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You had awoken right before dawn to make the team breakfast before this morning's mission.
Sighing as you stood up from your comfortable spot in Bucky's arms making your way over to the master bath sliding on your satin robe and brushing your hair and teeth.
You slowly descended the stairs and the only sound heard throughout the house was the slight creak of the old wooden steps strained under your foot.
When you were met by the final step you noticed Peter sitting on the couch with his head resting in his hands.
"Good morning Peter." You cooed softly going over to sit beside him seeing that he was in slight distress.
"Good morning." He jumped slightly before attempting to wipe away the tears that trailed down his cheeks.
"What's wrong, Sweets?" You spoke softly, pushing his hands down and wiping his tears away with your thumbs as you cupped his face softly.
"It's nothing, really. No need to worry. I'm just being stupid." He muttered through a new set of sobs.
"It is something though and you are not stupid, you are intelligent and a bright person to be around. So, tell me what's really bothering you." You spoke in a motherly tone and continued to comfort him.
"I don't want this to end. I like it here with you,Bucky and the rest of the team. It feels like a dream and I'll wake up at any given moment and I'll be alone in the apartment in my bed with Aunt May rushing out the door for her shift at work." He mumbled through sobs turning his body to hug you.
"I can assure you that this isn't a dream and you're very much loved here. How about as soon as you get back from the mission you, me and Bucky go out for a day with just the three of us and to end the night we can watch a movie with the rest of the team?" You asked while brushing your hands through his hair as he rested his head on your shoulder as sobs wrecked through his body.
"I'd really like that." He lifted his head slightly to look up at you with his red tear stained face.
"What are the two of you doing up?" A voice called from the stairs.
"He just needed someone to help keep him grounded is all, Love." You called over to Bucky.
"Do you wanna tell him about what we talked about last night?" Bucky asked quietly while walking over to the two of you.
"We can,If you want." You spoke leaning into his body once he sat down behind you.
"What do you mean? Are you taking your offer of me staying here back?" Peter's posture  instantly stiffened.
"Oh no, Sweetheart. We're not. We promise." You shot out before his thoughts could overwhelm him again.
"You're pretty much our kid at this point, Peter." Bucky assured him.
"What would you like to talk to me about?"  Peter suddenly asked after he sniffled slightly.
"We actually wanted to talk to you and get your opinion on something that could be life changing." You spoke looking over your shoulder to see a small smile on Bucky's sleepy face.
"Are you trying for a baby again?" Peter asked, pinching his eyebrows together in confusion.
"That's one of the things we talked about, yes but we wanted to talk to you about possibly adopting you." Bucky answered with a soft smile.
"You wanna adopt me. Really?" He asked slightly shocked at the news.
"We do." You said while cupping the side of his face to meet his teary eyes.
"Oh, Sweets don't cry." You cooed brushing your thumbs over his cheeks again.
"I'm shocked. I'd love for the two of you to adopt me. I see you as my parents already." He told you honestly.
"We see you as our kid. We do want to adopt you." Bucky told him as he kissed the side of your head.
"Wow, You're really going to adopt me. I have no words. Thank you, I love you guys." He whimpered out releasing himself from your grip momentarily to grab a tissue from off of the coffee table and blew his nose.
"We love you too, Peter." You and Bucky uttered simultaneously and brought Peter into a hug after he sat his tissue down in his lap.
"When are we gonna finalize everything?" He asked, suddenly lifting his head from your shoulder with a massive smile on his face.
"We're gonna talk to your Aunt May before then it'll be a surprise for you." Bucky looked down at him explaining part of the plan you had in mind.
"Okay, just don't make me wait too long." He uttered in a sullen tone before speaking in a teasing tone.
"We won't, promise." You lifted your pinky finger up to promise him.
"I'll hold you to it." He nodded and lifted his pinky up as well before hooking it around your own and repeating the action with Bucky muttering a small "soon" each time.
"How about some breakfast, hmm?" you spoke while slowly standing up brushing your lap off as you did so.
"Can we have pancakes?" Peter asked quietly.
"Of course, Sweets." You cooed, placing a hand under his chin then leaning over to kiss Bucky's lips before going to the kitchen.

After you finished cooking the pancakes the team began to feed into the kitchen one by one grabbing plates and serving themselves before sitting down with their food. Light chatter from around the room was heard until they finished and washed their plates before going upstairs to put on their tactical gear, Bucky looked around slightly confused on what he should wear since his old gear had so many bad memories but also no longer fit his new muscle mass that he had worked so hard for over the past couple of months.
"Hey, Robo cop, I have something for you." Tony's voice called from the stairs alerting the two of you of his presence.
When you and Bucky turned around you saw Tony holding a jet black tactical suit up in the air proudly.
"I like it though I wish I never had to wear one again. I'm glad that it looks like this, thank you Tony." Bucky walked over to Tony and gently grabbed the suit with shaky hands and a deep sigh.
"I know you don't want this Barnes but the United Nations can be a bit of an ass sometimes and secretary Ross doesn't make anything better." Tony looked down at him with understanding knowing how hard Bucky had been trying to avoid going into this lifestyle again but neither Tony nor Steve had the authority to refuse orders from the United Nations without repercussions of their actions.
"I understand. You said this was just a data retrieval mission?" He asked knowing fully well it was a data retrieval mission and already had the confirmation from Steve but wanted to extend his time in your presence before having to be thrown back into the life he so badly wanted to leave.
"Yeah, it should be quick in and out. We should be back in plenty of time for dinner." He tilted his body to the side to look at you with a bright smile.
"I'll make homemade pizza. We have all the ingredients here." You sighed and looked over at the kitchen's pantry door.
"I love your homemade pizza when you make it. Ten times better than delivery." Tony slightly cheered before clearing his throat and turned to leave.

Later when the team was getting settled in the car to drive to the location of the quinjet they all seemed dejected at the thought of leaving you behind on your own without any weapons as they had to take them all "just in case" as the message from secretary Ross stated.
"I'll be fine everyone. No need to get yourselves all worked up over nothing and when you get back and I'm perfectly safe with our pizzas in the oven you'll know I was right. Now go be heroes." You encouraged them knowing they wouldn't leave without putting up a fight.
"Fine, you win this time." Clint spoke, sending a playful glare your way.
"I will always win. Now shoo I have some cleaning to do." You huffed in annoyance even though he was being playful.
"I love you, Baby Doll. Stay safe for me." Bucky finally walked over, placing his hands on your hips and kissing you lip sweetly.
"I should be the one saying that to you, James. And I love you too,stay safe" You mumbled against his lips giving him one last goodbye kiss before practically pushing his body away from yours.
Peter refused to speak but ran up to you almost making you fall over from the force while wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I'm gonna miss you even if it's a short mission." He muttered against your collarbone.
"I'll miss you too. Now go be the best hero you can be and we'll have our family day tomorrow." You gave his body one last squeeze before he pulled away running towards the car Bucky had just gotten into.

You took a deep breath as the cars pulled away from the house. You watched as the cars faded down the cobblestone streets from your front porch before turning to go complete your tasks inside the house. 

Word Count: 1584

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