Chapter 29

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I'm running for cover with some kind of bug chasing me. I soon spot a cave but it's snowed in, but the bugs stop coming after me so I sit down to rest just for a bit. I get up about 5 mins later and start to walk, by that time I'm shivering and freezing to death. My vision starts to blur and I'm slowing down, taking smaller breathes, smaller steps and longer blinks, when I fall and it's all black.

I wake up in a cave with people and fire around me, I'm covered with blankets and a boy with a mask on is watching me. I sit up and look around when I see the worst thing I could have imagined......Carmelita Spats.

"Nooo." I groan and the boy faces me

"Your awake." He says

"Nope I'm sleeping still!" I remark sarcastically

"Look the cakesniffer is awake!" Carmelita shouts in her high pitch voice which makes me wince at the sound.

"So what's your name?" A adult asked me

"I'm....Winter." I lie not wanting to use my real name

"She's lying!" Carmelita pouts

"I am not!" I snap back

"She's that Clowder girl!" Carmelita remarks and points at me

"I sure hope not I've heard she helped in a murder." The adult says

"Well I'm not her." I lie again not making eye contact

"You can use some of the extra snow pants and jackets, we also have masks." The boy spoke up

"Why would I need a mask?" I ask

"They keep the snow nats out and make a Very Fugitive Disguise." He says emphasizing the V.F.D

"V.F.D" I whisper and take the mask the boy was holding out and put it on.

"Why don't we all sit around the fire and share story's!" The scout master suggested, Carmelita loved the idea and started sharpening the story of Cinderella and her more adorable sister Carmelita. She shared story's of princesses and there more adorable sister for at least an hour before the scout master stoped her.

"You've shared quite a few story's why don't we let our guest share one."

"I'd rather not." I say lookin down

"I'd be really interested in some Vary Fascinating Drama." The masked boy spoke

"I have experienced some Vastly Frightening Dangers, and seen some Vain Fashionable Divas." I say looking at the masked boy

"Have you read Anna Karenina?" The masked boy asked abruptly

"No...but my friend might have!" I say referring to Klaus

"Boring!" Carmelita says loudly

"Now now Carmelita snow scouts are supposed to be: Snows Scouts are accomodating, basic, calm, darling, emblematic, frisky, grinning, human, innocent, jumping, kept, limited, meek, nap-loving, official, pretty, quarantined, recent, scheduled, tidy, understandable, victorious, wholesome, xylophone, young, and zippered–every morning, every afternoon, every night, and all day long!" The snow scouts say in unison

"That can't honestly be you pledge?" I scoffed

"How can anyone be xylophone?" I asked

"Why not xenial?" I suggest

"Because the snow scouts do the same thing over and over again, also Brucie couldn't think of any other word!" Carmelita snapped

"Ok geez!" I say putting my hands up

"You can sleep in the spare sleeping bag, it smells like nail polish!" Carmelita says rudely to me

"That's because you spilled nail polish on it!" The masked boy says with annoyance in his voice. I walk over to the corner when Carmelita gets up and walks to the entrance of the cave.

"Who are you 2 cakesniffers!"

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