Farmers market pt.1

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The rest of the drive was fairly quiet, with Peter looking at you and Bucky like he had stars in his eyes.  Loki looked over his shoulder a few times and chuckled, automatically refilling your drinks as they emptied.  You were comfortably snuggled into your Bucky, just enjoying the time you had together as always. 
You couldn't imagine your life without him.  It was hard to believe it started with just seeing him through your cafe window, then the first meeting of him coming into the small cafe and telling you he didn't know what he wanted.  You almost giggled out loud at the memory. 
It was hard to  believe how far you two had come over the years. 

"We are here" Steve parked the Range Rover, and Bucky jumped out first and held the door open for you expectantly. 
The cups that you had been drinking out of, had all magically disappeared, with a small flick of Loki's wrist. 
You gave a soft smile and unbuckled before sliding out, back into the comfort of his arms.  He took one of your hands and purposely gazed into your eyes lovingly and raised your hand to his lips, gracing it with a soft kiss. 
Peter and Loki came around the car, while Steve closed your door, since you and Bucky were otherwise indisposed.
"This looks awesome" Peter smiled happily looking around, like a kid that had gone to the fair for the first time. 
"I agree with the Spiderling, this does look fun" Loki quickly agreed. 
"Come, my love.  Let's see what food trucks they have first" you leaned into Bucky who put one arm around your shoulders and started to dutifully lead you towards the food trucks on display in front of you. 
You saw Peter seemed interested in the waffle truck and you couldn't help but try to suppress a giggle at how excited he seemed at the adventure of the day. 
This was something you and Bucky did often back in Romania, and it was nice to see the experience from a child's eyes. 
"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking, love?" Bucky whispered to you. 
"Waffles" you nodded, decisively. 
"Really?" Peter looked back at you both hopefully while Steve let out a small chuckle. 
"Of course" you smiled at him softly.
"Let's go see what they have" you took a step out of Bucky's warm embrace and took Peter's arm in yours walking forward.  Loki stood beside Bucky for a moment, and they shared a secret smile. 

"They have a hot cocoa one!" Peter said with excitement after a moment of perusing the menu. 
"I think we should get three of those" you smiled softly at him, getting into the lineup. 
"Let's make that five" Loki looked to Steve who nodded in agreement. 
"Let me take care of it. After yesterday I feel like I owe it to the two of you." Steve stepped up in front of you and Peter. 
"No, you don't need to do that" you tried to argue. 
"Let me, please" Steve gave you the doe eyes, and you didn't think you could say no to him. 
"Thank you, punk.  We will take care of the tip this time." Bucky decided. 
Steve ordered five of the hot cocoa waffles and paid, while Bucky took a wad of cash out of his wallet and counted out the approximate cost of the waffles themselves and put it into the tip jar with a smirk.  You smiled at him lovingly and he winked at you, coming over to put his arm over your shoulders again, his hand just dancing slightly above Peter's head.  He gave Peter's hair a slight ruffle, and Peter beamed at the attention.  You held fast onto Peter's arm, but leaned more into Bucky again. 
"Thank you James" you cooed to him softly and he gave a proud smile. 
"Every dollar counts, right?" He remembered you saying that to him one day a few years ago when he first started coming into the cafe every day and he had caught you counting tips and splitting them to go amongst all of the staff that worked the shift that day.  He had been enamored with you back then, and it was well before he had ever had the guts to ask you on your first date.  You both knew how precious money was, and how every dollar counted. 

The waffles where sat on the counter ready to be taken, and you stepped out from Bucky again, walking to the counter to get your waffles.  Peter finally let go of your arm long enough to grab his waffle, and Loki led the way to a set of picnic tables and flicked his fingers to clean the table and put an emerald green table cloth on it.  Your eyes lit up at how he seemed to just think of the most exquisite things to make a day more memorable. 

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