Chapter 30

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"Who are you 2 cakesniffers!" Carmelita shouts at the entrance of the cave, at that point I'm peering around the wall of the cave to see the people Carmelita was talking about when I freeze in place.

"Violet.....Klaus..." I whisper barely audible
They look at me with a confused look on there faces when I realize I still have my mask on so I just walk back over to the masked boy, since he is the only one I can really trust, I mean I trust the Baudelaire's but they have no idea I'm alive so yeah. I don't really know I can trust the boy, but he was using the letters V.F.D so he must be trustworthy, right?

"Wait a minute! Your the Baudelaire's!" Carmelita realizes

"We're not them....we're uh um" Klaus starts but doesn't finish

"We're mountain climbers!" Violet finishes for him

"That's odd we just had a mountain climber arrive." The scout master said motioning to me

"Who are they?" The boy whispered to me

"I need to know I can trust you first." I whisper back

"Xenial is the giving of gifts to a stranger." The boy replied

"How does that prove I can trust you?" I asked

"Well read people are less likely to be evil." He replied

"You used the letters V.F. and D. If you can tell me what that stands for then I'll tell you who I am, and who they are." I whisper to him

"It means Voluntary Fire Department." He replies and I stand there in shock that he knows what it stands for.

"Fine. I'm not Winter. I'm Summer Clowder." I huffed a bit annoyed that I have to tell him

"As-" I stopped him before he asked because I knew he was asking about the Clowder Catastrophe

"Yes. And they are Violet and Klaus Baudelaire." I say

"Tell them this, I will get you after everyone is asleep." He whispers to me and walks away

"What-" I say and turn but he's laying down in his sleeping bag.

"You 2 cakesniffers can sleep with the other cakesniffer in the back with the sleeping bag that smell like nail-polish!" Carmelita barked at Violet and Klaus

"It only smells like nail-polish because you spilled some on it!" I snapped at her to which she huffed and turned around with a stomp. Satisfied with my work I turned and went to my sleeping bag next to the masked boy and lay down, but then I remembered what the masked boy told me to tell the Baudelaire's. I walk to them and whisper.

"I will get you when everyone is asleep." And walked off

After everyone was asleep I turned to wake up the boy just to find him starring at me.


"Oh uh um." He looks down embarrassed

"I'll go get the Baudelaire's." I say and walk off

"Psst! Psst!"

"What?" Klaus say groggily

"Come on." I say and walk back to the boy, and they follow me.

"A Vertical Flame Diversion." Violet points out looking up

"Let's go." The boy said but Klaus stopped him

"You can take your masks off."

"There's enemy's everywhere." I say creepily

"Then how do we know we can trust you guys." Violet says skeptical

"Well, xenial a word that starts with X. Which the snow scouts could have used in there pledge." I say

"Xenial is the giving of gifts to a stranger. And well read people are less likely to be evil." The boy says

"Fine, but you have to tell us your names." Violet huffed

"When we get up there." I say and start to climb up which they follow. When we get to the top there is a Vernacularly Fastened Door.

"To enter you need to answer 3 questions. If you get them wrong the door locks....forever." The boy says

"Well what's the first question?" I ask

"What is the name of the scientist most widely credited with the discovery of gravity?" The boy read from a notebook

"That's easy, Sir Isaac Newton." Klaus said and I punched that in the key pad

(Welcome to the writer having a weird thought from this statement! I punched in the words but I punched too hard and broke the keys, as it fell to the ground I could not have wished more the ground would swallow me up.  Thank you for joining us on The writer having a weird thought from this statement!)

"Alright next one. The Latin name for the Volunteer Feline Detectives." The boy read

"Panthera leo!" I blurt out then punch that in the key pad

"Last one. What is the central theme of the novel Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy?" The boy read

"That's why you asked me about Anna Karenina!" I said he nods

"Our mother made us memorize this. A rural life of moral simplicity, despite its monotony, is the preferable personal narrative to a daring life of impulsive passion, which only leads to tragedy." Violet spoke up Klaus put that in and the door started to unlock then stoped

"Maybe it's stuck?" I say hopefully

"Or a daring life of impulsive passion leads to something else." The boy trailed then suddenly the door clicks and opens

"Mother! Father!" Violet and Klaus called in unison but got no response

"But Jacques said there was a survivor of the fire!" Violet says confused and disappointed

"There was." The boy says and takes his mask off.

"Dylan...." I ask my voice breaking and forgetting Violet and Klaus don't know who I am yet, thankfully they don't hear me.

"Duncan...." Violet asked in unison to me

"No. Quigley. Quigley Quagmire." He said

"No. He died in a fire!" I said not believing it

"I survived the fire that destroyed my home." He said

"How?" I asked taking a step closer

(I am not going to write how he escaped cuz I don't want to and that will take too much time and I'm pretty sure most people will just skip that part.)

"How do you know my siblings?" Quigley asked

"There our friends and there safe." Violet says

"Where are they?" Quigley asked hopeful

"There in a hot air mobile home, that can last forever." Klaus says

"At least there safe." Quigley sighs

"If you're Quigley then who is she?" Violet asked pointing to me

"Well you knew me, and..." I say taking off my mask.

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