Chapter 20

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*Olivia's POV*

I hate this, I hate being scared of everyone, I can't let people touch me because of my stupid problems, all because of these stupid nightmares, I have hallucinations, shadows become real and Seoul gets more vicious and I get terrified, I have to live through these things, I'm not allowed to complain, I couldn't find Gordon, John, my uncle, Grandma Tracy or Kayo I wanted to tell my uncle that I needed to go home, it's too stressful for me here

"Olivia, there you are, I just wanted t-to tell you that your father is coming to stay for a few days" my uncle explained

"Oh" I sighed, I didn't want to see him, I don't want to see any of my "family"

I felt more at home with the Tracy's, I felt like I belonged, I found Kayo on the beach, she was meditating, she knows I'm her sister

"Hey sis" I grinned and sat down next to her

"Hey" Kayo smiled back

"I honestly just want to go home" I admitted, I picked up a handful of sand, it ran straight through my fingers

"Have you tried to sleep properly, maybe that's the reason why you keep having hallucinations" Kayo asked

"I'm trying, I need to talk to Virgil so he can prescribe me some sleeping pills, I just feel so emotionally drained" I mumbled

"Virgil's weird" Kayo commented

"How?" I wondered

"Well he gets really worked up and angry about something and then he turns into a overprotective big brother, it's probably because of Alan, he really cares about Alan, I thought Scott would care more but Virgil's the one who's always looking out for him" Kayo frowned

"I guess he knew what it felt like to be the youngest at one point" I explained

"Yeah, and then little Gordon came along and he wasn't the youngest anymore" Kayo laughed

"Yeah" I had to laugh a little bit, she'll get worried if I don't

*Alan's POV*

"I'm sorry I had a breakdown without telling you, Principle Townsend" I apologised

"Alan, it's in my best interest to know if you're ok, if not your father will kill me" Principle Townsend sighed

"I just want to go home but I can't, dad won't let me" I mumbled, I shuffled my feet around on the floor

"We do have an online program, you can take your finals at home and send them to the exam board to mark, I'll make sure your brothers keep you in test conditions" Principle Townsend explained

"I know but I have so many friends here, I feel so isolated on the island, it just feels like my brothers are never there, they're always busy, I hate International Rescue, the very thing that was supposed to protect me has destroyed me" I sniffed

"Oh Alan, maybe we should sit down and talk to your father, he needs to know how you feel" Principle Townsend leaned over and passed me the tissue box, he knew when I was about to cry

"He won't listen, he only wants me gone, he keeps pushing me, I'm trying my hardest to be a Tracy but I guess he likes my brothers more" I felt tears welling up

"Alan I'm your godfather I have everything to do with your upbringing and your happiness" Principle Townsend frowned

"Al, dad doesn't want you gone, why do you keep lying like this" Scott snapped, he opened the door suddenly

"Scott go easy on him" Virgil glared at Scott

"No, why should I if he keeps lying, he's useless alright, he'll never be a Thunderbird" Scott was angry, his comments made me feel bad, my hand was hurting

Tears were streaming down my face and Scott was too angry to care or notice, Virgil noticed and he walked over to me

"Allie, it's ok, just breathe, it'll help calm you down" Virgil whispered, he had his hands on my knees

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