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It had barely been a week since your kidnapping and Bucky was beside himself feeling like he failed the only mission he truly cared about and that mission was protecting you no matter what. He felt numb and distant with everyone, blaming himself for your absence.  He stopped shaving, taking on an unruly appearance.  Steve had to remind him to take a shower everyday, otherwise he would forget.
Just as he had forgotten the complete thought of sleep without by his side. On the first night he tried to sleep but the bed felt massive and unbelievably cold without you wrapped in his arms, nothing felt the same without you by his side.
It felt as if his world had gone dark, the once vibrant colors around him now seemed dull and bleak furthering his depression into an inconceivable state.
The first week Bucky stayed close to home trying to help in finding you quicker through the assistance of FRIDAY but the hopes of the AI finding you faded fast and he was ready to approach a more hands on method by taking any and all missions available to him in new hopes of finding you at a more reliable approach by storming the bases on his own.

Everyone watched as the weeks ticked by at an excruciating pace and focusing their full attention on trying to find you but also Bucky's current state of being.
Steve continued to watch over Bucky in concern and reminding him of simple tasks that he knew you would hound him about.
Peter on the other hand was beside himself as well just staying in his bed not understanding how this situation could be real. He could only think about the last conversation the three of you had together that was his anchor through it all, you were and are his mother.
Loki, he was another story. Much like Bucky he had no drive to take care of himself to the lengths that he used to, so he joined Bucky in his pursuits to find you. Showing no mercy to the agents as his dagger pierced through the fabric of their uniform into their skin painting the suit crimson as he pulled the dagger out with ruthless force.

One day when Bucky and Loki were walking through the front door of the house FRIDAY sounded an alarm while Tony screamed out for a team meeting in the living room ASAP.
Bucky and Loki ran into the living room from the entryway in a panicked state wondering what on earth was going on.
"We found her! Well FRIDAY found her." Tony exclaimed gesturing towards the TV that showed a map of the world.
The map's focus redirected the earth to the other side of the map, pinpointing a bright red dot with a white flag pointing at it indicating that you had been traced to Siberia, Russia.
He felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, they had found you but that relief only lasted a short moment before the location dawned upon him.
That had been the main base that HYDRA had kept him for the seventy long years of torture that he had endured.
"It'll all be okay Sergeant Barnes." Loki tried to sooth the super soldier.
"I know you told us about this base so if you want to stay in the jet while we infiltrate the base that's perfectly fine." Steve looked over at Bucky's expressionless face.
"No, I'll lead us in. Not only do I know the inner workings of the base but I want to be the one to take them down by trying to use my Dame as a way to get to me." Bucky's tone was even as he gritted the words through his teeth.
"Just be safe." Steve scolded slightly in concern of his best friend's well being.
"I always am since I started taking these missions again, punk." Bucky lightly teased before sending the man a smirk.
"I can vouch that he is safe during them." Loki insisted before turning to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for himself.
"I know you take care of him out there." Steve turned to look at the god before looking at Tony who was being oddly quiet while hunched over a laptop that sat on the coffee table.
"What are you doing over there, Tony?" Steve spoke with a raised brow in curiosity.
"Well, it looks like we're leaving now." Tony stood tall with his hands on his hips.
"I'll see if the jets are all set to go." Clint said while pulling out his phone from his back pocket.

The rest of the team changed into their combat suits and gathered all weapons that they had in the home.
Everyone felt a spark of excitement knowing they were about to get you back home where you belonged.

The anticipation in the car was overwhelming as the team traveled to the Jet and set it up for take off.
"We're all set." Clint gave the okay before disappearing into the cockpit with Tony.
Bucky sat beside Steve, his knee shaking with anxiety with his upper body leaning back against the metal interior of the jet.
"We're finally getting her back. I can't believe it." Bucky spoke, finally taking a moment to relax his tense body and gave a gentle smile towards Steve.
"We are, Pal. She'll be back soon enough." Steve smiled back and nudged his shoulder against Bucky's.
"I can't wait." Bucky closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and relaxing even more into his seat.
"I know, Pal. Why don't you get some rest?" Steve said while looking over at Bucky, already seeing the super soldier already fast asleep.

The flight from Romanian to Siberia seemed to last a lifetime.
When the jet landed Bucky was shaken awake by the quinjet landing on the vast rocky landscape of the Siberian mountains.
The hatch of the quinjet opened as soon as the jet was firmly planted on the ground with a loud hiss and landing firmly on the snow covered ground.
Bucky was the first to step off of the jet with an AR-15 Rifle in hand. His heavy steps crunching the snow beneath his feet as he led the way towards the HYDRA base weaving through the massive pine trees with the team following closely behind.  Each of them with their weapons ready to fire at any moment's notice.
The team had walked over three miles by the time the base started to come into view.
It was a pale gray perfectly blending the building into its surroundings; the only clue of the building being there was the light right above the door.
Bucky continued to stalk forward only to be pulled back by Natasha who held a finger up to her lips and pointed at a guard who had just left the building.
"I'm not waiting any longer." Bucky hissed out and pulled his shoulder from her grasp and continued his mission of rescuing you from the clutches of HYDRA.
"Bucky, stand down. We need to watch the guard change." Steve tried to intervene in hopes of Bucky's military roots obeying his command.
"No, they won't wait in ways of torturing her. We go in now." Bucky urged while marching forward with a new determination in his step.
The team let out a collective sigh before following his command and ambushing the base without a moment to spare.

Bucky had reached the first guard, sending a bullet into his leg wasting no time and grabbing the keycard from the man's front pocket of his uniform.
As soon as Bucky tapped the keycard against the scanner and he twisted the handle of the door a large mass of guards came barreling down the hallway as if waiting for their arrival.
He took down as many agents as he could fighting his way to find you while the others continued with the ambush of soldiers.
Bucky went from door to door in search of you until he came to one triggering the alarms in the base to sound loudly throughout the entire base.

Word count: 1362

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