1000+ reads + Chapter 25 part 1

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Oh my holy mackerel guys, I can't believe this hit 1000 reads, I feel honoured, seriously, like I can't thank you guys enough for this



*Olivia's POV*

"You crazy b*stard Virgil, pull up, you're gonna kill us all!" I screamed, however he wouldn't listen so I gripped the throttle control and I yanked it backwards, that way he didn't kill me, himself and Alan in the process, Thunderbird two was now flying at a level altitude. Alan was clinging on to my legs

"Whoa, who gave you permission to mess about with my baby's controls" Virgil snapped, he pressed the autopilot button on the cockpit and he got up from his seat

"I was trying to not cause an accident" I glared at him

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Alan retched, his hand was covering his mouth so he didn't vomit all over the floor, I managed to find a sick bag in the first aid compartment, I gave it to him, I tried my hardest to ignore the noises that Alan made whilst emptying his stomach, I never knew he was able to make those noises

"You're no fun Liv" Virgil sighed, he returned to his seat

"I hate you" I muttered

"I hate you too" Virgil replied

"I hate pilots who have egos bigger than their aircraft" I insulted him which was the worst thing to do

"Hey lovebirds Grandma is gonna kill you" Alan murmured

He was right Grandma Tracy was furious

"Virgil Grissom Tracy, I swear to god if it wasn't illegal I would wring your neck and serve you for dinner!" Grandma Tracy yelled "you could've been seen, you could've killed your brother, you could've killed Olivia, now what do you have to say for yourself"

"Sorry" Virgil apologised, dodging the various items Grandma Tracy was throwing at him, these various items included a spatula, a can of tomato soup, a slipper and a plate

"Sorry isn't enough, when your father gets home I'm going to tell him everything about this" Grandma Tracy was mad, she seemed to calm down after a little while

Virgil scampered off to his room to avoid having another lecture, Alan wobbled into the room, he still felt sick after the little ride

"Herbal tea might do the trick" I suggested and handed Alan a cup of strawberry and mango herbal tea, he took a sip and he instantly spat it back into the cup

"This is not eligible for human consumption" Alan moaned and he went to lick the carpet

"Alan stop licking the carpet you're not a dog" Scott barked

I went to explore the house for a bit, I found an empty room there was a pristine white piano, how haven't I noticed this room before, I used to play a bit of piano when I was younger, I sat down on the stool, it was nice to play the piano again

*Virgil's POV*

I heard the piano, alright someone's going to get it, no one, I repeat no one touches that piano, I opened the door to find Olivia playing Moonlight Sonata she stopped when she saw me, she seemed scared when she saw me, isn't she adorable

"Virgil, I...I'm sorry" Olivia apologised

I sat down next to her, she's so awkward it's cute

"Nah it's fine, come here" I smiled and I hugged her, she tried to get away from me

"Let go of me" Olivia cried

My grip tightened around her, I never want to let her go, she's too cute for me to let go of her

"Never" I whispered

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