Boxed up Emotions

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You and Bucky were in a deep slumber wrapped in each other's arms when a firm knock sounded from the door.
Opening your hazy eyes, groggy from crying after the "introductions" that afternoon.
"Who is it?" you questioned with a sniffle from your congested nose.
"Hey, It's Steve. I was wondering if the two of you would like a quick tour of the compound?" Steve asked lightly from the other side of the door.
"Sure, let me wake James up and we can go." You replied softly while brushing the hair away from Bucky's peaceful face.
"Alright, I'll be in the living room waiting for you guys." Steve said before you could hear him making his way to the living room.

You leaned onto Bucky gently, shaking him awake.
"Love, It's time to wake up. Steve wants to give us a tour of the compound." You whispered delicately into his ear; trying not to trigger the sleeping soldier.
With a startled grunt Bucky woke up ready to protect you.
"Huh. Is everything okay?" He turned to look at you from over his broad shoulder.
"Everythings okay James. Steve wants to give us a tour of the place." you said brushed the hair that had fallen away from his face once again.
"Okay." He sighed out turning to face you and leaned in to kiss you softly on the lips.

Bucky stood up from the warmth of the bed lifting his arms above his head and pulling his T-Shirt up showing a bit of his toned stomach as he stretched with a low grunt; You couldn't help but check him out.
"Let's get this tour over with so we can shower and relax for the ." Bucky held his hand out to you to help you off the bed.
Both of you made your way from your suite to the living room and saw Steve sitting in the black leather chair by the door.
"Are you all set?" Steve turned to face you as he heard you come into the room.
You and Bucky nodded as Steve stood up and began the tour.
"The compound is three stories with a basement for vehicles and state of the arc weaponry. Over here is the communal kitchen, feel free to cook or bake in there anytime you please." Steve explained before taking you to an open kitchen area.
The kitchen was modern and spacious with stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. You were impressed by the kitchen to say the least.
Bucky looked down at you with a bright smile knowing how excited you'd be in here.
"It's gorgeous." You said with an equally radiant smile.
Steve continued the tour of the compound showing you the high tech Gym with all the bells and whistles,second living room,bathrooms with waterfall shower heads along with the rest of the compound's bedroom.

"This place is amazing." you said in awe of your surrounds.
"I agree with you there, Doll." Bucky said.
"It's an impressive facility indeed."Steve nodded looking around.
"Is it okay if we go shower before dinner?" Bucky asked bringing you to his side.
"That's perfectly fine. This is your home now as well now." Steve said with a smile.

You and Bucky made your way back to your shared suite. When you and Bucky had stepped foot inside the room he pushed you firmly against the door and began kissing you feverishly.
"James, we can't do this right now." You muttered against his lips.
"I know, but let me show you how much I love you and how much I appreciate you." Bucky said while trailing kisses down your neck sucking and nibbling at the soft skin beneath his lips.
He placed his hands on your thighs as a sign to jump. You jumped up and wrapped your legs tightly around his hips.
He slowly made his way to the bathroom holding you up with his flesh arm and opening the door; while continuously kissing you feverishly.

Bucky slowly sat you back on your feet once more before reaching to the hem of your shirt and pulling it up slowly over your head.
"I love you James." You said suddenly.
"I love you too, so much." He said leaning down to catch your lips once again.
He kissed you like his life depended on it before pulling away to remove the rest of your clothing and his own.

He turned on the water in the walk-in shower. As the water started to warm up he held his hand out to you and stepped into the shower. The feeling of the warm water relaxed every muscle in your body, completely unaware of the knocking on the other side of your suites door.

After the couple had left Steve in the lobby he saw their personal belongings along with the box full of your Bunica's belongings by the front doors.
Steve figured he'd help you and Bucky out and picked up the box taking it outside yours and Bucky's suite before setting it down and gave a short but firm knock.
"Hey, I'm leaving your Bunica's box outside your door." Steve called before turning to leave not waiting for a reply.

A short while later Tony was making his way down the hall and saw a rather large box sitting outside your suite.
He looked in every direction before slowly picking up the cardboard box and taking it to his lab to see what they two of you brought with you.

Tony slowly lifted the flips of the box and looked inside the box with curiosity and saw all different types of things until he saw something at the very bottom. He grabbed the item and took a moment to look at it; trying to figure out why you and metal man would own such a thing before stuffing it inside his pants pocket.
He picked up the box and slowly brought the box back in front of your suite door before running off to his lab once again like he hadn't done anything wrong.

You and Bucky had just finished in the shower and gotten changed into a pair of comfortable sweats before stepping outside of your room seeing the box. You gasped slightly looking down at the opened box.
"James...Someone opened the box." You looked at him in panic.
He quickly picked up the box bringing it into your suite and setting it on your shared bed.
You both went through the box noticing an important item was missing from inside.
"It's gone...Did we leave it in Romania?" He asked with concern laced in his tone.
"I'm positive that I kept it in there along with everything else." You rubbed your face trying to stop the tears from falling down your face.
"We'll find it." Bucky told you, rubbing your shoulders before bringing you into his embrace.
"I can't believe I lost it." You muttered as Bucky pulled you closer into his chest kissing your forehead.
"You didn't lose it, Y/N." He told you softly.
You cried in his arms till a knock came from the door.
"Hey you two, dinner is almost ready." Steve said standing in the doorframe.
You looked over to him sniffling with swollen eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked concern written all over his face.
"We can't find something. It was in the box." Bucky said, looking down at you before bringing his gaze back to Steve.
"I brought the box here but I promise I didn't open it." Steve said quickly.
"It's okay Steve really. We'll find it." you sniffled once more and wiped the remaining tears.
"Let's go get something to eat. You've had a long day, Doll." Bucky said, kissing the stray tears away from your face.
"Okay." you said before grabbing his hand giving a light squeeze and walking towards the open door.

The walk to the dining room was mostly silent besides the few words exchanged between Steve and Bucky.
"Do you know what we are having for dinner?" You asked
"I think Tony ordered pizza tonight." Steve said, looking down at you.
" Sounds good." You gave a smile.
"It does, doesn't it." Bucky said with a small smile.

As you approached the dining room you and the super soldiers could hear everyone making conversation and laughing together.
When you and Bucky made your appearance behind Steve the room went quiet before they gladly involved you and Bucky in the conversation; paying no mind to the silence at the head of the table where Tony sat with a maniacal smirk placed on his lips.

Word Count: 1437

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