Breakfast and Car Rides

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Just as you and Bucky were leaving your bedroom Steve was going to knock.
"Hey, I was just coming to get you. I hope you don't mind but I made some eggs and bacon." Steve said while blushing.
"It's no problem at all Punk. Our home is your home, feel free to use anything within reason." Bucky said while placing a hand on your hip to lead you out of the room.
"It's really not a problem Steve." You said stepping out of your room to the hallway with Bucky just behind you.

As the three of you made your way down stairs to the dining room. The smell of the food made your stomach growl in hunger after this morning's activities, Bucky looking down at you and giving you a small smile before it morphed into a smirk.
"You sure worked up an appetite." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Steve blushed at his words but Bucky didn't care. You could only roll your eyes at him knowing how playful he could be when he was comfortable.
"James! Mind your words." You slapped his chest gently and laughed.
Bucky started laughing as well till he let out a snort causing the rest of you to start laughing out loud, till you lost your balance almost slipping down the stairs but both soldiers caught you before you could fall down.
This triggered you to start giggling again, you could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes.
"You okay, Doll?" Bucky asked with concern written all over his face.
"I'm all good James. Thank you gentlemen for catching me." You said trying to catch your breath again and glancing at Steve and Bucky before settling your eyes onto Bucky with a look of adoration.
"You two are adorable together." Steve said, breaking you out of your love sick gaze.
"Thank you, Steve. I don't know what I'd do without him." You replied.
"It means a lot. I love her with everything I can give." Bucky followed in reply.
"Alright gents, let's get some food before we need to leave." You before standing fully on your feet again.

The men followed behind you and began speaking with each other about the past couple of years. As you made it to the table and went to sit down but before you could sit down Bucky stopped you and pulled out your seat.
"Thank you, James." You said quietly while tracing his stubbled jaw with your finger.
"Anything for you, love." He said while leaning down to kiss your temple.

As the meal went on Bucky and Steve continued their conversation and included you in as well. You mostly stayed silent watching their facial expressions as they talked. When you looked over at James again you could see a glint of excitement in his eyes.

You began gathering the dishes and went to wash them as the men were still chatting.
Just as you finished the last plate Steve's phone rang.
"Hello, We just finished eating. I'll ask." Steve said.
"What's going on?" you asked with curiosity.
"Tony wants to know if you'd be willing to talk to him about some stuff when we get to the jet." Steve told you looking a little fed up with Tony's antics.
"I guess." You said not looking forward to talking with Tony.
" She agreed." Steve spoke into the phone and hung up before Tony could make more demands.

"Hey Steve." You said.
"Yeah?" He looked over at you.
"What do we need to bring and what can we bring?" You asked looking around your home not wanting to part from it.
"You can bring whatever you want. Tony will provide a lot of what you'll need at the compound." Steve said
"Oh...Okay." You said not feeling completely comfortable with Tony providing everything.
"James, can you go grab the box from our closet?" You turned to Bucky who nodded and went to get the box.
"Is there anything I could help with?" Steve asked
"Could you hold this box while I go around and grab some stuff?" You asked
"That's no problem." He said while grabbing the box.

You went around the house grabbing picture frames and other memorabilia around the house and taking moments here and there just to reminisce, it would be a long time till you could come back.
"I grabbed some more of Bunica's stuff." Bucky said while coming downstairs with a full box.
"Whose Bunica?" Steve asked.
"Bunica is grandma in Romanian. Her name was Georgeta. She was my nanny growing up." You said with a small smile remembering her.
"That's neat. I don't mean to pry but, Where is she now?" Steve asked innocently.
"She passed away 4 years ago." You said trying to keep a smile on your face. Remembering her last words to you "Don't cry over me porumbel. I want you to smile when you think of me."
She loved to call you Dove saying you had brought peace and love back to her life.

You had finished packing what you wanted to take with you before sighing out not ready to leave your home.
Bucky came behind you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head repeatedly knowing how you felt parting from your home. This home had many memories and was once the home to your nanny.
"It'll be alright, Sweetheart. We'll come back as often as possible." he whispered into your ear.
"I know but it doesn't make it easier. There's so many memories here James." You said while turning in his arms to rest your cheek on his chest.

Steve made his way towards you both telling you and Bucky it was time to go.
"Oh Steve! Could we get my BMW shipped to New York?" You asked crossing your fingers in hopes of him saying yes.
"That shouldn't be an issue at all." He told you with a firm nod.
"Alright, I'm glad." You sighed in relief.

Bucky led you to the car with his hand resting on your lower back. It was a simple gesture but meant the world to you, it showed that he was there to protect and comfort you through everything and anything.
He was such a caring man and knew every little thing about you and how to calm you down, you also shared the same comfort for James as well.
Through the entirety of his recovery you had been and will always be his safe place.
When you both reached the car he opened the backdoor for you and climbed in with you before reaching for your hand and rubbing the top of it with the pad of his calloused thumb.

Steve made his way to the driver's seat and set up the directions to the said helipad where the Quinjet was located.
You leaned against the window just watching the street lights pass by and seeing the shops with patrons coming in and out of the buildings down the cobblestone streets. You saw the farmers market that you and Bucky went to just yesterday before your life was flipped upside down, but felt grateful that Bucky was free minus having to be constantly watched by the Avengers. Maybe they would befriend you and Bucky with open arms.

You watched as the streets of the city starting to become a rural forest, this confused you thinking that the area was open enough for an aircraft and there were no military bases nearby.
"Steve, Where are we going?" You asked a little on edge. Pushing yourself away from the car window.
"There's a field nearby. I just needed the address for the farm it's on." Steve said, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
"Alright, I thought we'd be going to an airport or something like that." You replied
"Nothing to worry about, doll. I talked to Steve about it before we left. I should've told you before we left." Bucky said apologetically to you.
"It's no worries James. Everythings okay. I was just confused."  You told him honestly before going to cuddle into his side. He sighed in content while wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer to him.
"I know this is scary, Doll. I'm scared too, but I have you and you have me through it all." Bucky whispered against your hair and kissed the side of your head when he finished speaking.
"I know James. I just hope everyone is pleasant, especially to you." You whispered back, reaching up and placing your hand on his hand that rested on your shoulder.

Steve continued to focus on the road not wanting to ruin the moment between the two of you.
You and Bucky continued to whisper sweet nothings and I love you's for a while before Steve Cut in.
"Hey, you two. We're here." He cleared his throat before rotating in his seat to look at the two of you in eachothers arms.
He was over the moon that Bucky found the love of his life, he deserves it after everything he's been through.

Bucky reluctantly released you from his hold which caused a whine to ignite from you.
"Don't let go yet,James." You whined out to him.
"I'm sorry, Honey. But we're here now."  He said  feeling dejected at the loss of contact with you before opening the door for both of you to get out and stretch your legs a little before the long journey on the jet to New York.

Word count: 1584

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