Chapter 74

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Virgil made me feel wanted, he protected me, he loved me, I can remember after every training session he would always make sure I wasn't hurt in any way and when I was hurt he would always make jokes about getting the SpongeBob SquarePants plasters out, I miss his humour and his jokes, I decided to go home to my "parents" for a few weeks, Massachusetts has horrible weather sometimes, I never actually spoke about the town in which I live in, I live in Great Barrington, it's a rural area, people are actually nice here, the rain hammered against my window and the wind made noises that honestly scared the sh*t out of me, my "dad" walked into the room and he looked at me in disappointment

"Olivia when are you going to go outside" my "dad" asked

"When my boyfriend wakes up, my life has no meaning without him" I mumbled, I rolled over to face the wall, it was true, my life did have no meaning, it had turned grey again, my life used to have colour, but then the abuse started, all I saw was a grey and dark world

"Oh come on, he can't be all that, he's just a boy that you swoon over" "dad's" comments were harsh but his voice was soft and sweet

"Yeah, just some boy" I whispered

Why does nobody understand how much Virgil means to me, why don't they understand how much he saved my life, I was on the verge of getting myself killed if it wasn't for him, he was friendly and warm, I couldn't trust him at first, I just want him to be ok, my phone vibrated in my pocket, it was a text message from Alan

Alan: Hey, u need to get down to the hospital, it's Virge

I started panicking, what is he's deteriorating, he can't die, not yet, luckily the hospital they took Virgil to was near to where I live, I did have a drivers license so I borrowed my "dad's" keys and I rushed out the door, driving is scary, I tried not to crash, when I arrived at the hospital, I ran up to Virgil's ward and I opened the door to see Alan smiling, Gordon, John, Scott and Jeff were there too, now the reason why Alan is here is because he was caught trying to run away, he's also going to be a dad in a few months

"What's happened" I asked instantly, my breaths were shaky

"Well he's going to be waking up soon, the doctor said and they can take him off life support" Alan explained

"Oh that's good" I felt so relieved to hear that

Virgil's eyes opened slowly, I missed seeing his beautiful brown eyes

" you" he kept faltering on his words, poor baby

"Yes it's me" I reassured him, I took hold of his hand, it was warm this time

"I...l-love you" Virgil stuttered, he seemed so tired

"I love you too" I was tearing up now

"Hey don't're supposed to smile" Virgil whispered and he tried to wipe my tears away

*time skip*

I was mainly looking after and caring for Virgil now, he has to walk on crutches because his legs aren't working properly, he can hardly walk, I decided to wake him up at his usual time

"Rise and shine sleepyhead" I called out in a shrill voice

"Ugh, don't wake me up" Virgil groaned

"I have to" I smiled and I nuzzled him

"How about you just get into bed with me and you can sleep next to me for a bit" Virgil suggested

I liked this idea, I climbed into his bed and I cuddled up to him, he's so warm and plushy and adorable

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