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After that dinner time seemed to fly by quickly.
Before the blink of an eye you and Bucky had been at the compound for just over six months.
Over the course of six months your relationship with Peter had grown incredibly close and you felt like he was your own.

You and Bucky were going strong but you did have the occasional hiccup but all relationships have those and you knew how much he truly loved you.

"Hey, Doll. Can you come here real quick?" Bucky's voice was heard from the living room.
"One Second, my love!" you called back.
"Take your time," he called back.

You quickly finished putting on your makeup and made your way out to the living room to meet Bucky. You gave him a little turn showing off your brand new baby blue sundress.
Bucky couldn't help but laugh at your attics and admire your beauty. Today was incredibly important for the two of you because Bucky was planning on proposing to you today the love of his life would finally be his wife.  He had everything planned down to a T.  He saw you sniff at the air appreciatively, and he brought out the red roses from behind his back with a boyish grin spreading across his face. 
"I got you something" Bucky proudly produced the two dozen roses to you.
"Oh James, you shouldn't have!" you exclaimed happily, gathering them up and sniffing at them happily.  "What's the occasion?" you looked at him curiously, seeing the excited gleam in his steel blue eyes as they studied you carefully. 
"I just wanted to make my dame smile" he gave a half smile, swallowing nervously.  "Are you ready to go?" he asked half expectantly. 
"I just need to grab my purse" you nodded, going to the small kitchenette to grab one of the larger vases.  You filled it with water, and cut the tips off the roses before putting them in the vase.  You smiled at it appreciatively, just loving how they lit up the room.  You turned and headed back into the bedroom to grab your small black purse that already had your wallet and cell phone securely inside.  You slipped on your black pumps and hurried back out to where Bucky stood waiting.  You sighed happily, leaning up to kiss him softly on the lips and he hummed happily at the gesture.  You smiled at him, already filled with desire as he stood in his white button up, and charcoal black dress pants.  You were surprised to see he was wearing a pair of black dress shoes, and you thought he seemed to be putting a lot of importance on your date this evening.  You liked to dress up for your dates with Bucky, but he normally just wore jeans.  Not dress pants.
He placed his hand on the small of your back leading you out of the suite and towards the roof of the compound instead of the front door.
"Where are we going, James?" you asked, looking up at his smiling face.
"You'll see soon enough," he continued to smile happily, thinking of what was coming ahead..

When you arrived at the top of the roof you saw one of the massive quinn jets on the helipad.
Bucky quickly led you to the hatch of the jet and got the two of you situated before the jet took off to the unknown location.
"Hello passengers, welcome to air Rogers. This is your Captain speaking." Steve spoke with a slight giggle when he said captain.
"Today at our surprise location the weather is sunny and absolutely gorgeous and the birds are singing." Clint said coming out from the cockpit in a stewardess outfit.
"We will be taking off in ten minutes so please have your seat belts fastened and secure for take off." Steve announced over the coms in the jet.

After Steve's little announcement you took a look around the jet and saw more people inside with you and Bucky.
You saw Natasha and Bruce sitting together holding what looked like a baby doll snuggling close together a few seats over from them sat Sam who kept asking Thor for more peanuts. You couldn't help but laugh when you did a double take of Thor seeing him dressed in a female stewardess attire and you had to admit that he looked good in a skirt.

The flight was smooth and they made sure to keep their lips tight lipped to ensure you found out nothing of your destination.
You felt the rattle of the jet landing and held Bucky's hand tightly and looked over at him with a smile trying to calm the nerves of anticipation swimming in your stomach.
"So, I'm taking you somewhere special and I'll need to blindfold you. Is that okay?" Bucky asked softly.
You said nothing but nodded, turning your back to him so he could tie the blindfold over your eyes before turning you to face forward and pulling you up to stand in front of him.
He gave you a chaste kiss on the lips before slowly leading you out of the jet's opened hatch.

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