Chapter 99

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*Virgil's POV*

Olivia was sleeping soundly next to me, I ran my hand through her soft hair

"I still think you're beautiful babe" I whispered and I kissed her cheek

I held her arm, she had so many scars, I felt sorry for her, I got up to get a glass of water, I couldn't sleep, when I returned to bed I saw Olivia clutching her chest, she was hyperventilating

"Virgil, I can't breathe" Olivia panicked

"Oh f*ck, I think you're having a panic attack" I didn't want her to be like this

" me" Olivia cried

I hauled her over my shoulder and I took her to the infirmary

"You know you're not attractive when you're snotting up the place" I laughed

I wiped her tears away with a tissue

"I-I'm f-f*cking scared" Olivia sniffled

"I know you are, come on, talk to me, what do you like doing in your spare time" I wondered

"I like reading" Olivia mumbled

"So what's your favourite book" I asked

"Alice's adventures in wonderland b-by Lewis Carrol" Olivia replied

"I used to love that book when I was younger" I chuckled

"Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen" Olivia added

"Interesting, you have a good choice in literature" I smiled

"I am a literature student after all" Olivia laughed

"You're laughing, that's a good sign" I sighed and I wrapped my arms around her, I carried her back to bed

*Olivia's POV*

I couldn't get back to sleep, my mind was still racing

"Virgil, do you still think I'm beautiful, do you still love me" I asked quietly

"Yeah" Virgil answered

"Even though I did some pretty f*cked up things, oh god, how can you still love me" I whispered

I felt his hands wrap around my stomach, I fell asleep

*a few days later*

"Oh god, he's going to die isn't he" I sobbed

Alan shook me a few times

"Pull yourself together woman, he's been in situations like this many times" Alan snapped

"He won't make it, he's completely exhausted her fuel, he's lucky if he makes it back here alive" Gordon sighed

"No, not my son, God f*cking damn it!" Jeff shouted and he slammed his fist down on the table, I jumped

"I think you should go to bed, it's getting late" Scott suggested

I trudged back to my own room, Virgil is f*cked, I hardly got to sleep because an hour after I fell asleep Alan opened my door

"He's fine, you can sleep now" Alan smiled, he looked like he had been crying

"Alan, if you're having trouble sleeping you can sleep in my room tonight" I offered

"Thanks" Alan mumbled, he crawled into my bed "you don't mind, if this gets weird just tell me"

"Dude I'm like your sister, it won't get weird" I laughed

Alan is like my little brother, I have to look out for him

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