Chapter 76 part 1

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"Er Olivia I seem to be a little stuck with taking this off" Virgil requested

"Dude you're almost 20 and you still expect me to help you get undressed, I'm not your mum" I snapped

He seemed to shrink a little

"I'm sorry, I didn't think" I apologised

"It's ok baby, I need to be a bit more independent- what are you doing" Virgil asked, I was helping him get his jumpsuit off, I freaked out when I saw that he had nothing on underneath

"You didn't tell me that you wore nothing underneath this" I muttered

"I can't, it gets too hot" Virgil replied

"You're too hot to start with so it wouldn't matter" I grinned

Virgil stared at me, he looked very confused

"Sorry, I should just be quiet" I decided and I got changed, I had to go before I embarrassed myself, it was really late when we got back so I decided to go to bed, I couldn't force myself to stay up any longer, I hated that I was scared of him, I still can't trust him, I got undressed and I fell asleep, I still have nightmares, this one was horrible, I was abducted by Lucas and he...forced me to have sex with him again, I woke up in a cold sweat, however, I wasn't in my own bed, I tried to look up at the walls, just hoping that it was Virgil's room, but it wasn't, I was scared

"Good morning baby girl" a voice that I knew all too well had broken the deadly silence

"What do you want" I asked bitterly, I tried to move but I found that I was inconveniently handcuffed to a bedpost

"You, I want you, ever since I first saw you I knew that you were important to me, I knew we had a connection, I saw the way that boy looks at you, he's only using you for his own personal gain" Lucas replied

I saw my phone on the bedside cabinet, I tried to reach for it but Lucas got there before me

"Give me that back, I'm scared" I whimpered

"Relax princess it'll be ok, Eden's filed for a divorce and I need a nice young girl to fill that empty space next to me in bed, I thought you could, you're so beautiful, it's a shame Virgil doesn't love you the same way I do" Lucas hissed

"You don't know what love is" I spat

Lucas placed a hand around my neck, at this point I'll die of asphyxiation

"I know what love is, least I know what real passionate love feels like" Lucas snapped "look I'll pay you every time you agree to sleep with me"

"You make it sound like I'm a prostitute" I muttered "the age gap disturbs me, there's like 21 years between us"

"That'll make it even more better" Lucas smiled wickedly

"Fine, whatever you say, I have no use whilst I'm alive anyway" I have just about given up with life

"Good girl, I hope you don't mind cooking me breakfast" Lucas whispered and he kissed me, he took the handcuffs off and he gave me some clothes that were quite revealing, I set to work with cooking his breakfast, this was agony, I didn't eat anything because I wasn't hungry, Virgil can cope with me being like this, I just hope that Lucas can too, he gave me my phone, but when I looked in my contacts it was empty, there's no way I can contact Virgil, my watch had been removed too, I checked my text messages, empty, f*ck

*Virgil's POV*

Gordon opened my door suddenly

"It's Olivia, she's missing" Gordon told me

I got up instantly and I checked Olivia's room, she wasn't in her bed at all, I did find a piece of paper, it had a note on it

You may have won last time, but I have the one thing that's so special to you

That f*cking twat Lucas, I'm going to kill him, I don't care if it lands me in jail, he needs to know that no one can mess with Olivia

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