Chapter 48

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I felt upset still, but I guess a week surrounded by my family can help that, when I knocked at the door my little sister Annie came bounding up to the door and she opened it, she's only eight, bless her little soul, she hugged me, she only goes up to my waist, she took one look at Virgil and she turned her nose up at him, she kicked him in the crotch as well

"Holy sh-" I nudged him in the ribs to sheild Annie from his foul language

"I don't like you" Annie decided and she ran off

"Olivia is that you" my mum called, I freaked out I didn't know what to do with Virgil or how to explain his presence so I pushed him into a bush

"Hey mum" I smiled innocently

"You're hiding something well someone from me aren't you" mum raised an eyebrow at me

"Yeah, this is Virgil, he is my significant other" I explained why there was a strange "man" (technically still a boy) climbing out of the bush, Virgil removed leaves and twigs from his clothes and hair

"Honey don't sugar coat it, just say boyfriend and it will be a little less painful for him" mum laughed

"Why did you have to shove me in a bush, you know I don't wish to be one with nature" Virgil sighed "so far it's been ten minutes and I've been kicked where the sun don't shine by a toddler, had my ribs almost broken and shoved into a bush, I say that's a good first impression for your mum"

"Sorry baby, I didn't know what to do so I freaked" I apologised

"It's alright, get inside before I shove you in a bush" Virgil chuckled

"Hey don't threaten me mister, I know where you're really ticklish" I returned the threat, Virgil is ticklish on his back and his waist, this is something I discovered a few weeks ago "also don't call Annie a toddler, she's eight"

"Sorry, she's just really small it's adorable" Virgil laughed quietly

"Don't fall for that adorable business, she's not, she's demon spawn" I joked

I took Virgil inside

"So is there any other siblings you have that you didn't tell me about" Virgil wondered, he admired the family photos on the wall

"Yeah, I have an older sister, she's called Eden, she's married, has two sons called Lochland and Noah, so technically I'm an aunty, she also lives in Australia, I haven't seen her in years" I told him

"Good news, Eden is visiting tomorrow" mum informed me

"What a coincidence" I muttered to myself

"Yay your big sis is going to be back in town" Virgil faked the enthusiasm

"Also I never told you my last name, my last name is Mason" I explained

"Do you have a middle name whilst you're at it" Virgil questioned me

"I have two, so my full name is Olivia Kylie Leona Mason" I managed to say my whole name without running out of breath

"Damn, I'm surprised you didn't die from saying that, but I like your name, it's very cute and sexy" Virgil grinned and he went to kiss me but I pushed him away

"Don't, not whilst my mums around" I sighed

"Ok, I can wait" Virgil smiled

The time was now nine o'clock in the evening, it was still bright outside but the light was starting to dim a little

"I think I'm going to go to bed" I told my mum

"Ok sweetie" my mum is so nice, she kissed me goodnight and she kissed Virgil on the cheek too, which was a major embarrassment

"Your mum is so kind" Virgil sighed sadly, I knew why he was sad, his mum died when he was still very young, poor thing, he went to lie down and I snuggled up to him

"I'm sorry, are you going to be alright" I asked, I knew how sensitive he was, I knew how much he cried whenever someone brought up the topic of his mum, he was getting a little teary eyed now

"What yeah, pfft totally not gonna break down into tears" Virgil whispered and then laughed a little, I could see pain in his eyes, he has beautiful brown eyes but they were clouded with pain and misery

"Cry if you want to, I'm not going to judge" I reassured him

"I don't want to, it's not very masculine of me to cry" Virgil muttered

"So, you need to cry at least once, and screw gender roles, cry a river if you want to" I laughed quietly

"I just feel so exhausted with everything...I...can't even be there for Allie...everything is making me feel like sh*t...I just can't do anything right" Virgil sniffed, he then started crying, with no warning whatsoever, it hurt to see him cry but I felt a little relieved that he was crying because at least he can cry

"There there Virgil it's ok, I love you alright" I reminded him

" you t-too" Virgil sobbed

"Sweetie it's alright, gosh I'm so proud of you for holding it all in, you're so brave you know that right, think of how many people owe you their lives, you must be doing something right if you save so many people" I smiled, I nuzzled him, he really is brave

"What about Alan, I haven't saved him from anything" Virgil cried

"You're trying to be a good brother, never doubt anything you've done because you're looking out for him, if Annie was like that I would do the same too" I whispered and I ran my hand through his hair

One things for sure, he isn't an emotionless plank of wood like Scott, at least he cares and can cry, all I can do now is comfort him and make sure he stays strong

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