Family time

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The mental healing process seemed to last forever for you but knew that it was absolutely necessary for any growth in your recovery.
It had been over six months and you felt as if you had lost a part of yourself at that snow ridden base in SIberia.
Bucky had been your major support and listened to everything you told him along with comforting you and when the nightmares started to become a nightly routine but he never complained once about the lack of sleep understanding everything you had been through. 
You felt ashamed every morning when you woke up at his side seeing the ever darkening circles that became more prominent on his under eyes each morning, adding to his haggard look.
"You doing okay, Doll." Bucky's deep husky voice broke through the silence.
"I am, Love." You spoke lifting your head from his firm chest to look up at his sleepy daze, feeling slightly guilty knowing he was incredibly exhausted from staying up to comfort you after every nightmare.
"I know that look. Please stop feeling ashamed and guilty for something that's completely out of your control." He spoke softly while maintaining eye contact with you before raising a hand to brush some hair that had fallen on your face.
"I know but I just hate that you're losing sleep over me." You tried to reason with him.
"I don't mind, Doll. I want to take care of you just as you took care of me when my nightmares were rampant." He pulled your body closer to his to give you a slight squeeze to comfort your tense body.
"But it doesn't make me feel any better that you're missing out on so much rest after being restless for so long." You snuggled closer into him taking a moment to enjoy the warmth radiating off of him.
"Let me take care of you, please." He took a deep breath just letting your body relax against his own.
A simple "Okay." Was all you could respond with.
"Try and get a little more rest, it's still early." He encouraged you knowing how exhausted you truly were.
"You too. I want you to get some rest as well." You urged softly.
"I will, I promise you that I will." Bucky assured you before letting out a sleepy yawn.
The two of you slowly drifted into a deep slumber enjoying each other's embrace around one another.

Hours later the sun was fully risen in the sky and shining brightly through the cracks between the curtains.
You gave a light stretch feeling rested for the first time in weeks and turned to look up at Bucky's sleeping face from behind you then peeking at the time on the clock that showed that the time was seven thirteen.
Soon after you woke up the handle of the door slowly twisted open and revealed a sleepy looking Peter standing at the door. He made his way quietly over to your side of the bed before jumping slightly seeing that you were watching him.
"Good morning, Mom." He spoke with a shy smile at the realization of being caught by you.
"Good morning, Sweets." You cooed lightly at him.
"Can I lay with you and Dad for a while." He kept his voice light, making sure not to awake the sleeping man behind you.
"That's perfectly fine. Come on over." You adjusted your body to be closer to Bucky's making sure Peter had enough room.
He slowly slid into the bed beside you curling into your body.
"You okay, Sweets?" You asked brushing his hair away from his face as he nuzzled even closer to you.
"I just missed you guys, that's all." He whispered while his eyes began to flutter shut as you combed your fingers through his hair.
"We're always going to be here for you. I hope you know that." You whispered back, leaving forward to kiss his forehead gently.
"I do. And I'm glad I have the two of you." His words came out in a mumble before drifting fully off to sleep once more.

You enjoyed the presence of the two most important people in your life holding one close and the other holding you close for an hour longer before Bucky began to stir behind you.
"Good morning, Sweet girl." Bucky's voice rumbled with sleep still evident by the slight gravely tone in his voice.
"Good morning, Handsome." You whispered with a light giggle escaping your lips but trying to remain as quiet as possible to ensure that Peter's slumber would not be disturbed.
"How long has he been in here?" He asked while looking over your shoulder seeing the sleeping boy curled into your side.
"Just needed someone to cuddle with." You smiled looking down at Peter before craning your neck to look at Bucky from over your shoulder.
"You do give the best cuddles." He nodded in agreement to himself.
"Not as good as yours though." You teased slightly.
"I would have to disagree but I don't want to wake him up." Bucky nodded his head down and looked at Peter.
"At least I won this argument." You spoke with a laugh then stopped as soon as you felt Peter's body begin to stir in your arms.
The two of you immediately ceased your playful banter and waited for Peter to wake up fully. Peter gave a low grunt as he wiggled in your hold before lifting his head from your chest with unruly hair before letting out a verbal yawn and fluttering his tired eyes open to look at you and Bucky.
"Hey, Buddy. How did you sleep?" Bucky asked softly with a low rumble in his tone.
"Pretty good, I hope it was okay that I came in here." He answered meekly.
"You're always welcome in here. Just knock first before you come in." Bucky chuckled lightly at his own response.
"That's gross Dad." Peter let out a fake gag while reaching over you to push at Bucky's shoulder.
"What? I'm just saying we could be changing and you're too young to know what that means." Bucky slightly scolded and shoved the boy back playfully in return.
"I have no idea of what nonsense you speak of." Peter looked anywhere but the two of you who just laughed at his antics.
"Alright you two. We have to get started on our day." You suddenly spoke trying to wiggle away from the two males on either side of you.
"Nooo. Stay here." Both whined out at the same time.
"But I have to go make breakfast. I still have chores to do around here, you two." You sassed them before going still again between them in hopes of them loosening their hold on you and to your surprise they didn't let go of their hold but instead cuddled closer to you.
"You really think that would work?" Bucky whispered into your ear causing a shiver to run up your spine.
"I had hoped it would but I won't complain much since I have my boys with me but I will need to get up soon." You finally gave into them and relaxed fully on the bed once again.

By the time the three of you had gotten up the clock read that it was nine and you knew you had to actually start your day soon or you'd be behind your set schedule that you had put together as per instructed by your therapist.
The boys gave a light protest but knew you needed to keep your strict schedule.
When you were free of their grasp you made your way into your shared closet and picked out a pair of black mom style jeans and one of Bucky's white t-shirts to wear for the day and then a matching baby blue satin lingerie set that absolutely drove Bucky mad when you were them.
You wrapped the set inside your pants not wanting Peter to see your undergarments.
After you had everything settled you went into the bathroom to shower but saw Peter getting up from the bed after talking with Bucky and bidding a quick farewell and saying he'd see us at breakfast before walking out the door of your bedroom.

Bucky wasted no time in running to the bathroom as soon as he heard the front door of the suite close and ripping his garments off in his hurry to meet you in the shower.
You stood to the side before his body skidded into the room and he turned to face you standing only in his boxers with a goofy grin on his face.
"What are you doing there, Soldier?" You questioned with a laugh as he stripped off his boxers standing completely bare before you.
"Standing at attention and getting your shower set up." He stood tall while wiggling his eyebrows playfully before turning and turning on the water.
"I think you missed a little something there. Like joining me." You raised a brow.
"That's a given." He answered with a smirk as he stalked back over to you and lightly tugged at the hem of your night shirt before pulling it from over your head leaving your top half bare.
"You're so gorgeous." He whispered and leaned down to kiss your lips then moving down your neck and giving your chest his full attention.
You gave a breathy moan until a slight giggle slipped from your lips as his stubble tickled the sensitive skin of your chest.
"Come on, we need to shower and get something to eat. maybe, tonight though. Hmm?" You purred out while pushing him backwards slightly just far enough for you to slide off your night pants and panties.
"Only because we have to get ready for the day and you need to eat." He called before stepping into the steaming shower and you followed shortly after.

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I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!

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