Chapter 30

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*Alan's POV*

I finally had a week off school, John was being annoying, he had taken up tai chi and he looks like an idiot

"John for once in your life can you not look like a praying mantis" I muttered

What on earth is he doing, he's going to scare people, I took a stroll on the beach, I saw Olivia, staring out at the sunset

"Oh hey Alan" Olivia smiled

I sat down next to her, I noticed something on her neck and her arms, they looked liked bruises

"What happened" I asked her

She knew what I was talking about, she quickly tried to cover the small bruises up, well they looked like bruises anyway

"Nothing happened" Olivia lied

"Oh, has it got something to do with Virgil, Gordon told me everything" I sighed

A small smile crept onto her face

"Don't tell me, he gave you a hickey" I laughed

"Shut it, your dad will kill me" Olivia mumbled, she was still smiling

"B*tch I knew he would do it, I knew it" I tried to put on a sassy voice

"Yeah, I guess but it just feels weird, I can't even look at him without freaking out" Olivia whispered "he's intimidating"

"I know how you feel, he intimidates me too, but I can't believe you allowed him to enter your personal bubble" I was actually surprised

"I shouldn't of though, I promised myself that I wouldn't let it happen, I shouldn't trust people" Olivia frowned

"It's good to trust people, then if you find out all their dirty little secrets you can tell everybody and blackmail them when they turn into your enemy" that escalated quicker than a bull in a china shop

"Alan, are you feeling alright" Olivia asked me, she looked concerned

"Yeah, I just wish I could feel happy here, I feel so isolated, dad never lets me do anything" I whined

"Maybe you should talk to Scott, or John, they seem willing to hang out with you, honestly if you're feeling triggered again just tell someone, there's no use just bottling it all up, I did that once and I got severely hurt" the panic in Olivia's voice was beginning to scare me

She is right, I am feeling triggered but John and Scott have far more better things to do than talk to me, Gordon's too busy training for the Olympics and Virgil has a girlfriend, they're all growing up without me and it f*cking hurts, I left Olivia on her own and I went to my room, it sucks being the youngest, no one really cares for you that much, I finished all my school assignments so I was practically free for the break, I have to start preparing for my finals next week, fun, I won't have anyone to help me revise, I suppose I should ask my brothers if they had any tips, especially Gordon since he did his about two years ago, I found Virgil in the hangar doing some necessary maintenance on Thunderbird two

"Virgil do you have any like revision advice-" I was interrupted

"Alan can't you see I'm busy at the moment, check back later ok" Virgil snapped

"Oh, ok then" I whispered and walked away, I found John doing his weird meditation thing

"Hey Alan" John greeted me

"John can you help me I need to revise for my finals and I was wondering if you had any advice" I asked him

"I am peaceful, I am calm, I have found my inner chakra" John chanted

"I guess you can't help then" I muttered

See this is why I fail at everything because I don't have any form of help

"Gordon, can you help me revise for my stupid finals" I begged him

"Sorry Alan, I'm hopeless at giving advice, try Scott he might be able to help" Gordon smiled and gave me a little push in Scott's direction

"Scott-" before I could say anything he spoke over me

"Go away, I don't have time for your little games, go annoy someone else for a change" Scott growled

"I was going to ask if you could-" interupted again

"Get out of here now" Scott pointed at the door

I shuffled out of his room, just when I needed them the most they just leave me to suffer, some brothers I have, useful for saving the world but ignore the youngest when he's having a crisis, this is why I hate my family, this is why I wish mum should of had an abortion, I'm no use to anyone, I'm always ignored, I'm never trusted, I get treated like dirt, I never get to do anything and dad hates me

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