Rock Through the Ages pt.2

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The night before was slightly hectic as Tony continued to plan out his Halloween bash at the dining table.
In the end the team got fed up with Tony's rambling and left the table to go eat in their rooms.
After that the night went by peacefully and you enjoyed your alone time with Bucky before you fell asleep comfortably in Bucky's arms.

The next day seemed to go by in a blur and by the time you realized the time it was well past four in the afternoon. You had plenty of time to get ready for the party so you decided to shower before even thinking about the mess you'd have to do to your hair later.
During your shower you took an almost excessive amount of time exfoliating your skin and massaging your scalp deeply as you shampooed your hair.
By the time you had finished the bathroom was covered in a thick layer of steam.
You reached outside of the shower and grabbed your towel and stepped out of the shower wrapping the soft cotton around your upper body before going to grab your hair brush and combing every knot and tangle from your hair.

When you stepped out of the bathroom the steam flowed out like a waterfall into the master bedroom. You continued your way through the room before crouching down beside the bed and grabbing the costumes you had hidden the previous day.
You held up the lavender blouse admiring the details of the costume then looked over at matching plum colored pants and black heeled boots before making your way to the closet and grabbing your lilac lingerie set.
Shortly after you emerged from the closet now just dressed in your lingerie lost in your own imagination when Bucky suddenly spoke causing you to jump in surprise.
"James, you gave me a fright." You spoke while putting a hand over your heart.
"What do you think?" He stood up and turned slowly showing off his costume to you.
"Oh, Darling! You look positively devine." You swooned happily and took in the royal blue suit he was wearing and how it accentuated his well built muscles.
"You really like it, Satnin?" He spoke with a southern drawl and deepened his voice while lowering his glasses.
"I do, I really do." You uttered quietly while walking around checking him out even more.
"If you keep looking at me like that we won't be making it to the party, Doll." He grabbed your waist pulling you towards him.
"Down boy. I need to get changed but maybe tonight if you're a good boy." You lifted your hand and patted his cheek before pulling away and grabbing your clothing from the bed then rushing to the bathroom to get dressed before he could catch up with you.

When you had finally left the bath with natural makeup and a chocolate brown wing on that looked like it could have been your natural hair.
"You are the most gorgeous Dame I've ever seen." Bucky spoke softly, completely captivated by you.
"Why thank you, My Love." You walked over to him and he encased you in his arms.
"Let's go and get this party over with." Bucky pulled away and grabbed your hand leading you out of the room and towards the area Stark had designated as the party area of the compound.

When the two of you reached the party all eyes had been set on you and Bucky as soon as the doors opened.
"Well Mr. and Mrs. Presley have made their appearance!" Sam yelled loudly.
"Really you had to one up me by being the king of rock and his queen!" Tony's jaw had dropped in shock.
"Well you didn't want it so we took the opportunity." You joked while leaning further into Buck's side.
"Whatever! Let's get this party started!" Tony huffed then took a shot and threw it to the ground causing Thor to copy the man with a bright smile on his face.
Tony then looked over at the band signaling the band to start playing and they ironically began playing "Hound Dog" By Elvis Presley.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Tony huffed and walked over to Pepper.

The evening was full of many of the Avengers getting absolutely hammered and falling asleep on the floor around the seating area of the party while you and Bucky stayed completely sober not wanting to nurse a painful hangover in the morning.
Shortly after Thor had finally passed out, you, Bucky and Peter made it back to your rooms and called it a night.
When you got back to your shared suite and got into your Silk Pj's and removed all of the makeup and the wig before continuing your nightly routine. As you were brushing your teeth Bucky came in and did the same routine wearing only a pair of Pj bottoms leaving his top half bare displaying his toned chest and abdomen.
Once his routine was over he lifted you bridal style and carried you to bed tucking you in and making sure you were comfortable before doing the same himself.
"I love you, Angel." He called while scooting closer to you in the bed.
"I love you too, Handsome." You muttered half asleep before you succumbed to sleep.

" You muttered half asleep before you succumbed to sleep

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