Life Changes

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When you and your volunteers finished the Thanksgiving feast you had Peter go and grab the rest of the team that was still at the compound not even thinking about using FRIDAY to alert the rest of the team but it gave Bucky a chance to slip away and grab something from your shared bedroom.
As each person fed into the room they grabbed a dish from the kitchen and placed it on the table before taking their seats around the table.
"You know you could've asked FRIDAY to alert the team." Tony stated while going to sit in his seat at the head of the table.
You said nothing in return but gave a firm glare as if saying not to question your actions.
"Oohhh. Tony's getting the mom glare." Sam practically yelled out with a laugh as he leaned back in his chair.
"Don't you start with that nonsense." You pointed at Sam causing the rest of the team to burst out in laughter.
"Yes, mom." He spoke with a pout.

Once everyone had served their food Tony stood up and tapped his knife handle against the wine glass.
"Before we continue with our fantastic feast I want us all to go around the table and say what we're thankful for." Tony smirked towards Bucky and you at the other end of the table.
"I suppose I'll go first. I'm thankful for another successful year with Stark industries." Pepper said from her seat beside Tony.
"Indeed a very successful year, Pep." Tony nodded in agreement.
"Well, I'm thankful that I was able to lap Steve for once this past week." Sam spoke proudly.
"Sam, I hate to break it to you but I was just walking after I had finished my run." Steve tried to let the man down easy so he wouldn't bruise Sam's ego of finally beating him.
"Come on Man just once let me take the win." Sam huffed out while sinking into the back of his chair.
The rest of the team went one by one minus Scott and Clint who both went to spend the holiday with their immediate family instead of at the compound with everyone else.
Just as they reached Peter who was smiling happily watching everyone as they talked about what they had been thankful for.
"It's your turn, Peter." Wanda said with a thick Sokovian accent.
"Oh, I'm thankful for everyone and my new family." He turned his head to look at you and Bucky.
"We love you, Peter." Everyone called joyfully.
That's when you realized that now it was Bucky's turn and the news was about to come out.
"Well, Me and Y/N have something that we're insanely thankful for after all the hardships we went through together in the past year." Bucky said while reaching out to hold your hand as if telling you to continue.
"Are you pregnant?" Natasha asked with a slight smile growing on her face.
"Nope, but we are going to legally have a kid now." You looked towards Peter and tilted your head in Bucky's direction who was holding the adoption papers with his free hand.
"Are those what I think they are?" Peter asked while his eyes began to mist over with tears of joy.
"They are. We finalized your adoption papers on Monday. Now all that needs to be done is for you to sign the consent forms for it to be complete." Bucky sat the papers down beside Peter ready to have him sign them.
Peter wasted no time in signing the papers before looking up again with tears trailing down his face like a cascading waterfall.
"I'm legally yours now. I'm a Barnes" He whispered mostly to himself.
"Am I a Barnes now?" He looked towards the two of you.
"We wanted to leave that up to you unless you want to hyphenate it to Parker Barnes which is completely okay as well." You told him softly.
"I think I wanna hyphenate it to Parker Barnes." He nodded happily.
"We have another Barnes in the building." Pietro cheered loudly with excitement for his friend.
"And we get another one legally in a couple of weeks."Steve spoke happily while looking over at you.
"I'm so ready to be a legal Barnes." You sighed out in anticipation.
The meal carried on until the sound of a knock was heard from the front door and FRIDAY alerting the compound of two people standing on the front entryway.
"FRIDAY allow them in and direct them to the dining room." Tony spoke while looking at his phone.

It took only a couple of minutes before semi familiar voices could be heard critiquing everything as they made their way through the hall.
Soon the couple made their way into the dining room and stood towards the head of the table where Tony sat, giving you a clear shot of who the surprise guests were.
"Y/N, why are You in such a place and not carrying out your duties to your family and continuing the family legacy instead of trying to play house with this bunch of Neanderthals." The woman spoke with a posh accent.
"I thought you were better than this." The man spoke with a dull tone.
"I don't see how I live my life is any of your concern after you told me I was no longer your daughter if I decided to pursue a career that actually made me happy." You spat with venom laced in your tone.
"Well we can tell you've been busy. We saw that you were engaged. Are you pregnant or something?" Your mother rolled her eyes with disinterest.
Your parents watched you closely as a look of hurt was expressed on your face.
"So, you were. Just another thing you can't seem to get right." Your father now spoke.
"She's an amazing mother! You have no right to speak to her like that." Both Bucky and Peter stood up to defend you.
"Now you must be the fiancée. You look just like an American." Your mother gave Bucky a once over before directing her attention onto Peter.
"And you must be the fill in." She gave a mocking laugh.
"They're my family and if you continue to disrespect them I will not hesitate to drag you out of this building myself.  Your lucky I've let you stay this long so tell me why you're here and leave. " You hissed as your blood began to boil with rage.
"Can't your parents come to visit their daughter and future son-in-law?" Your father stated as a question.
"Absolutely not. You told me everything you needed to tell me the day I left for Romania. So, please leave now. I wish to never see you again." You sat down knowing you had the final say in the argument.
"Let me show you where the door is." Loki purred out with a mischievous smirk plastered on his lips.
"How incredibly rude! This was that Georgeta's doing, we did not raise you to act this way." Your mother screamed out.
"She was the only one to raise me while you ignored my existence." You kept a calm demeanor despite how angry she was making you.
After you said that Steve stood up and began to assist Loki in escorting your parents out of the compound and back to their car ensuring that they did leave the grounds.

After the interaction with your parents your nerves seemed to spike causing you to feel sick to your stomach.
For the past week, after the altercation with your parents, you could barely move feeling as if your limbs were made of lead.
"Angel, you need to get up and eat or you'll get sick on top of the stress." Bucky said while going to sit down beside you on the king size bed.
"I know but I just feel like I'm being weighed down." You whispered as you pushed your body closer to his.
"I understand, sweetheart but we gotta try. Do you want me to help you to the bathroom so you can take a warm bath?" He asked and you almost teared up with how thoughtful he was.
"I would like that. But I at least want to tell Peter good morning like I do every morning." You looked up at Bucky with puppy dog eyes.
"You're too kind to me." You added on while reaching for his hand.
"I'd never not help you." He gave your hand a slight squeeze before pulling it to help you sit up slowly to ensure that you wouldn't get dizzy.
You and Bucky slowly made your way towards the living room where Peter's voice could be heard yelling in excitement as he played a video game.
"Hey, Bud. Mom wanted to come say good morning." Bucky called out causing Peter's ears to perk up in excitement.
"Good morning, sweets. Did you sleep well?" You asked with a tired tone.
"Good morning Mama. I slept really well. Are you feeling any better?" He spoke as he sat down his gaming controller and made his way over towards you to give you a hug.
"Not much, sadly. I'm sure it's just a stress cold." You answered trying to comfort the boy and giving him a kiss on the top of his head before pulling away so you could go back to your room for a bath.
When you got back to your bedroom you told Bucky you were okay and able to use the restroom on your own.
What you didn't tell him was that you would be taking a pregnancy test. You had a hunch that you could be pregnant again but didn't know for sure. You locked the bathroom door before going towards the cabinet and crouching down to reach towards the back of the cabinet where you had hidden the tests the week before then placing the box on the countertop and opening three tests and taking each one waiting impatiently for the results as the time ticked slowly by.
When the alarm on your phone went off you practically jumped out of your skin in surprise before reaching for one of the tests and turning it over before moving to the second and third one and each showing the same result.

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