To The Rescue

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As Bucky and Steve slipped out the back door and ran towards the center of the city.
Dodging cars and people they made it inside a run down apartment building where Bucky used to live before moving in with you.
He punched the ground under his old mattress breaking the wood flooring with his vibranium arm and pulling up a beat up looking backpack.
While standing up Bucky saw a grenade flying through the window, he quickly hit it over to Steve who then covered the explosive with his shield destroying the floor below it.

Bucky then propelled himself out of the window to the roof of the building. As he made contact with the building he tucked into himself putting his weight into his vibranium arm and rolling out of it to keep the momentum. Looking up he saw a man with metal bird wings.
"Figured you needed a little help." He cockly said right before a dagger was thrown into the engine sending him crashing onto the roof.

Before he could even process what was happening a man in a black suit that resembled a panther went to attack him, aiming for his neck Bucky quickly raised he metal arm blocking the attack and used the strength from his opponent to punch him in the gut back pushing the other man back a few feet from the force of punch.

Using that moment Bucky jumped down the fire escape and into oncoming traffic running as fast as his legs could carry him. Bucky took a glance behind him, seeing the man in the black suit was only a few yards behind him. Bucky quickly dismounted a motorcyclist and rotated the motorcycle to face the other way before swinging his leg over as an explosion hit the bridge above closing the other side of the roadway. He tried to escape, he really did, He needed to for you. Closing his eyes remembering what you had told him shortly after you started dating in case he was ever detained.

As the soldier approached him in an attempt to detain him.
"Are you not going to tell me my rights?" He asked as they put handcuffs on him.
"You don't get any rights." the Soldier spat at him.
"By law you have too. I'd also like to be in contact with my lawyer immediately before being questioned." Bucky spoke calmly knowing any sign of anger or resistance could cost him everything.
"Fine, what's your lawyer's number?" said the man in a silver medal suit.
Bucky began listing out your number and the man stepped away to call you.
"Hello this is Y/N L/N." you spoke with a firm tone.
"Hello Ms. L/N. This is James Rhodes. we have Mr.Barnes detained in custody and he requested us to contact his lawyer." Rhodey responded with the same tone.
"I see Mr.Rhodes, Do you have a warrant for his arrest? And you should understand my client has been seeing a therapist for quite some time so if you were to have him questioned on his mental state you would have to be in contact with his therapist." You told him just in case something were to go wrong knowing fully well that Bucky had trigger words and the book with those words were still out there.
"We'll be in contact with them." Rhodes said.

You quickly contacted Bucky's therapist, updating them on the situation before calling your employees letting them know that officers may be coming in to question them about James and to answer truthfully.

You finally got a second to take a breath before the reality of it all came crashing down on you, sighing out pressing the heels of your palm into your eyes wiping tears from your eyes worried about your James' well being.

James Rhodes had called you about 2 hours later saying to come to the containment facility to sign some paperwork.
Quickly grabbing the keys to your car and driving to the address Rhodes sent you.

You pulled up to an officer guarding the gate.
"Name and reason for being here? I'll also need a form of identification." the guard asked, looking down at you.
"Y/N L/N I'm Mr.Barnes Lawyer and was told I was needed by Colonel James Rhodes." You stated lowering your sunglasses and handing him your license.
"Thank you Ms. L/N. Carry on." the guard pointed ahead after opening the gate for you.

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