stop talking!" I snap back smirking

"UGH YOU AAAAHHHHHH!!" He yells in frustration and turns around, he sits on the bleachers sulking like a baby and I just laugh knowing I made him mad

"Why Summer?" Klaus asked shaking his head

"Let's just say I am VERY good at annoying people." I say with a smirk.


Also sorry for the big gaps between the dialogue it's just I like it like that and I helps me see what is what better so if you don't like it then deal with it!

Btw all the chapters will have at least 500 words at the start and now with editing 1000


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