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Steve quickly stormed into the barber shop with a look of concern.
He was breathing heavily and in a panic.

"We have to go," he spoke quickly, looking at the two of you.
"Is everything okay?" Bucky asked standing up, sensing the urgency in Steve's voice.
"We don't have much time. Let's head back to the car and I'll explain on the way back to the compound," Steve uttered quickly in response and kept glancing outside.

You quickly stood up from your seat beside the one that Bucky had previously been in and looked at Lee, who stood with a confused expression.

Lee hadn't been as surprised at Steve's appearance compared to the one he had about Bucky.

"It's good to see you Mr. Rogers," Lee finally spoke.
"You too, Lee." Steve said, trying to sound as respectful as possible while feeling his nerves spike into a catastrophic state.
"How much for the haircut?" you asked quickly.
"It's on the house. I enjoyed seeing you, Bucky, please come again and bring your dame along." Lee said, and gave a quick nod.
"We will. See you next time," Bucky declared, grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door followed by Steve and the boys.

Steve quickened his pace to the car and scanned the surroundings of the car before looking at the undercarriage of the car checking for anytype of bomb or tracking devise.

He pulled out his phone and asked FRIDAY to do a full body scan of the inside and outside of the car before stepping any closer to the vehicle.
"Scan complete. The brake lines have been severed and minor damage to the back tailgate." His phone spoke robotically with a female voice.

Steve let out an aggravated goan rubbing his face with his free hand.

He then made a phone call to the only person he knew would be close by.
"Fury. I need an SUV off of Melrose and Irving Ave Stat." He stated quickly and hung up after the person on the other side of the call responded.

Not even three minutes passed before the sounds of tires screeching on the asphalt could be heard.

The solid black SUV with tinted windows skidded to a halt in front of all of you.
The dark window of the passenger's seat rolled down and showed a man with a black eyepatch.

"Get in," the man called from the driver's seat.

Bucky didn't waste any time when Steve opened the door, he quickly lifted you into the car making sure that you wouldn't hit your head on the reinforced carbon fiber frame.

It didn't take long for the first gun shot to be heard making contact with the back bumper of the car as Fury stepped on the gas, skidding away from the oncoming attack.

"We got three SUV all-terrain vehicles tailing us and two on our right and left." Steve said while pulling his phone out once more and quickly dialed a number into his phone.

"Tony what's your ETA? We're gonna need some back up," Steve said into the speaker of his cell phone.
"Almost back to the compound," Tony's voice came through the phone before talking about something else and hanging up the phone.

"Captain, I'm going to need some answers in the next ninety seconds or else," Fury threatened  with a glare from his visible eye.
"I spotted a Hydra agent watching Bucky and Y/N at the barber shop. I tried to get to him but he ran and I had to get them out of there," Steve said with urgency in his voice, while looking out the car window.
"Who the hell is Y/N?" Fury looked up into the near view mirror and saw you waving shyly at him through the glass.
"That's Y/N L/N they're Bucky's dame," Steve updated him quickly.
"Interesting, I'll give a proper introduction once I get these little shits off our asses." Fury gritted out putting his full attention on the road once more.

Just as Fury drifted around the corner one of the SUV's had been taken out and crashed into the side of a building by a large green blur.

Emerging from the dust cloud came out the Hulk who let out a mighty roar and jumped onto another HYDRA vehicle.

You let out a startled gasp seeing what was happening and Bucky quickly brought your upper body towards his chest and shielded your face from your surroundings.

"Stay down for me, please, love" Bucky whispered into your ear.
You couldn't respond so you buried your face further into his toned chest and nodded while taking a deep breath.

Peter was sitting beside you watching everything that was happening and the blue lines left around the buildings and even on the roof of HYDRA's cars indicating the places Pietro had been.

The Hulk made quick work of the vehicles while Fury finally made his escape with the rest of you in tow.

He drove everyone back to the compound and slammed his door shut and marched his way up to the front doors of the compound.

"Stark! Why was I not aware of HYDRAs activity?" Fury yelled.
"Oh...My bad. Must've forgotten to turn SHIELDs access to that information back on. Whoopsie." Tony said while sipping at his drink leaning against the door frame that went to the living room.
"You're lucky Stark. If I didn't need you, you'd be on probation for tinkering with SHIELDs database," Fury sighed, rubbing the flesh between his brows.

You and Bucky stood silently watching the two mix like oil and water.
"Now you," Fury turned on his heel to face your direction.
"Me?" You questioned while pointing to yourself.
"Yes, Y/N Y/L/N. I've already had a background check done on you so I'll introduce myself. I'm Nicholas J. Fury, the director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division better known as SHIELD. You may call me Fury" The man grumbled out with a sense of superiority.

"It's lovely to meet Fury. I do have a complaint for you though." You spoke while shaking his hand.

The people present gasped and looked between you and Fury waiting to see how he'd react.

"A complaint you say, Why?" He spoke, taking a step closer to you.
"One of your agents in Romania held James at gunpoint in front of our home after he was released." You said slightly aggravated.
"Did the Agent tell you their name?" he muttered while pulling out his cell phone.

"Brock Rumlow," was all that you uttered.

Fury's gaze met yours quickly showing very little emotion.
"I'm going to need every little detail about Rumlow's location." Fury told the person on the other side of the phone.
"What's going on?" you asked, your voice laced with concern.
"We'll keep you updated on the situation. I just need to be in contact with our HR," he said, bringing his attention back to you.

What you didn't know is that Brock Rumlow was stripped of his ranks and thrown out of SHIELD along with the entirety of the STRIKE team months ago and soon after that they all disappeared.

"Thank you, Fury," you whispered out feeling like something was being hidden from you and possibly the rest of the team.
"It's no problem at all," he said softly before walking away, causing everyone's jaws to drop in shock.

It didn't take long before everything started to calm down but you still felt a bit shaken up from the afternoon's excitement to say the least.

"Why don't we all have some drinks and play twenty questions but as a group?" Tony said over the speakers of FRIDAY.
Everyone had collectively agreed to play the game and went to sit in the living room to play.

Tony was quick to bring out the alcoholic beverages and some non-alcoholic ones as well for the younger teammates.
The room was full of life while everyone chatted.

Word count: 1336

Alright everyone the next chapter is going to be a bit of an interactive one.
Put in a question for a character or a character asking Y/N something maybe we'll find out more about Y/N's childhood.

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