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When Peter heard that you hadn't picked up Bucky's calls he felt like his world was about to crumble. He knew no matter what you'd always answer his or Bucky's phone calls even if you were cooking and he knew you would never miss a phone call from Bucky especially since this is his first mission with the Avengers.
In an instant Peter suddenly felt a sinking feeling in the pit in his stomach.
"Somethings wrong." He muttered quietly to himself knowing fully well that the base had already been cleared of everything.
Suddenly Peter jumped at the sound of Bucky screaming and crouching down on the ground outside of the compound by the quinjet crying out in agony, visibly having a panic attack.
Steve stood near him but didn't reach out to touch Bucky in any way knowing fully well that if he touched Bucky his panic attack would spiral out of control.
"Somethings wrong. She's never missed a phone call and if she did she'd call back. It's been almost two hours, Steve."  Bucky spoke frantically through gasps of air.
"We'll figure out what's happening but first we need to get in the quinjet so we can go back home." Steve slowly walked over to him and helped him stand to his full height.
"I just wanna know if she's okay." Bucky whimpered out pitifully while Peter marched over to him slightly in a daze.  Steve saw that Peter was coming, and took that as silent permission for him to walk away for a moment and he headed back towards the jet. 
"Dad, do you think mom's okay?" Peter spoke without thinking about what he had just said.
Bucky instantly snapped out of his post attack daze and looked at Peter with a new set of tears streaming down his face; only these tears were ones of joy and not anxiety.
"What did you just say, Peter?" Bucky asked cautiously wondering if he might've misheard what just left the boy's lips.
"Huh? Oh umm. It's nothing." Peter tried to avoid answering Bucky's question as he battled with the ever building blush on his face.
"You know it's okay to call us that. Y/n would love to hear you call her mom and I don't mind you calling me dad." Bucky uttered softly, still trying to catch his breath after his panic attack.
"You mean it?" Peter asked hopefully with stars in his eyes.
"I do, kid." He nodded his head with a small smile before opening his arms to bring Peter in for a hug.
"Alright, but what about mom?" Peter asked as he walked into Bucky's embrace.
"I'm hoping she's alright, but I really don't know." He sighed out deeply squeezing Peter ever so slightly.
"Me too, dad." Peter spoke, letting his body go slack against Bucky's.
"Alright team! Let's head back." Steve clapped his hands loudly alerting both Peter and Bucky as they walked inside the jet together.

The trip from Vancouver to Romania felt like it lasted a lifetime and then the drive from the field that they landed the quinjet in didn't help the anticipation to get home to you.
Bucky just wanted to have you back safely in his arms.
When the car pulled into the driveway Bucky practically jumped out of the car before the car came to a full stop.
He let out a stuttered sigh when he saw the front door barely hanging on by its hinges, his only thought was to get to you. He felt his consciousness slipping as the time slowly ticked by.
The rest of the team rushed out of the cars and met Bucky who stood still on the front steps of the home.
"Buck? Why don't you wait out here for a moment and we'll check the house." Steve spoke gently while placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder.
"No, I'm going in." Bucky stalked towards the door, his posture cold and stiff as he stalked inside the house.
The atmosphere in the house was chilling to say the least; the team could feel the chill deep in their bones.

The first room Bucky went to check was yours and his bedroom on the top floor.
The beads of sweat began to accumulate on his forehead as he surveyed the surroundings of the room, seeing nothing out of place but the fear that settled deep in his bones wouldn't shake no matter what and that's when he saw it, your letter laying gently on his pillow. HIs first thought was whoever broke in left a ransom note but it was nothing of the sort, He slowly sat down as he read the letter before bringing it up to his face weeping softly clutching the note as if it would disappear if he let go of it.
"Hey, dad. You may want to come down stairs." Peter stood by the door seeing Bucky silently sobbing on the bed.
Bucky said nothing but stood up and walked out of the room with heavy steps.
"Oh god." Was all he could say when he saw the kitchen in disarray and blood splattering the newly cleaning tile floors as a new wave of sobs broke through Bucky.
"I shouldn't have gone. This is my fault for going on that damn mission and it's Ross's fault." He suddenly stopped sobbing looking up with a cold glare that could kill.
"Something did seem off when he specifically demanded that Bucky be on the mission." Sam spoke while he looked for a note or clue of any sort.
"Hey, guys. I found a note. It's HYDRA." Natasha walked into the kitchen holding up a note with a streak of blood on the bottom.
"What's it say?" Sam tried to read what it said but failed.
"Just that they took her and want the Winter Soldier back." Tony spoke after taking the note from Natasha.

"Did they leave any type of information like a drop off location?" Steve walked up speaking in an authoritative tone.
"Nothing whatsoever." Tony sighed heavily, rubbing a hand roughly down his face.
"I guess we set up base here for now. Is that okay with you Bucky?" Steve turned and asked not wanting to over step knowing fully well how the man felt at that moment.
"She wants to try for a baby again. She left a note on my pillow as a surprise." Bucky mumbled as he went to sit on a chair and slumped his body forward resting his hands on his forehead.
The rest of the team watched the man slowly breakdown before their eyes. Each held an expression of sadness evident in their faces.

Meanwhile in a small HYDRA base in the small town of Norilsk in Siberia, Russia. A town known for its isolation located deep within the arctic circle.

You slowly opened your drowsy eyes feeling like your brain was pounding against your skull causing you to let out a verbal hiss in pain. You slowly pushed your battered body off of the cold cement floor of the cell you had been so carelessly thrown into to your full height before
taking a moment to look at your surroundings you couldn't determine if it was from the cold, the smell of mold or the sights before you. The cell had a stained mattress that had springs poking out from all angles, about three feet away from that was a metal bucket and you could only assume that it was supposed to be a "toilet"  that looked anything short of a biohazard.
You slowly took a step towards a small metal bench that looked considerably better than the grotesque mattress they expected you to sleep on.
"Well, it looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake."  A booming voice was heard from the door of the metal cell.
You remained silent refusing to acknowledge the horrible man's voice.
"You gonna give me the silent treatment now?" He asked with a slight pout on his face clearly trying to mock you in some sick way.
Again you gave no answer but turned to face him and spat in his face.
"You're really in for it now little girl." He had a dark expression on his face, one that could chill your very bones.
"Open the door. The princess needs to be taught a valuable lesson about respect." His face morphed into a twisted smile as the door opened with a click.
Each step that he made towards you sent a chill down your spine. When he stood in front of your weak trembling body you tried to put on a brave face as he slowly raised his left hand and sent a forceful blow to your right cheek sending you down to the ground in a kneeling position. You held the side of your face and spat on the ground seeing blood slowly drip onto the floor.
"You gonna be respectful now?" The agent laughed.
"Over my dead body, Brock." You wiped your head in his direction, hissing the words as they left your lips.
"Looks like someone remembers me, I'm honored." He mocked before going to kick the side of your ribs.
You closed your eyes, biting your lip to keep any sounds from escaping.
Brock had continued his assault until your body laid limply on the floor.
"I want any and all information from her. Do whatever it takes." Brock looked at the guard that stood by the door before walking out of the cell and down the dimly lit hallway.

Word count:1589
Sorry for the short chapter I have the flu and haven't been able to focus very well the last two days.
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