Chapter 24

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*Alan's POV*

"Gordon stop poking me" I growled at Gordon who was poking me with his straw

"I hate this, I'm bored" Gordon whined

"Well shut up, and sit there quietly" Virgil ordered, him being the oldest in the room at the moment gave him more authority

"Shut up yourself, Virgin Mary" Gordon muttered

"What did you just call me, don't you dare take the p*ss out of my name, I'll will snap you in half" Virgil threatened

"So what's the situation with you an Liv" Gordon asked, trying to change the subject, Virgil hates it when people change the subject too quickly, he likes coversations to flow smoothly

"No situation whatsoever" Virgil replied

"If anyone asks I ship it" I laughed

"Don't you even think about it Allie" Virgil glared at me

"Oh come on, we can tell that you like her" I sniggered

"Fine, I do like her, but I can't like her, dad will kill me" Virgil sighed

"First of all, don't listen to dad, he's an idiot, second of all, don't let anybody get in the way of your love life and thirdly, Olivia likes you too, she told me, she really likes you Virge, you just need to let her into your life a bit more" Gordon ranted and took a sip of his tropical smoothie

"What he said" I agreed with Gordon

"I can't, what if I hurt her" Virgil lost all hope

"You won't, she looks like she could stand anything, as long as there's no sex involved, if there is then dad will most likely turn you into squid sushi before you can even say anything" Gordon chuckled

"What will you be ordering tonight" a waiter asked as he walked over to us

"I'll just have ramen for the starter and sake sashimi for the main" I answered first, I can't speak Japanese so I probably offended a lot of people, why did Gordon think that going to a Japanese restaurant was a good idea

"I'll have the same" Gordon replied

"I'm not really hungry, but I suppose ramen seems nice" Virgil was the last to answer, he hasn't been comfort eating as much as he usually does, he's probably sticking to his healthy eating plan again

I managed to eat, Gordon smiled and ruffled my hair when I finished my food

"See look Allie you're gaining a bit of muscle, I told you could do it Squirt" Gordon laughed quietly

"Don't call me Allie" I ordered, I only liked it when Virgil called me Allie, no one else is allowed to call me that, dad stopped calling me that ages ago

*Olivia's POV*

I hated my dad, he's embarrassing, Brains is only my uncle because my mum and Brains are brother and sister since Brains got adopted into the same family as my mum, that's a long winded explanation and I'm only the Hood's niece because I too was adopted by my mum, since my real dad died and Kayo and me got seperated when we got adopted, f*cking hell my family tree needs one of Scott's annual spring filing sessions, I was texting Virgil at the dinner table, I don't think I'll survive this meal, my dad has to meet Jeff Tracy, sh*t

"You can leave if you want to, this is the boring bit" John whispered to me, he snuck me some brownies that Scott had made "run child, run like there's no tomorrow"

I ran, to be honest my lungs broke half way through but I got upstairs in time, I ate the brownies and I relaxed for a while, I was getting anxious and worrying about what time Virgil would be back, sh*t what if he used his powers of deduction (well more like seduction) to figure out if I like him

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