Chapter 44

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*Olivia's POV*

I was running so fast that I slammed into someone, it was Virgil

"Hey Olivia watch where you're going alright!" Virgil shouted

"I'm s...sorry" I apologised, he was angry too, my reality is being warped into this dream I can't wake up from, images had flashed in my mind, I seized up, I couldn't breathe

"Liv, it's ok" Virgil whispered and he wrapped his arms around me, I was terrified

"It's not ok, I keep going into a catatonic state when I'm around you" I cried

"Shh, it's alright baby, you're safe now" Virgil comforted me

"I'm scared" I sobbed

"I know, come on why don't you go to bed, you seem really tired and you're not really acting like yourself today" Virgil suggested

"Ok" I sniffed

"I love you" Virgil reminded me

"I love you too" I replied

I trudged up the stairs and into bed, it was easier if I just sleep it off, I couldn't though, I spent two hours lying on my back staring at the ceiling, I didn't want to have another nightmare again, I was scared that I would have one so I made myself stay awake, when the clock struck midnight I knew I had to go to Virgil, he said if I don't fall asleep within two hours I should talk to him, I knocked on his door, he was still wide awake

"Virgil, I can't sleep" I mumbled "can I sleep with you tonight"

"Yeah, sure, I need to get your sleeping pattern sorted out, here take one of these" Virgil sighed and he handed me a sleeping pill

"I can't take this" I whined

"Well then what else are you going to do" Virgil asked

"I just want to lie here peacefully with you" I whispered

"Well I've got assignments to be catching up on" Virgil grumbled

"Ok, I'll take this and go back to bed" I hate this

"No, wait Olivia, I'm sorry, it's just I'm a massive jerk and I tend to push people away by accident" Virgil apologised

"It's fine, I'm being annoying anyway, I should just go" I muttered

Virgil pulled me back into his room and he pinned me down on his bed

"Stay" Virgil ordered, there was a weird look in his eyes

I tried to speak but he forced his lips onto mine, I tried to fight him off

"Sh*t, let me go" I cried

"No, I want you to stay here, with me" Virgil murmured, he nuzzled my neck

I felt a little relived that he is doing this to me, at least it helps me to differentiate him and my dad, at least Virgil is sexy, but I knew his intentions, I knew what he wanted and I wanted the same thing

"Stop, if your dad finds out he'll kill you" I was scared now

"Yeah well he's not home, neither is the rest of my family, it's just us" Virgil told me

"Virgil, I've never done this before, I'm a little scared" I admitted

"Don't worry babe, it'll be fine" Virgil mumbled

//skips ahead of time as there are some naughty moments and I'm too innocent to describe them plus Wattpad will never allow it XD//

I don't want to talk about last night, all I can remember is that I woke up next to Virgil, my clothes were strewn over the floor, I didn't have anything on, f*ck, at least I did it with him, at least I didn't lose my virginity to a complete stranger, Virgil is so cute when he's sleepy, I ran my fingers up his spine and he giggled slightly

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" Virgil whispered back

I kissed the back of his neck, he's so warm and cuddly and he's adorable, I decided to get up, I didn't have any clean underwear so I made a very risky dash across the hall to my room, something about me is different, I can't tell if I'm actually happy or this is just an after effect of having sex, I wanted to have a shower so I didn't get dressed, I got my towel out of my bag and I walked into the bathroom, I had a pleasant shower, I actually feel good about my body now

That's great I guess

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