Chapter 3

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When I get to the bank where Mr. Poe works I put my hoodie I brought over my head and walk in.

"Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk asked me as I walk up and ask to see Mr. Poe

"No but I-"

"Then you can't see him."

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your guardian." Mr. Poe said as he walks out of his office and sees me standing at the front desk arms crossed.

"Tell me inside." He says and ushered me inside his office

"Well, I would be there if he didn't try to make me unconscious. He gave me peppermints even though I'm allergic to them and he knew." I exclaimed putting my hands on my hips.

"Well, that doesn't seem right." He says confused as he sits down and grabs my file he has and starts to look through it. I assume to see if I have another living relative.

"No duh Sherlock!" I mumble under my breath

"Well I was going to visit to let you know, that you are enrolled in Prufrock Preparatory school." Mr. Poe says after closing my folder and putting it to the side.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask shocked, that's the school the Baudelaire's are at!

"We should start heading there during my lunch break." Mr. Poe said.

"Umm ok." I say and we head to the car. When I'm in the car I'm glad to be leaving but also worried about what my uncle is going to do.


"Hello, cakesniffer!"

"Hi?" I say wondering who in the world this girl is. She must read minds because she soon starts to pout and get upset.

"Are you a blithering idiot? Everyone knows I'm Carmalita Spats!" She says rudely and turns to leave, I just stand there not knowing what the heck just happened but not really caring either.

"Well don't just stand there come on I am supposed give you a tour!" She kinda yells

She says stuff like "I don't know what that room is because I never go in there" or "that room stinks" But when we walk past one room she says,

"I NEVER go in there, so I don't know what's in there."

"It says Library." I point out the big sign that says 'Library' in big bold letters.

"Only Cakesinffers pay attention to that kind of stuff!!!" She yells stomping her foot like a toddler.

"It's very clearly designated." I say "What is a cakesniffer anyways?"

"They are people who lost their parents in fires!" She remarks then continues to speak,

"Here is V.P Nero's office where you were supposed to be 20 minuets ago!" She says in a high-pitched voice then knocked. The door opens and a crazy haired man opens it and says in a loud voice,

"Who dares interrupt a genius rehearsing!?"

"Oh, it's you come in." Nero says in an unenthusiastic tone.

"So, you're the new orphan that has come to Prufrock Preparatory School." Vice Principal Nero says

"I prefer to be called Summer not orphan." I say

"I prefer to be called Summer not orphan" He mocks

"Anyways we already have two sets of orphans so you'll just share with the broom closet orphans." Nero says

"Wait broom closet?" I asked confused

"Yes, we already have the Baudelaire orphans in the shack so." Nero says

"Who are the other orphans in the broom closet?" I ask

"The Quagmire twins who you will be sharing a room with." Nero says

"Now if you are late to any classes, you have your hands tied behind your back for lunch." Nero says

"Which class am I in?" I asked appalled at the punishment.

"You're in Mrs. Ramona's class. There are also mandatory violin performances you must go to and if you don't you owe me a bag candy and I eat it in front of you! Now leave!" Nero says as I walk out of the room.

As I'm walking through the hallways going to the cafeteria I think about the punishment if I'm late to class and that the Baudelaire's go to this school, so I'll get to meet them and maybe they'll be able to help me. when I get to the cafeteria, I grab a tray and a cafeteria worker plops a black block of lasagna on my tray. Then Carmelita walks up to me and says,

"You could come sit with me only that my table is full and a cakesniffer free zone." Then start chanting

"Cakesniffing orphan in the orphan shack cakesniffing orphan in the orphan shack!" Everyone else joins but I cut them off.

"For your information Carmelita I'm not in the orphan shack I'm in the broom closet with the Quagmires so you better shut your mouth or you're going to get a knuckle sandwich for lunch, not what your holding!" I say and walk of and sit at an empty table.

"Um excuse me do you mind if we sit here our table was taken by Carmelita." asked a boy with glasses.

"Sure, I don't mind I have no one else to sit with anyway." I say as they sit down

"So, what's your name? I'm Summer Clowder." I say

"I'm Violet Baudelaire and these are my sibling's Klaus and Sunny." Violet says

"And we are the Quagmire triplets, Isadora and Duncan."

"Nice to meet- wait triplets? Vice principal Nero said you guys were twins." I say kind of confused.

"People call us twins because our brother Quigley died in a fire that destroyed our home." Isadora says sadly looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear that I lost my twin sister Winter and my brother Dylan in a fire that destroyed my home as well I also lost my parents." I say holding back the tears. It was the first time I had talked about them since they died.

"Summer didn't you say something about not being in the orphan shack?" Violet said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, V.P Nero said I was in the broom closet with the Quagmire's since all the room was taken up in the shack and he had nowhere else to put the Quagmire's and he didn't want to give them a dorm because they're orphans" I say

"Well, I guess he didn't think through having three sets of orphans." Duncan says

"Also, I don't really know where anything is thanks to Carmelita's amazing tour. So, I need help finding the broom closet and the shack if I want to visit the Baudelaire's." I say and everybody laughed when I say Carmelita's tour was amazing.

"Don't worry we'll help you we need help from the Quagmires when we first got here because Carmelita's tour was so utterly amazing, she doesn't know where anything is." Violet says

"Thanks guys really means a lot to me." I say

Now that I've met Baudelaire's and the Quagmires I forget about what I was going to ask them and about the Clowder creeper. I finally don't feel alone I feel at home.

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