Chapter 8

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"Virgil, I don't feel so good" I told him as soon as he entered the room

"You are looking a bit peaky, let me check your temperature" Virgil had also noticed my unwell state, he placed a hand on my forehead and then he moved his hand to the back of my neck "you're burning up" he stuck a thermometer in my mouth and he took it out again

"Is there any hope for me before I pass on to the afterlife" I groaned

"Your temperature is 100.4°F, you've got a fever, just as I predicted" Virgil mumbled, he handed me some pills that might help with the fever and the pain, I took them and I fell asleep again, I wasn't too fussed about food, I woke up in the early hours of the morning and I tried to crawl back to my own bed, Scott saw and he helped me to stand up

"What are you doing, you should be resting" Scott panicked, oh and by early hours of the morning I mean times that no human should actually be awake at, or more commonly known as two thirty

"I can't sleep, I want Virgil" I murmured

"Oh boy, he's not going to be so happy about this" Scott sighed and he went to find Virgil

"What the hell is wrong with her now" I heard Virgil ask, he was angered by his rude awakening

"She said she couldn't sleep, please don't get mad at her" Scott pleaded

"Well what am I supposed to do about it" I don't want him here now if he's angry, I broke down into tears

I now regret asking for him, oh well he has the chance to chew my head off now

"F*ck, Virgil she's really upset" I heard Scott mumble, so far i wanted to curl up in a ball to be honest

"I don't care, I'm going back to bed" Virgil growled

I fell asleep in the end, I felt sick when I woke up, I didn't know if I was going to make it to the bathroom or not, I found a trash can, I began to empty the contents of my stomach

"Oh charming, that's a wonderful sight to see on a Sunday morning" Gordon stared at me as if I had done something wrong

"It hurts" I complained

"Yeah well you're on bed rest only" Gordon sighed, he took the towel off his head

"Clear off, fish face" Virgil ordered as he walked into the room, he had returned to put an orthopaedic cast on my leg to help my ankle heal, I can't let him touch me

"Please don't touch me" I panicked, I wouldn't stay still so he gave me a sedetive to knock me out, I just have a fear of people touching me, I hated being knocked out, when I woke up I was wearing a bright orange cast, my body felt numb, I liked this numbness, I tried to move, but then I realised that I couldn't walk without crutches, I found some with a note attached to them

'Dear Olivia,

Use these if you're going to do anything stupid


I hate having to walk with crutches, they took a long time to adjust to them but I got the hang of it, I needed to sit down because my arms were hurting, the house was empty, apart from my uncle and Grandma Tracy

"Where is everyone" I asked

"On a mission" my uncle answered

John was up in space on Thunderbird 5, his face flashed up

"Looks like they'll all be returning home soon" John smiled, Grandma's tension had dissipated as soon as she heard that, she seemed to relax in her seat

"This is Thunderbird two, making a slow return to Tracy island" it was reassuring to know that Virgil was safe

"Virgil how are you piloting that thing with your shoulder like that" Scott asked in shock

"She's in autopilot, but I think I do a good job at masking the pain, I'll need some morphine once we get back" Virgil sighed

"Just be careful ok" Scott's brotherly side was coming out

"Just tell Liv not to worry" Virgil mumbled

*Virgil's POV*

F*ck this f*cking sh*t, my f*cking shoulder, I've dislocated it, I can't let Olivia see me like this

"Ugh" I groaned

"Virge, you okay" Alan asked me

"It hurts" I complained

My whole body hurts, I keep getting battered in these missions

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