Chapter 19

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When we arrive at the small town Mr.Poe said that he has to go back to the bank but we need to go to the town hall so we head there.

"Hmm. That fountain seems weird to me." I say as we walk past it.

"Welcome to the town of V.F.D!" A old women says

"I am Vio-" she starts but gets cut off

"NO TALKING ON THE PLATFORM! As rule 902 states." The old man yells

"We heard there would be 3 children not 4...." The other old lady says confused

"Well she's our sister." Klaus says

"How many times are we going to tell you no talking on the platform!" The other lady says irritated
(A/N One lady will be named Kathy the other will be Mary and the man will be Chad.)

"Now does anyone have any questions?" Chad asked

"Who will the children live with!" A man asked

"They will live with Hector, right Hector?" Mary said

"I um yes *thud*" Hector says then faints

"Well off you go!" Kathy says and we leave
From the moment I saw the fountain to when I saw our guardian faint when he saw asked something. For some reason I knew this would not help us find the Quagmires.

"I am sorry children I just get nervous in front of them." Hector says as we walk to his house. When we get to his house we sit under the Nevermore tree and talk.

"How are we going to find the Quagmires now?" Violet asked

"You don't pay attention at all!" Sunny exclaimed

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked

"What she means is that we saw Esme walk into the town hall when we walked out so if she's here then Olaf is here, and if Olaf is here then the Quagmires are here." I say

"Well a clue won't drop into our laps anyway." Violet says then a sheet of paper drops onto her lap

"Think again Violet!" I say laughing

"It's a couplet." Klaus says

"Isadora writes couplets, she told me at Profrock." I say

"Read it out loud!" Violet says

For sapphires, we are held in here.
Only you can end our fear.

"Where did it fall from?" I ask

"It fell from the tree!" Violet says and jumps up and starts yelling there names and soon Klaus joins in.

"They can be dull." Sunny says

"Tell me about it." I say

"VIOLET, KLAUS! There not going to be in the Nvermore tree!!! I mean like really?" I say

"Then where could they be?!" Violet asked

"Well the couplet fell from the tree and when you started yelling a murder came out so a carrier crow must have delivered it!" I say

"That makes more sense than them being in a tree."
I say

"I guess." Klaus says not proud of his foolishness

"Now where do the crows come from?" Violet asked

"Hector would know." Sunny says

"Let's go ask him!" Klaus says and we go in the barn to see him working on a big mobile home thing.

"Hector?" Violet says

"Yes?" He responded

"We were wondering where the crows come from to get to the Neveremore tree?" Violet explained

"Well they come from the fountain." Hector says

"Thank you!" Violet says and rushes us out.

"Hold on!" I say

"What Summer?" Klaus asked

"We know that the crows come from the fountain but the Quagmires could be anywhere." I pointed out

"True, well we can search a bit while doing our chores." Violet says and we head to do our chores.

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