Chapter 51

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*Gordon's POV*

I started a marine biology course at college, I love water and I love sea creatures as well

"Hey, I'm Amanda and I'll be your course leader" a smiley woman greaeted us, I noticed from her name badge that she worked at the University of Phoenix

I was looking around the classroom, I noticed a boy at the back of the classroom he had bright blue hair, he was sitting on his own, I raised my hand

"Yes can I help you...Gordon" Amanda asked

"Can I move to the back of the classroom so he doesn't feel so lonely" I requested

"Yes, Gordon you can sit next to Daniel, just don't cause a scene" Amanda sighed

I picked up my books and my bag and I moved next to Daniel, he was shy, it was adorable, I think I definitely am gay because I find him attractive and I already have a crush on him

"H...hey...I like your shirt" Daniel complimented me

"Thanks at least someone likes my fashion choice" I laughed

"Yeah" Daniel laughed with me

I liked him, his shyness completes everything, but he probably doesn't like me, he's probably straight

"Just a little warning, I have anxiety, is it ok if I hang around with you at lunch" Daniel asked

Ugh I'm so stupid, I thought he was shy but he's not he has a mental illness and it affects him everyday, I had to activate my mother hen mode, just to protect him

"Sure, you can hang around me whenever you want to, I don't really have that many friends" I told him

"Thanks" Daniel smiled

"No problem" I whispered

I sat through my first lesson, I was relieved when it was lunchtime

"Gordon, can you buy this for me, I don't like the cashier lady, I'm scared, I'll pay you back" Daniel requested, he hung on to my sleeve, he passed me the drink and the salad he wanted

"Ok, don't worry Daniel, it's fine" I reassured him, I payed for his and my lunch, Daniel dug around in his pocket and he gave me back the $5 that he owed me

"Thanks" Daniel muttered

"It's ok" I told him

I took him to a park and we both sat down on the grass

"I need to confess something" Daniel mumbled

"Yeah, what is it" I wondered

Please be gay, please be gay, please be gay, please be gay

"I'm bisexual" Daniel admitted

F*ck yes, that's the next best thing, it's ok for me to crush on him

"And I have a boyfriend" Daniel also told me

Oh, that's great, I totally haven't died inside, totally

"Oh..." I sighed

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