Chapter 33

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*Virgil's POV*

"Hey Liv, wake up, come on, you have to talk about what happened last night" I whispered and nuzzled the back of her neck

"I don't want to" Olivia muttered

"Baby you have to, otherwise it'll damage you" I was worried about her

"All I had was another stupid nightmare again, are you happy now" Olivia growled

"No, I'm not, I want you to tell me what happened" I mumbled

"I don't want to talk about it and that's final" Olivia snapped

She got up and got dressed, I decided to sleep in her room since she had a nightmare, everything is irritating me

"Virgil, get yo' ass up, we need you" Gordon threw his shoe at me

"Fine, but don't throw your bloody shoe at me next time" I grumbled

I got changed to see dad was overlooking the distress calls

"Virgil, Scott they need you in Japan, a certain maglev train is malfunctioning and they need assistance with slowing it down before it kills people" dad explained

"FAB dad" Scott nodded

*Alan's POV*

I had pulled an all nighter whilst I was studying, I may have had a can of energy drink or two, dad said energy drinks were completely off limit for me because of an incident I had when I was 7, I was finished with all of my studying, I saw Thunderbird one fly off into the horizon, by the looks of it Scott's going to Asia, Virgil as well, my room shook a bit as Thunderbird two went past

"I wish I could be like you" I sighed, I'm not really needed since dad can fly Thunderbird three

"Alan, do you want anything to eat sweetie" Grandma asked

I shook my head, I was declining for two reasons firstly because I can't stomach her food and secondly I wasn't hungry anyway

"Ok dear, I'll get you something to drink instead" Grandma smiled

I put my headphones in and I maxed out the volume, if I'm not needed I might as well deafen myself, I was lying starfish on the bed, staring at the ceiling, I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks, my jumper was probably the only comfort I had right now, I was a little big since Virgil gave it to me, my sleeves were longer than my arms so at least I can slap people with my floppy sleeves, my stupid song choice was making me cry

"Darn you My Chemical Romace" I whispered, I know it's an old band and they split up ages ago but their music is good

Someone ripped my headphones out of my ears

"Alan turn down your volume, you'll make your eardrums burst" John scolded me

"What do you guys need me for now" I asked

"Sorry Alan, the TV is out again" John smiled innocently

"Instead of wasting my time and Thunderbird three's fuel can't you go and check the bloody aeriel for once instead of blaming it on the satellite in space" I mumbled

"I actually I never thought about that, we'll still need you though" John grinned

John went to check the aerial and he came back

"Yep it's just the aerial this time and not the satellite, I'll get Gordon as well-" I interrupted him

"No need, you've disturbed me now I might as well go and fix it" I sighed, I got the ladder out and I checked to see if it was steady before I began to climb it

"Alan, are you sure you can fix it buddy" dad asked shielding his eyes from the midday sun

"I'm sure" I reassured him, I crawled along the roof "oh sh*t"

Virgil and Scott were back, I clung on to the roof because of the shockwaves

"Allie what are you doing up there" Virgil wondered when he walked outside to see what all the commotion was about

"Fixing the aerial, which you clearly said you were gonna do last week" I snapped

The screws fixing the aerial to the base had been loosened, I got the screwdriver from my back pocket, I held it in my mouth until the aerial was in a suitable position, I knew it was in a suitable position because Gordon was testing the TV inside and he gave signals to John if the TV was working or not, I tightened the screws and it was fixed, I climbed back down the ladder afterwards and I felt like I had accomplished something

"Yes, now I can finally watch my five hour documentary about orca whales" Gordon laughed and he ran up to his room

"Is there any football on" I asked

"In your dreams squirt, it's my turn to choose what we watch" Virgil protested

"I want to watch football" I argued

"I want to watch the movie that's on" Virgil replied

"All you want to do is watch that stupid dramatical reenactment about Pablo Picasso's life" John added

"It's not stupid" Virgil growled

"It is" John teased

"Boys" dad tried to stop us before we end up tearing each other's limbs off but neither John or Virgil or me heard him properly

"All you care about is those stupid artists who lived eons ago, I don't want to have another history lesson, it's boring when Mrs Prince drones on and on about it" I whined

"For the last time they are not stupid" Virgil snarled

"Boys can we not fight, I allowed you to have a TV in your room for this exact reason Alan, go and watch your football in your room" dad tried to break up our fight

"This is why I keep saying that they're morons dad" Scott sighed

"Shut up Scott!" Virgil shouted and he threw his book at Scott who looked terrified, it's not every day he gets books thrown at him

"Whoa Virgil, cool your jets" dad tried to calm Virgil down "go and watch the movie in your room ok"

"Don't patronise me" Virgil huffed and he walked up the stairs into his room

I went to my room as well

*Scott's POV*

Virgil has thrown a lot of things at me over the years when he has a tantrum, ranging from TV remotes, forks, pens, books, phones, spanners, scissors, hairbrushes, stuffed animals and sports equipment

"Jesus Scott you can really take a beating" John laughed

"Yeah" I have to put up this front and act like it doesn't hurt but oh does it f*cking hurt, Virgil is terrifying when he loses his temper like that

It was a frightening ordeal

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