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The Doctors immediately yelled for the guards to set you into the electroshock chair that they had once used on your James.
You felt numb only feeling the bile slowly rise up your throat as they shoved you violently into the metal chair and cuffed your ankles to the legs of the chair before going to remove the cuffs on your wrists to place them on the armrests. You had no energy left to fight them off at this point and just allowed them to do what they wanted with your sickly body.
Just as they were removing the second cuff from your frail shaking wrist the door burst open and that's when you felt a surge of energy force its way through your veins. The doctor had turned the machine on looking towards the door frame seeing the towering figure that would haunt them for the rest of their very short lives.

When Bucky ran and threw the door open he felt like his heart was about to burst from his ribcage, he didn't know if it was from the anxiety of finding you in whatever state HYDRA had left you in or the fact that he was finally getting you back in his arms.
That's when he saw you being thrown back in that god forsaken chair and electrocuted by the so-called doctor who watched him with a smirk on his face but the fear was evident in his eyes. Bucky had no time to think about his actions before a switch was turned on in his mind numbing him of his surroundings to save you from the pain you were experiencing and had been experiencing over the last month and a half.
He showed absolutely no mercy towards the agents with his calculated attacks and pristine technique. His first attack went towards the doctor, his body moving like a shadow in the moon lit streets.
Just as he put the doctor into a headlock one of the agents came forward to attack him after the doctor screamed for the agent not to use his firearm in case the dimwit shot him instead of the Winter Soldier.
Bucky dropped his flesh arm, grabbing the dagger from his thigh holster and throwing it into the chest of the agent while simultaneously snapping the doctor's neck with his metal one before looking over at the third with a dark look painting his bearded features while turning off the machine.
"Move." Was all he said before the last agent lifted his gun in attempts of shooting him but failed misumbly as he tried to aim with a shaky hand.
The shot rang throughout the room causing the agent to jump in surprise; only the gunfire wasn't from his own but from the Winter Soldier's AR-15 assault rifle. The agent looked down at the gaping wound located on his abdomen before letting out a cry of anguish and falling to the ground holding the bleeding hole in him.
"I never wanted to do it," was the agent's last words before his body collapsed on the cold hard ground.
"You had the option and you followed this path on your own." Bucky stated before kicking the agent's body to the side to get to you.

Your body laid limp in the chair, palms bleeding with small crescent indentations left from your nails, hair sticking to your sweat covered face and panting deeply trying to feel like your soul and body were one again.
Bucky slowly approached your body feeling every little emotion crash into him like a tidal wave.
"Oh god, Doll. What have they done to you?" He whispered while cupping your face gently wiping the hair away from your face with the pads of his thumbs while tears slowly cascaded down his stubbled cheeks.
"Too much." You muttered after releasing your bottom lip that now bleed freely down your chin as the first set of sobs finally burst forth through your lips.
"Shhhhh, Love. I'm here. We're getting you out of here, you're coming home." He whispered against the shell of your ear and brought your body to his in a tender embrace.

Your body shook with each sob and Bucky could feel his heart breaking beyond repair at the sounds of your pained wails.
"Can you stand?" He whispered trying to encourage you into putting your mind into something else.
"I don't know. They just woke me up." You muttered thinking if you could really walk or not.
"What do you mean just woke you up?" He questioned, the concern was evident in his tone.
"They put me in cryo, James. I don't know how long." You whispered before the panic had begun to set in.
"Let's get you out of here." He spoke quickly before going to pick up your frail body in a bridal carry and just as he turned around with you in his arms a voice sounded from the door.
"Mom?" the voice spoke with a slight whimper as they approached you and Bucky.
"She's gonna be okay Peter." Bucky tried to reassure the boy and himself.
"Wait, did he just say what I think he said?" You groaned out feeling every little bit of energy that you had rapidly leave you.
"He did. He started the day you were taken while we were still on the mission." Bucky cooed slightly to you in a relaxed manner hoping you'd give into sleep upon analyzing your sunken eyes from the lack of sleep.
"That's a dream come true." You muttered lazily, feeling exhaustion overtake you.
"Let's go home, Mom." Peter whispered while taking your hand gently in his own and pressing it to his cheek before placing your hand softly on your abdomen as your eyes slowly fluttered shut.

The two of them watched as your body relaxed completely in Bucky's arm finally getting the rest that you deserved.
"She's coming home." Peter spoke looking up into Bucky's face with a small smile on his lips.
"She is." Bucky looked back at the young boy while giving a relieved sigh now that he had you back in his arms.
"Hey team, I got her. She's okay." He spoke into the comms while hearing many voices call out words of gratitude that you were still alive.
"We've got prisoners" Tony's voice came back through on the comms. 
"We filled up the prisoner bay on the jet before I came to find you, Dad" Peter spoke softly. 
"Good job, son" Bucky gave a relieved smile that Peter looked unharmed.  You moaned softly in your sleep as Bucky started making his way back to the jet, just relieved that he had his little family all together again.  He swore he would never lose you again, or let anything happen to either you nor Peter. 

The team gathered together at the front of the base seeing you unconscious in Bucky's arms.
"I thought you said that she was okay." Tony yelled out in a panic.
"She is. She hasn't slept in so long, almost passed out as soon as she was in my arms, so be quiet." Bucky scolded the man in a hushed tone as you stirred slightly in your sleep.
"Let's let her rest and we'll check on her once we get back to the compound." Bruce cut in speaking in a hushed manner so you wouldn't awake from your much needed rest.
"I think that would be for the best." Steve kept a low tone as he stepped beside Bucky and wrapped a blanket around your now shivering form.

The walk back to the quinjet went by in a flash and they piled in one by one after Bucky had gotten inside and sat down with you on the emergency medical cot that was kept inside the jet at all times. He gently placed your body on the cot and rushed to grab more blankets to bundle your shivering body before laying back down holding your body close to his own before drifting off to a dreamless sleep of his own.

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