Many Things to Discuss

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The drive home was almost excruciating. Steve actually had to ask Loki to drive home as his face turned as red as a tomato from embarrassment.

You wanted was nothing more than to have some alone time with your man.
You tried focusing on the passing cars until you felt a hand placed on your thigh. You quickly snapped your gaze from the window to Bucky's hand and then to his face.

He kept a neutral expression before side-eyeing you and sending a small smirk your way knowing exactly what you were feeling at that moment.
"We've got a little while longer, Doll." Bucky leaned in close and whispered into your ear.
Steve's posture turned stiff and shifted in his seat in embarrassment once again, You on the other hand melted in Bucky's arms.

Peter sat oblivious to the tension in the car just holding his new hat proudly and memorized every little detail about it as if the hat would turn to ash and float away.

Loki on the other hand was focused completely on the road with a smirk playing on his lips as he slipped into your mind in concern while you were making your way to the car seeing that you were visibly uncomfortable and the sights he saw.
He completely understood what you were feeling at the moment.

You had been on the road back to the compound for half an hour when you had finally calmed down and relaxed into Bucky's side as the day's exhaustion had begun to catch up with you.
"Are you tired, Sugar? You sure had a long day." Bucky whispered soothingly.
"Hmmm yeah, but I had fun." You said tiredly while Peter's sleeping body leaned against yours.
"I'm glad. Are you comfortable? I can shift Peter if you wanna move." Bucky said, placing his hand softly on Peter's brown hair.
"He's okay. He looks so tired." You said peeking down at Peter's sleeping face.
"He's a good kid. Do you think the baby would've been like him?" Bucky asked quietly in curiosity.
"Maybe, He's almost like a god send. Right when we're grieving the loss of being of our baby but we get a chance to have a taste on what parenthood would be like. I love it." you said, leaning your head on Bucky's chest feeling his deep breaths and soft thumping of his heart.
"I think so too. I'm thankful we got the chance at least for the day." Bucky said.
"Do you think we should ever try again?" You said, lacing your fingers through his other hand playing with the tips of his fingers.
"I don't see a reason why we couldn't. When you're ready we can try again, I know how hard the first couple of weeks were for you." Bucky said resting his cheek on the top  of your head.
"I want you to be ready as well. We're in this together, James. It's not only about me." You said gently.
"I know. I'll be ready when you are, when that time comes for us." He muttered sleepily before the two of you nodded off for the rest of the trip cuddling like a small family of three.

Steve and Loki had heard bits from your conversation and felt happy that the two of you got to get a chance to seem like parents. Steve could see the happiness radiating from Bucky's eyes as he watched you and Peter talk.

The man was absolutely smitten with you and would put your needs above his at the drop of a hat.

Loki could also see that he knew you and the Sergeant were going to be the perfect parents to your own one day.

For the remainder of the trip Loki and Steve spoke quietly while the radio played soft classical music.

When you finally woke up you heard Vivaldi's The Four Seasons play more specifically Winter.
"Did you rest well?" Loki said looking at you though the interior rear view mirror while at a stop light.
"I did." You smiled softly, which he politely returned.
"I'm glad." He said, turning his attention forward as the light turned green.
"I adore Vivaldi's The Four Seasons." You said closing your eyes to embrace the sound.
"It truly is a work of art." Loki agreed almost instantly.
"Vivaldi and Chopin are a few of my favorite composers." You said opening your eyes once more.
"They're brilliant. Midgard does have excellent composers. Do you have a favorite by Chopin?" Loki asked with curiosity bubbling in his tone.
"His Fantaisie-Impromptu Op.66 is a favorite of mine." You answered truthfully.
"I don't think I've had the pleasure of listening to that yet." Loki said while making an expression that told you he was thinking.
"We can play it off of Friday if you'd like to hear it?" Steve asked equally interested in the conversation.
"That would be lovely," you smiled whimsically.

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