Chapter 65

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Gordon had been knocked out and tied up, so had Lady Penelope, I had to drag them to a safe place, I tried undoing the ropes that tied them together

"Liv wait up" Virgil panted, he was out of breath from running after me, he looked at me with a disappointed look on his face

"Virgil it's not what it looks like" I panicked

"I thought I could trust you" Virgil snapped

"I was only trying to help" I whispered, he didn't understand that I was trying to free Gordon and Lady Penelope

"Yeah well stop trying" Virgil muttered "Scott you were right, maybe we should call Colonel Casey, I mean we can't trust her can we"

I cut the ropes, I woke Gordon up

"Sorry" I apologised and I hugged him

"You b*tch" Lady Penelope growled and she launched at me, her nails are sharp, Christ almighty, she was going to claw my face off but I stopped her

"Whoa whoa whoa ladies ladies, can we not have a fight" Virgil tried to intervene, but I pushed him off

"Don't you get involved, get back to standing around and looking pretty, you're annoying alright" Lady Penelope sighed

"How dare you" I glared at her, no one insults Virgil, not even I can

"What" Lady Penelope asked

"Liv just leave it, it's ok" Virgil reassured me

"She's through here, I'm warning you she does snap easily" I heard Scott

I seized up

"Don't let them take me" I cried and I threw my arms around Virgil hoping that he would improve the situation

"I won't let them take you, not on my watch anyway" Virgil muttered

"Ah Virgil's got her, can you let her go" Colonel Casey requested when she walked through the door

"No" Virgil replied, I could feel him getting tense

"If you don't let her go, I'm going to have to arrest you both" Colonel Casey threatened

"Go ahead, but I won't let you hurt her" Virgil snapped

"Fine, Virgil I'm placing you under arrest for interfering with government procedures" Colonel Casey sighed "it's a pity you really were my favourite"

A man placed handcuffs around Virgil's wrists and he pushed him out of the room

"Olivia the only reason why I'm placing you under arrest is for assault and attempted sabotage of International Rescue" Colonel Casey explained

I understood, the handcuffs were too tight, I felt like it was cutting off the blood supply in my hands

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